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== 2012/2014 ==
== Current students ==
* [[User:M.|Michaela Lakova]]
The links presented here for current students are to "user" pages which reflect ongoing work processes
* [[User:Lassebosch|Lasse van den Bosch Christensen]]
* [[User:Joak|Joak]]
* [[User:Marlon|Marlon Harder]]
* [[User:Menno_Harder|Menno Harder]]
* [[User:Mathijs_van_Oosterhoudt|Mathijs van Oosterhoudt]]
* [[User:Roelroscama|Rrrrrrroellll]]
* [[User:Yoana Buzova|<font color="black">Yoana Buzova</font>]]
* [[User:Nicole Hametner|Nicole Hametner]]
* [[User:Nan Wang|Nan Wang]]
* [[User:Zigbe|Ceatnao Cavrahlo]]
* [[User:Niek Hilkmann|Niek Hilkmann]]
* [[User:Mths|mmths]]


== 2011/2013 ==
Parallel strike action:

=== Lens-based Media ===
Dear reader,
*[[User:Demet Adiguzel|Demet Adiguzel]]
*[[User:Dennis van Vreden|<font color="hotpink">Dennis van Vreden</font>]]
This is an experimental publication that highlights the work of several artists and feminists, mentioned during class with Isabelle
*[[User:Javier Lloret|Javier Lloret]]
*[[User:Janis Klimanovs|<font color="hotblue">Janis Klimanovs</font>]]
(1) Theresa Hak Kyung Cha (1978-1982). Theresa was born in Pusan, Korea in 1952, and immigrated to the US in 1962. Although Cha died tragically at a young age, she created a considerable body of work of great significance which contributes to conceptual and experimental art of the 1970s.
*[[User:Astrid van Nimwegen|Astrid van Nimwegen]]
*[[User:Mano Daniel Szollosi|<font color="green">Mano Daniel Szollosi</font>]]
In 1976 Cha wrote:
*[[User:Lucian Wester|Lucian Wester]]
"The main body of my work is with language, looking for the roots of language before it is born on the tip of the tongue. Since having been forced to learn languages more ‘consciously’ at a later age, there has existed a different perception and orientation toward language. Certain areas that continue to hold interest for me are: grammatical structures of a language, syntax, how words and meaning are constructed in the language system itself, by function or usage, and how transformation is brought about through manipulation, process as changing the syntax, isolation, removing from context, repetition, and reduction to minimal units."
(2) Naomi Pearce is a writer, curator and administrator who collaborates with artists to make exhibitions, essays, books and events. Recurring themes include the politics of artistic production and gentrification as they intersect with feminist legacies, death and discourses of desire.
"Naomi Pearce and Shirley Read
Interview: Extract Three
Date: 27/10/17
Time Code: 00:72:00
Naomi: How would you like to be remembered?
Shirley: As far as SPACE?
N: Yeah, I dunno, in general. I'm just interested, you know, you could have a website now with all your achievements...
S: Yes, I should, I will.
N: Or does it not matter? The past is the past, you're in the present, you're doing stuff and that's what...
S: To a degree I feel that, but I also feel unfortunately that within photography there are various people who treat me as if, "What is it that you do?" [Pause] I think actually that is one of things the art does, it chews up its own past and spits is out. Because its always keen on the ...
                        N: New thing.
S: Little short-term stars [Pause] So I feel that makes it difficult for the arts as a whole. But for me in particular, as a woman as well, nothing has quite been recognised. I mean people like Robin [Klassnik] do and it's one of the reasons I love him to bits, because he knows that I fought for SPACE Open Studios. That...
N: But how would you like to be recognised? It could be a show, a book?
S: Oh, what I did?
                        N: Yeah.
S: I suppose [Sighs, breaths out] There's not a lot I want from it, but I would like to not be written out of the history. I'd like to be present, and wouldn't mind it at all if my voice and my pictures were seen."
=== 2024/2026 ===
==== XPUB ====
* [[User:Sevgi|🌪 sevgi 🌪]]
* [[USer:Shoebby|<span style="color:#00ff00; background:#000000"><big><big><big><big><big><big><big>𝓐</big></big></big></big></big></big></big><small>lexandria<sup>aaa<sup>aaa<sup>aaa<sup>aaa</sup></sup></sup></sup></small>]]</span>
* [[User:wordfa| • fred •]]
* [[User:Eleni|<span style="background-color:#FF10F0; color:blue;"><img src="" alt="ELENI" height="50px"></span>]]
* [[User:Queenfeline|<span style=" color:#e589d0">'''FELINE''']]
* [[User:chrissy|<span style="text-shadow: 0 0 10px #FFD700, 0 0 20px #FFA500, 0 0 30px #FF6347;">ʎssıɹɥɔ</span>]]
* [[User:Charlie|☆ Charlie ☆]]
* [[User:Kim|kim]]
* [[User:Kiara|<span style="font-family: 'Comic Sans MS'; color: #E6E6FA; font-size: 19px; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: 1.5px 1.5px 0px #8FBC8F;">★kiara★</span>]]
* [[User:Zuhui|''Zuhui'']]
* [[User:Melizard|<b><font color="#080808"><p style="font-family: PicNic>Melisa</p></font></b>]]
* [[User:C3|<span style="color:#7b68ee;text-shadow:5px 5px 0px green;">'''C3'''</span>]]
* [[User:Aksellr|<span style="color:#a600ff;font-family:TimesNewRoman;">'''Tess | Aksellr'''</span>]]
*[[User:Martina|<span style="color:#FFFFF; font-size: 18px; text-shadow: 2px 3px 4px #243dd8">Martina]]
*[[User:Imina|<span style="color:#fe17e9; font-size: 20px;">'''✷ imina ✷''']]
*[[User:Yuan Yuan|Yuan]]
*[[User:Alessia|<big><big><big><big>°☾🕯</big></big></big></big><img src="" style= width:130px; height:130px><big><big><big><big>🕯☾°</big></big></big></big>]] <img src="" style="width:50px; height:50px;">
*[[User:Anita!|<span style="color: blue; font-family: monospace; font-size: 20px; font-style: bold;"> ‧₊˚⊹ ˖anita˖ ⊹˚₊‧]]
*[[User:Michel W|<img src="" alt="Gothic fonts" style= width:130px; height:100px;>]] <img src="" style="width:90px; height:60px;>
*[[User:Berna Bereit|<span style="color:#F0431A; font-family:almendra display; font-size: 25px; font-style: bold;">🍊Berna Bereit🍊]]
<small>[[User:Lor.ensō|<code>//l o r e n z o</code>]]</small> <!-- :) -->
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#" line="1">
*[[User:Mania|<span style="color:orange; padding-left: 0.5rem; letter-spacing: 1rem;"> Mania]]
*[[User:Mxrwho|<span style="color: blue; "> Maria Ex.]]
🖛[[User:Senka|<span style="font-family: Helvetica; color: #8000FF; font-size: 18px; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #D7AFFF, 2px 2px 4px #F0F"> 🌣 senka 🌧 сенка 🖳</span>]]
[[User:Wang ziheng|<img src=""style="width:245px; height:100px;">]]
➾➾➾<p style="
font-family: Brush Script MT;
transform:skew(30deg, 20deg) scaleX(-1);
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*[[User:Yanalin|<span style="font-family: Impact; color: #146532; font-size: 30px; text-shadow: 3px 8px 4px #0FF, 2px 2px 4px #F0F"> ЯNA </span>]]
*[[User:Rofolfovferro |<span style="background-color:black;color:white;font-family:helvetica ; font-size: 16px;"> R o d o l f o </span>]]
*[[User:Nihal Goel|Nihal]]
*[[User:Jingfeng Shen|Jingfeng]]
*[[User:Tparolin|<span style="font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 22.5px; color: black; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; padding-top: 5px; font-weight: bold;">t<span style="background-color: black; color: white; padding: 2px;">o</span>m</span>]][[File:Tpcodesketchwhite.png|frameless|114x114px|link=]]
*[[User:Tesse B|<span style="color:#9866C7;small">tesse]]
*[[Bojan Salaj|Bojan]]
*[[User:Lengzhuang97|<span style="color:#F8F8F8">Zhuang]]
*[[User:Suzan|<span style="color:#D8243F; font-size: 20px; text-shadow: 2px 3px 4px #243DD8">SuzZzan]]
*[[User:Ssstephen|<span style="color:#000; padding-left: 0.5rem; letter-spacing: 1rem;">stephen</span>]]
*[[User:Aglaia| ₳(ɤ)ɠɭaḯa 👽]]
*[[User:Bnstlv| ( ̄▽ ̄*)boяna]]
*[[User: Ada| <span style="font-family: Helvetica; color: #146522; font-size: 10px; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #0FF, 2px 2px 4px #F0F"> 𓋼𓍊𓍊𓋼 A D A 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼</span>]]
*[[User:Luni|<span style="color: #FFBBF9; font-weight:bold; font-size: 15px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 3px #BBF1FF; "> ♥ Luni ♥]]
*[[Yalou Groeneweg|LouGreen]]
*[[User:Taaaaaaaaeto|<span style="color: #FF3361; font-family: monospace; font-size: 18px; margin: 0.5vw; border-style: solid; border-color: black; border-width: 0.6vw; background-color: black; margin-bottom: 10vw;"> <img src="" style="width:28px; height:25px;"> Té <span style="text-shadow: 0px 2px 5px #BBFF28;"> •‿•]]
*[[User:ElectricLizard|Muyang Teng]]
*[[User:123cld|<span style="color:white; background-color:black; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 15px;"> <s>c l a u d i o</s>]][[File:2-black-2-white-flicker-gif.gif|frameless|76x76px]]
*[[User:Samkoopman|<span style="color:purple; background-color:#00FF34; font-weight:bold; font-family: georgia; font-size: 18px;"> Sam <img src="" style="width:80px; height:20px;">]]
*[[User:Nosh_Neneh|<span style="color:#00FF34;">'''Nosh Neneh'''</span>]]
*[[User:ARA3E11A|<span style="background-image: linear-gradient(white,blue); color: blue; text-shadow: 2px 2px 2px white, 0 0 0.1em blue, 0 0 0.1em blue; box-shadow: 0 0px 0px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0); border-radius: 12%; padding: 8px; font-size: 15px">ARA3E11A]]
*[[User:Aitana25|<span style="font-family: Courier; font-size: 18px; color:magenta; strong">aitana</span>]]
==== XPUB====
*[[User:Chae0|<span style="background-color: black; color: white; font-size: 20px; padding:2px;">Chaeyoung ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ]]
*[[User:Erica|<span style="color=red; background-color:#C2F200; padding= 3px; font-size: 15px; text-decoration:none; font-family: Courier"> gr *・。゚. erica .*・。゚gr</span>]]
*[[User:Carmen Gray|Carmen]]
*[[User:Miriam|<span style="color=pink; text-shadow: 0 0 8.5px #3F3FFF; background-color:yellow; font-size: 23px; font-family: DIN condensed"> MIRIAM SCHÖB <span>]]
*[[User:Ohjian|<span style="color:#FFB6C1; font-size: 25px; text-shadow: 2px 3px 4px #0000FF, 2px 2px 4px #0000FF">o h j i a n]]
*[[User:FLEM|<span style="color:#FFD700; font-weight:bold"> flem]]
*[[User:Supisara|<span style="background-image: linear-gradient(black,white); color: white; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px black, 0 0 0.1em white, 0 0 0.1em white; box-shadow: 0 5px 5px 0 rgba(0,0,0,1); border-radius: 50%; padding: 5px; font-size: 20px">SUPI]]
*[[User:Francesco|kamo 🍲]]
*[[User:Ålnik|<span style="color: white; font-family: PT Mono; text-decoration:none; background-color: #0033ff; padding-top: 0.1vw; padding-bottom: 0.1vw; padding-left: 0.1vw; padding-right: 0.2vw;">'''☾ Ål Nik ☾'''</span>]]
*[[User:C.Y.QING|<span style="color:#004C99; font-family:arenq;font-size: 20px;">C.Y.QING]]
*[[User:Kotryna Bu|Kotryna Bu]]
*[[User:LucaO|<span style="color:#00CA46; font-family: Courier; font-size: 24px; "> Luca]]
*[[User:Garvan|<span style="color:#00CA46; font-family: DIN condensed; font-size: 34px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 1px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: orange"> GARVAN]]
*<span style="color: black; ext-decoration:none; background-color: #FFF300; padding-top: 0.1vw; padding-bottom: 0.1vw; padding-left: 0.1vw; padding-right: 0.2vw;">''[[User:Aitantv|a i t a n t v]]''</span>
*[[User:Llujan|<span style="color:#FED6ED; font-family:Willow;font-size: 9px;">L<span style="color:#F4A7D3; font-family:Willow;font-size: 12px;">U<span style="color:#F079BD; font-family:Willow;font-size: 14px;">I<span style="color:#E445A0; font-family:Willow;font-size: 16px;">S<span style="color:#E50087; font-family:Willow;font-size: 13px;"> <span style="color:#E50087; font-family:Willow;font-size: 20px;">L<span style="color:#E50087; font-family:Willow;font-size: 20px;">U<span style="color:#E50087; font-family:Willow;font-size: 20px;">J<span style="color:#E50087; font-family:Willow;font-size: 20px;">Á<span style="color:#E50087; font-family:Willow;font-size: 20px;">N]] <img src="" style="width:36px; height:36px;">  <span style="color:#F8F8FF; font-family:Willow;font-size: 18px;">]
*<big> [[User:Shannon|Shannon]]</big>
*[[User:Louisa|<sup><span style="color: black; font-family: garamond; color: #c7d1c9; text-decoration:none; text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #000, 1px 2px 4px #a3ff47; font-size: 16px">☣ LOUISA<span></sup><span style=" font-family: garamond; text-decoration:none; horizontal-align: center; font-size: 80px; color: white; text-shadow: 140px 5px 8px #ff5e00">☣</span><img src="" style="width:70px; height:60px; text-shadow: 3px 1px 10px #051bcb, 1px 2px 40px #bcc4c9;">]]
*[[User:Kendal|<span style="color:#004cff;">ᴋⷦeͤndͩaͣl 👀]]
*[[User:Jacopo|<span style="font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 15px; padding-left: 0vw; padding-right:0vw;  padding-top: 1.4vw; padding-bottom: 1.4vw; background-color: black; margin: 0vw; border-style: solid; border-width: 0.5vw; border-color: #000000; color: red; margin-bottom: 10vw;"> Jacopo <img src="" style="width:60px; height:60px;>]]
*[[User:Flo| <span style="text-shadow: 0 0 10.5px red; color:blue" ; font-family: comic sans; text-decoration: none;><b>🗂 Floor</b>]]
*[[User:Euna|<span style="color: yellow;
  text-shadow: -1px 0 blue, 0 1px blue, 1px 0 blue, 0 -1px blue; font-size:16px;">★ E ★ U ★ N ★ A ★]]
*[[User:Martin|<span style="color:black; font-family: helvetica; text-decoration: none; "><b>Martin&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</b>]]<img src="" style="width:27px; height:27px;">
*[[User:Naaami|<span style="color: white; font-family: Menlo; text-decoration:none; background-color: #FF1700; padding-top: 0.1vw; padding-bottom: 0.1vw; padding-left: 0.1vw; padding-right: 0.2vw;">'''naami'''</span>]]
*[[User:Camilo| <span style="font-family: Alike Angular; font-size: 17px; color:black"> Camilo* </span>]]
*[[User:Federico| <span style="background-color:white;">🍭<span><span style="color:white; font-size: 20px; text-shadow: 30px 20px 3px #4E5EC5;">fə_erico [ Poni ]______ ]]</span>
*[[User:Tessel| <span style="color:#2B7E87;"><font size="6"> '''Tessel'''  </font></span>]]
*[[User:MOsowski|<span style="color:#ffee05; font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 24px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 1px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: black"> Martin ]]
*[[User:Adèle|Adèle<img src=""style="width:32px; height:34px;">]]
*[[User:Geo Barcan|<p style="color:#00FF04; font-family: Snell Roundhand; font-size:15px">'''GEO'''</p>]]
*[[User:Rafael|<span style="color: #fff;text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #0000ff, 1px 2px 4px #0000ff">Rafael]]
*[[User:Alecio Ferrari|<font color="red">''Alecio'']]
*[[User:Sacha Dufils|<span style="color:#800517; font-family: Exo 2; font-weight: bold; font-size: 17px">SACHA</span>]]
*<big> [[User:Shannon|Shannon]]</big>
*[[User:yuxuan| <span style="color:#7303f1; background:#00f1af;"><font size="3"> '''Yuxaun'''  </font></span>]]
*[[User:Dachen|<span style="color:blue;font-weight: bold; font-stretch: expanded;">DACHEN</span>]]
*[[User:E.zn| <span>'''E.zn''']]
*[[User:Tisa| <span style="color:#58D68D; background:#0E6655;"><font size="4"> '''tisa'''</font></span>]]
*[[User:AvitalB| <span style="color:coral; background:#6A3AEA;"><font size="4">____ avital_____</font></span>]]
*[[User:Claxhanson| <font size="5"><span style="color:blue;font-family:Papyrus;">'''Clitch'''</font>]]
*[[User:Max_Lehmann| <span style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 15px; padding-left:2.5vw; padding-right: 2.5vw; padding-top: 0.5vw; padding-bottom: 0.5vw; background-color: black; margin: 0vw; border-style: solid; border-width: 0.5vw; border-color: #F08080; box-shadow: 5px 5px black; color: #F08080; margin-bottom: 5vw;">Max</span>]] <br>
*[[User:Golubjevaite| <span style="color:#00FF00;"><font size="3"> 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸SANDRA🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸</font></span>]]
*[[User:Markvandenheuvel| <span style="background-color:white;color:#000000;"><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold"><font size="4">𝕄𝔸ℝ𝕂</font> </span>]]
*[[User:Annasandri| <span style="background-color:#f5e2fd;"><span style="color:black; font-weight:bold" "><font size="6">𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚊</font> </span>]]
*[[User:ioanatomici| <span style="color:black; background:#FDFD96">'''•••iʘa̯ɳ̩a̯••• ''']]
*<img src="" style="width:64px; height:64px;"> [[User:Peach | <span style="background-color:#97e5d4;color:#d497e5;font-family:futura"><font size="4">♥Damla♥]] <img src="" style="width:64px; height:64px;">
*[[User: Jellehavermans|𝕵𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖊]]
*[[User:Elysa | <span style="background-color:#ff64f7;color:#ffff00;font-family:times">ELYSAAAAA</span>]] <img src="" style="width:100px; height:100px;">
*[[User: Isa|<span style="font-size:100px;">&#9999;</span>]]
*[[User: lea|lea]]
*[[User: File on a|<span style="font-family: Courier; font-size: 18px; color:red; strong">'''fileona'''</span>]]
* [[User: Jakemorris | <span style="color:green;">'''jakemorris'''</span>]]
*[[User:Anh|anh ☀]]
*[[User: kamali|<span style="color: #fff;text-decoration:none;text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #FFD700, 1px 2px 4px #FFB6C1">'''kαmαlí '''</span>]]
*[[User: Yuching.chiang| <span style="background-color:#100;color:#FFF;font-family:times"> Yuching </span>]] <img src="" style="width:100px; height:100px;">
*[[User:Chenmuxingye|<span style="color:blue;">'''ᄃΉΣП MЦ'''</span>]]
*[[User:THY| <span style="color: green; text-decoration: line-through;">'''thy'''</span>]]
*[[User: Yael|<span style="color: black;">'''Yæl'''</span>]]
===2018 / 2020===
*[[User:Simon | <span style="color: blue;"> simoon]]
*[[User:Artemis gryllaki | <span style="color:#107896; font-size: 17px; font-family:Ubuntu bold;"> '''Artemis''']]
*[[User:Bohye Woo | <span style="font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 9pt; color: #000;"> BO ]]
*[[User:Zpalomagar |  <span style=" color:#ff00bf">'''PALOMA''']]
*[[User:Tancre | Tancredi]]
<li type="square">[[User:Pedro Sá Couto  |<span style="color:#000;font-family:Helvetica;text-decoration: none;  font-size: 6pt; letter-spacing: 18px; font-weight: bold;">  PEDRO SÁ COUTO]]
*[[User:Rita Graca | <span style="text-decoration: none; color:#000"> RITA]]
*[[User:)biyibiyibiyi( | )biyibiyibiyi(]]
*[[User:sonia|<span style="background-color:#000000;color:#ffffff;">&nbsp;'''s'''</span><span style="background-color:#595959;color:#ffffff;">'''o'''</span><span style="background-color:#8c8c8c;color:#ffffff;">'''n'''</span><span style="background-color:#a6a6a6;color:#ffffff;">'''i'''</span><span style="background-color:#cccccc;color:#ffffff;">'''a'''&nbsp;</span>]]
*[[User:cem| <div style="font-family:courier;font-size:18x;color:black;"> cemal]]
*[[User:~brumatana | ~brumatana]]
*''[[User:Mia|Mia Paller]]''
*[[User:Jujube|<span style="position:absolute; width:4px; height:4px; border:3px solid #FFD24C; border-radius:50%"></span>]]
===2017 / 2019===
*[[User:Alice | <span style="color:gray;">'''Alice'''</span>]]
*[[User:Tash | <span style="color:orange;">'''Tash'''</span>]]
*[[User:Alexander Roidl |  <span style="color:black; text-decoration: none;">alex</span>]]
*[[User:Joca | ''Joca'']]
*[[User:Elisa Chaudet | ''Elisa~'']]
*[[User:Zalán Szakács | <span style="color:black; text-decoration: none;">Z A L Á N</span>]]
*[[User:Angeliki | ''Angeliki'']]

=== Networked Media ===
* [[User:Jasper van Loenen|Jasper van Loenen]]
*[[User:mikepelletier | '''Mike''']]
* [[User:Jonas Lund |Jonas]]
*[[User:Ewan Mitchell | '''E W A N''']]
* (ǝƃuɐɥɔxǝ) [[User:sebastians | ƃǝıɯɥɔs uɐıʇsɐqǝs]]
*[[User:Dorothy | '''Dorothy''']]
* [[User:Silviolorusso | Silvio Lorusso]] (sort of exchange :P)
*[[User:Lola | ''♥Lotte♥'']] [[Image:lolly.gif|x30px|link=User:Lola|]]
* [[User:eleanorg|Eleanor Greenhalgh]]
*[[User:Sal Miranda | <span style="color:black; text-decoration: underline overline dotted red; font-weight: bold; font-stretch: expanded;">Salvador</span>]]
* [[User:Petra Milicki|Petra Milicki]]
*[[User:Zhibin Qin | '''Zhibin''']]
* [[User: Andre Castro|Andre Castro]]
*[[User:Henrietta | '''H&M''']]
* [[Image:Dave.gif|link=User:Dave Young]]
*[[User:Ana | '''ɐ u ɐ''']]
* [[User:Marie Wocher | Marie Wocher]]
*[[User:shin0kim | <span style="background-color:#ff64f7;color:#ffff00;font-family:times">SHINYOUNG</span>]]
* (exchange) [[User:grrrreat | Bartholomäus Traubeck]]<span style="float:right;">[[Image:Bug.gif]]</span>
*[[User:Rs | '''Rossella''']]

== 2010/2012 ==
===2016 / 2018===
*[[User:noemievd | '''Noémie''' Vidé]]
*[[User:giulla | '''Giuli₳''']]
*[[User:Buzzo | <span style="background-color:#ff9999;color:#FFF;font-family:chalkboard"> E M I L Y </span>]]
*[[User:Eastwood | Ⴚοατs ιη τhε ႽႬειι]]
*[[User:Clàudia | ♥ Claudii]]
*[[User:Karina | Karina]]
*[[User:Francg| Franc G]]

=== Lens-based Media ===
*[[User:Sebastian Cimpean|Sebastian Cimpean]]
*[[User:Ryan|<span style="color:#000000; font-weight:bold; letter-spacing:-2px;">𝔓𝔬𝔰𝔱 𝔗𝔬𝔞𝔰𝔱</span>]]
*[[User:Luis Soldevilla|Luis Soldevilla]]
*[[User:Fabian Landewee | Fabian]]
*[[User:Quinten Swagerman|Quinten Swagerman]]
*[[User:Paula Winkler | <span style="font-family: Helvetica; color: #FF0000;text-decoration:none;text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #000, 1px 2px 4px #000"> P A U L A]]
*[[User:Zhang Yan|<font color="red">Zhang Yan</font>]]
*[[User:moistuart | <span style="background-color:#00FF00;font-family:OCR A Std;"><span style="color:#FF00FF;">/QIAN/]]
*[[User:Lena Mueller|Lena Mueller]]
*[[User:Annalystad | Anna]]
*[[User:Loes van Dorp|Loes van Dorp]]
*[[User:Sigrun | <span style="background-color:#ff0000;color:#FFF;font-family:chalkboard"> SIGRUN </span>]]
*[[User:Laura Sicouri|Laura S]]
*[[User:Irma |<span style="background-color:#FFC300;color:#FFFFFF;font-family:Helvetica"> IRMA]]
*[[User:Catalina | Catalina]]
*[[User:Daan Bunnik|Daan Bunnik]]
*[[User:Tomas Navarro|Tomas Navarro]]

=== Networked ===
===2015 / 2017===  
* [[User:Amy Suo Wu|Amy Suo Wu]]
*[[User: Pleun| <span style="font-family: Helvetica; color: #fff;text-decoration:none;text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #0FF, 1px 2px 4px #F0F">➩ ➪ ➫ ➬ ➭ ➮ ➯  P L E U N </span>]]
* [[User:Danny van der Kleij|Danny van der Kleij]]
*[[User:Nadiners| Nadiners]]
* [[User:Dusan Barok|Dusan Barok]]
*[[User:Kul| Kul]]
* [[User:Fako_Berkers|Fako Berkers]]
*[[User:Stonestone|<span style="background-color:#000;color:#FFF;font-family:times"> S t o n e </span>]]
* [[User:Inge Hoonte|Inge Hoonte]]
*[[User:SN| Natalie]]
* [[User:Laura Macchini|Laura Macchini ]]
*[[User:ChloeXX| ChloeXX]]
* [[User:Laurier Rochon|Laurier Rochon]]
*[[User:Colm|<span style="font-family: monospace; font-size:14px; color: grey;"> Colm</span>]]
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck|Lieven Van Speybroeck]]
*[[User:Samira| Sam]]
* [[User:Mirjam Dissel|Mirjam Dissel]]
*[[User:Sara | Sara]]
* (exchange) [[User:Fabien Labeyrie|Fabien Labeyrie]]
*[[User:Max | Max]] 🍭
* (exchange) [[User:Natasa Siencnik|Natasa Siencnik]]
<span style="float:right;">[[Image:pointer.gif]]</span>
* (partial) [[User:Tolga Ozuygur|Tolga Ozuygur]]
* (partial) [[User:Yiorgos Bagakis|Yiorgos Bagakis]]

== 2009/2011 ==
===2014 / 2016===
=== Lens Based Media ===
*[[User:Sol|<font color="#FF4500"> Amy Orange]]
* [[Chris Baronavski]]
*[[User:Arantxa| <font color="#FE2EC8">Arantxa]] :):):):) :(:(:(:(
* [[Yuko Uesu]]
*[[User:Manetta| manetta]]
* [[Roeland Veraart]]  
*[[User:Jules| Jules]]
* [[Tanja Deman]]  
*[[User:Emily|<font color="#656565">Yuzhen]]
* [[Vincenzo Onnembo]]  
*[[User:Cihad| CC]]
* [[Marleen Leuverink]]
*[[User:JO | JoOº]]
* [[Femke de Bruijn]]
*[[User:annelamb| Allyson]]
* [[Zafer Topaloglu]]
*[[User:Lbattich| Lucas]]
* [[Tiddo Jeroen Roozendaal]]
*[[User:ThomasW | ThomasW]]
*<span style="text-decoration: overline underline;">[[User:Themsen|<font color="#FF0000">Antman]]</font></span> <b>[VACANT]</b>
*<font size="10">[[User:Cristinac|e]] </font>
*[[File:Benjamin Li's001.jpg|link=User:10000BL]]

=== Networked Media ===
* [[User:Albert Jongstra|Albert Jongstra]]
* [[User:Birgit_bachler|Birgit Bachler]]
*[[Image:crosscae.png|link=User:Zigbe| 14px]] [[User:Zigbe|<font color="black">†B̨̞͇̫͈̮̬̟̠͔͉̙̦̲̺̠ͤ̋ͩ́̏ͮͧ̉ͭ́ͪ͠ͅA̽ͥ̾ͣ̋ͫ̓̿́҉̲̮̫̦͈̟̟͓̪̳̜̕Ņ̖̻̝̳̱̪̬͔̱̤̼͈̭͎̣̗͍̓̂̀ͦ͆̀A̷̐̉͒̈ͧ͂ͨͦͭ́̂͟͏҉̛͈͚͇̠͔̣͓͕̫͚̪̭̪̩͕̖̦͚N͂͒̓̐ͤ̇ͤ͆̀ͪ̀̂̃̈́ͨ̓̆͡҉̸̞͕̠̤̳͎̠̲͉̥̦̞̼̗̟̟̯͔͞ͅE̛̟̰͙̙̣̹̭͒̏̇͂́Ǫ̵̷̵̦̫͔̭̼̻͓̼ͦͭ̉ͧ͂͌̅͐͒̌̔ͣ͗̾ͦͣ̽ͫ̚×]] [[Image:crosscae.png|link=User:Zigbe| 14px]]
* [[User:Darija Medic|Darija Medic]]
*[[Image:hamster-dance.gif|link=User:Lidia.Pereira/sparkly]][[User: Lidia.Pereira/sparkly| <font color="#ff7b09"> Lídia Pereira]] [[Image:hamster-dance.gif|link=User:Lidia.Pereira/sparkly]]
* [[User:Megan_Hoogenboom|Megan Hoogenboom]]
*[[User:Chen Junyu|<font color="#06284e">Chen Junyu]][[image:mo2.jpg|link=User:Chen Junyu|50px]]
* [[User:Ozalp Eroz|Ozalp Eroz]]
*[[User:Max Dovey|Max Dovey]]
* [[User:Renee_Oldemonnikhof|Renee Oldemonnikhof]]
*[[User:Luisa Moura|Ana Luisa]]
*[[User:Mihail_Bakalov|<font color="#00baff">M</font><font color="#1cbaff">i</font><font color="#3dbaff">h</font><font color="#5cbaff">a</font><font color="#8c8cdb">i</font><font color="#8c8cb8">l B</font><font color="#8c8c9e">a</font><font color="#8c8c8a">k</font><font color="#8c8c75">a</font><font color="#8c7561">l</font><font color="#809161">o</font><font color="#80914d">v</font>]]
*[[User:Δεριζαματζορπρομπλεμιναυστραλια| thereisamajorprobleminaustralia]]
*[[User:Elleke Hageman| Elleke Hageman]]
*[[User:Artyom kocharyan| artyom kocharyan]]
*[[User:Lucia_Dossin| Lucia Dossin]]
*[[User:Tamas_Bates|Tamas Bates]] (partial)
*[[User:Mathijs_van_Oosterhoudt/enter|<font color="#00FF34"> Mathijs van Oosterhoudt]]
*[[User:Joak|<font color="#808000">J<font color="#808000">O<font color="#808000">A<font color="#808000">K]]

== 2008/2010 ==
== 2007/2009 ==
*[[User:M.|Michaela Lakova]]
== 2006/2008 ==
*[[User:Lassebosch|Sir Plot-A-Lot]] [[Image:Plot-a-lot.gif|link=User:Lassebosch|]]
* [[Annemieke van der Hoek]]
*[[User:Marlon|Marlon Harder]]
* [[Linda Hilfling]]
*[[User:Menno_Harder|Menno Harder]]
* [[Maria Karagianni]]
* [[Ivan Monroy López]]
*[[User:Yoana Buzova|<font color="black">Yoana Buzova</font>]]
* [[Gordan Savičić]]
*[[User:Nicole Hametner|Nicole Hametner]]
* [[Michael van Schaik]]
*[[User:Nan Wang|Nan Wang]]
* [[Salvador d' Souza]]
*[[User:Niek Hilkmann|Niek Hilkmann]]
* [[Danja Vassiliev]]
* [[Ricardo Lafuente]]

== 2005/2007 ==
* [[Audrey Samson]]
* [[Andreea I. Carnu]]
* [[Marc de Bruijn]]
* [[Jorrit Sybesma]]
* [[Nancy Mauro-Flude]]
* [[Shahee Ilyas]]
* [[Walter Langelaar]]
* [[Andrea Fiore]]
* [[Dominik Bartkowski]]

== 2004/2006 ==
===Lens-based Media===
* [[Dragana Antic]]
*[[User:Demet Adiguzel|Demet Adiguzel]]
* [[Sasson Kung]]
*[[User:Dennis van Vreden|<font color="hotpink">Dennis van Vreden</font>]]
* [[Tsila Hassine]]
*[[User:Janis Klimanovs|<font color="hotblue">Janis Klimanovs</font>]]
* [[Cheryl Gallaway]]
*[[User:Astrid van Nimwegen|Astrid van Nimwegen]]
*[[User:Mano Daniel Szollosi|<font color="green">Mano Daniel Szollosi</font>]]
*[[User:Lucian Wester|Lucian Wester]]
===Networked Media===
*[[User:Jasper van Loenen|Jasper van Loenen]]
*[[User:Jonas Lund |Jonas]]
*(ǝƃuɐɥɔxǝ) [[User:sebastians | ƃǝıɯɥɔs uɐıʇsɐqǝs]]
*[[User:Silviolorusso | Silvio Lorusso]] (sort of exchange :P)
*[[User:eleanorg|Eleanor Greenhalgh]]
*[[User:Petra Milicki|Petra Milicki]]
* [[User: Andre Castro|Andre Castro]]
*[[Image:Dave.gif|link=User:Dave Young]]
*[[User:Marie Wocher | Marie Wocher]]
*(exchange) [[User:grrrreat | Bartholomäus Traubeck]]<span style="float:right;">[[Image:Bug.gif]]</span>

== 2003/2005 ==
===Former exchange students===
* [[Kim de Groot]]
*[[User:Fabien Labeyrie|Fabien Labeyrie]]
* [[Roxana Torre]]
*[[User:Natasa Siencnik|Natasa Siencnik]]
* [[Anna Andersson]]
* [[Oliver Meskawi]]
* [[Dirk van Oosterbosch]]
* [[Alejandra Pérez Núñez]]

== 2002/2004 ==
==Past students==
* [[Todd Matsumoto]]
For past students + work, see [[:Category:Student]] or [[:Category:Graduation work]] <br />
* [[Nick Koning]]
or jump to a particular year: [[:Category:2004|2004]] [[:Category:2005|2005]] [[:Category:2006|2006]] [[:Category:2007|2007]]
* [[Victoria Donkersloot]]
[[:Category:2008|2008]] [[:Category:2009|2009]] [[:Category:2010|2010]] [[:Category:2011|2011]]
* [[Wijbrand Stet]]
[[:Category:2012|2012]] [[:Category:2013|2013]] [[:Category:2014|2014]] [[:Category:2015|2015]]
* [[Ana Gabriela Jimenez Devia]]
[[:Category:2016|2016]] [[:Category:2017|2017]]
* [[Claudia de Azevedo Borges]]

== Template ==
<references />
* [[User:Luther_Blissett|Luther Blissett]]

Latest revision as of 11:54, 23 September 2024

Current students

The links presented here for current students are to "user" pages which reflect ongoing work processes






//l o r e n z o 

🖛 🌣 senka 🌧 сенка 🖳















  • Falcon.png


2018 / 2020




    2017 / 2019



    2016 / 2018



    2015 / 2017


    2014 / 2016






    Lens-based Media

    Networked Media

    Former exchange students

    Past students

    For past students + work, see Category:Student or Category:Graduation work
    or jump to a particular year: 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017