I was the shadow of the waxwing slain
By the false azure in the window pane;
I was the smudge of ashen fluff–and I
Lived on, flew on, in the reflected sky.
And from the inside, too, I'd duplicate
Myself, my lamp, an apple on a plate:
Uncurtaining the night, I'd let dark glass
Hang all the furniture above the grass.
And how delightful when a fall of snow
Covered my glimpse of lawn and reached up so
As to make chair and bed exactly stand
Upon that snow, out in that crystal land!
- | Grad page
- A Proper proposal
- New graduation draft
- First graduation draft
- Thesis intention
- Thesis in process
- Text- GeoIP databases
- Info - Maxmind
- HowTo - GeoIP db
- Text- Putting the world into a grid
- Text- Optics of data transmission
- Text - Wireless communication physical properties
- Text - Imagining Internet infrastructures (Martin Dodge)
- Text - Dissymmetry, negative entropy?
- Text - Space as the organising principle of the world?
- Notes - About precision in geolocating and Earthquakes
- Text - Translating patterns along diagonal roaming (no better title for now)
- Notes -How we found our way in the world
- Notes - Notes about war
- Notes - Conversation with Yann
A bit too far fetched for now
drafting things
- Script- Distance Server/User
- Mongo basic
- Simple plotting with OSM and leaflet
- Find a diagonal with pymongo
- List of json export issues with python
- Tranformation Matrix for shapes (Python)
- Shapes of constellations from Rotterdam on 21st of June
- Getting all potential IP addresses from a block
- Sending signals into space
some outcomes
I. Short-circuiting the archive
II. Sound narrative
- Three little drafts
- Sound with Larry Sider
- Analog approach
- Digital approach
- Aside struggles with the metaphor of the book
- +script+ GeoIP image retrieval
- +script+ Browser plugins
- Outcomes
- Notebook
- Inspirations
- T1 - Description of 3 works
- T1 - 3 things
- T1 - Retrospective: Archizoom And No-Stop City
- T1 - Deleuze (Postscriptum on control societies) et Foucault (Surveiller and punish)
- T1 - Hybrid text
- T1 - Hypertext
- T1 - Hyperstory
- T2 -Notes on the work of art in the age of its mechanical reproduction
- T2 - Notes on the work of art in the age of digital recombination
- T2 - Notes on the work of culture in the age of cybernetic systems
- T2 - Essay on ideology
- T2 - Interfaces Ideology Game
- T2 - Description of recent work
- T3 - Interview with Ruben
- T3 - Text after interview
Retrospective: Archizoom And No-Stop City
The Internet as non-place - Sybille Lammes
Protocols - Alexander galloway
Of Other Spaces, heterotopia - Foucault
Interface and active space - Brian Massumi
Baudrillard in cyberspace, Internet and Postmodernity
- Machin cache
- WebRTC
- PIL - Nicky sorted
- SIFT - Network of images applied to warriors of the Net
1. References
- Documentation examples
- Documentation of process
- Documentation for preservation
2. Kickstarter :
3. Practical cases :
4. Thoughts...
5. Preservation and Access to Born-digital Culture :
- 29/10 TRACKS-workshop
- 30/10 notes Symposium day 1
- 31/10 notes Symposium day 2
- Personal Summary of the two days
6. Gardening for bees :
These are more or less under construction still...
- Eye Archive End Credits (with Thomas)
- Finding everyone in the Eye' archive
- Browsed Landscapes
- Metaphors for the Internet
- It reminds me of a scene in Interstellar
- Local library data exchange (will come up with better name soon?)
- Drawing with IP addresses
Reconsidering old stuff
Fictional projects...