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<div style="left:-170px;top:-110px;z-index:1;position:absolute">
[[File:Greetingsfromthecosmos.png|600px]] <br /> <br />
<div style="font-style: italic; font-weight:bold;">People are happy when they feel they are in a place of historical significance. It is usually a place located somewhere at the intersection between far outside and deep inside. It is an important moment in their lives so they take a picture, hoping to keep the moment with them forever.</div>
<div style=" color:blue;font-family:monospace;font-style: italic;">
I was the shadow of the waxwing slain<br>
By the false azure in the window pane;<br>
I was the smudge of ashen fluff–and I<br>
Lived on, flew on, in the reflected sky.<br>
And from the inside, too, I'd duplicate<br>
Myself, my lamp, an apple on a plate:<br>
Uncurtaining the night, I'd let dark glass<br>
Hang all the furniture above the grass.<br>
And how delightful when a fall of snow<br>
Covered my glimpse of lawn and reached up so<br>
As to make chair and bed exactly stand<br>
Upon that snow, out in that crystal land! <br>

<div style="background:linear-gradient(#FBC9FF,#F8FFB5,#A8FFDC); box-shadow:3px 3px 5px 6px #ccc;width:95%; padding:20px; margin-bottom:10px">


<div style="left:0;top:0;z-index:-999;position:fixed">
[[File:Animation-curvatina2.gif ]]</div>
* | Grad page <br>
* [[ User:Jules/graduationproposal| A Proper proposal ]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/gradnewdraft| New graduation draft ]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/graddraft| First graduation draft ]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/thesisintention| Thesis intention ]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/thesisinprocess| Thesis in process ]] <br>
* [[User:Jules/terms | TERMS ]]<br>
* [[User:Jules/quotes | QUOTES ]] <br />
* [[User:Jules/contacts | CONTACTS]] <br />
* [[ User:Jules/geoipdatabases| Text- GeoIP databases]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/maxmind| Info - Maxmind]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/howtogeoIP| HowTo - GeoIP db]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/worldinagrid| Text- Putting the world into a grid]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/opticsofdatatransmission| Text- Optics of data transmission]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/wifiheatmap| Text - Wireless communication physical properties]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/imagininginfrastructures| Text - Imagining Internet infrastructures (Martin Dodge)]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/dissymmetry| Text - Dissymmetry, negative entropy?]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/spaceandrelations| Text - Space as the organising principle of the world?]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/accuracyingeolocation| Notes - About precision in geolocating and Earthquakes]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/translatingpatternsalongdiagonalroaming| Text - Translating patterns along diagonal roaming (no better title for now)]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/howwefoundourwayintheworld| Notes -How we found our way in the world]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/notesaboutwar| Notes - Notes about war]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/notesconversationwithyann| Notes - Conversation with Yann]] <br>


=== moodboards? ===
* [[ User:Jules/observatories| Observatories]]  <br>
* [[User:Jules/perspective| Local perspective]] <br />
* [[ User:Jules/linkingdots| Linking some dots]]  <br>
* [[ User:Jules/usairforcemantras| U.S. Airforce Mantras]] <br>

A bit too far fetched for now
* [[ User:Jules/obsoletearchitecture| Corrupted architectures?]] <br>

==drafting things==
* [[ User:Jules/distuser| Script- Distance Server/User]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/mongobasic| Mongo basic]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/plotting| Simple plotting with OSM and leaflet]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/pymongo| Find a diagonal with pymongo]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/pythonjsonexports| List of json export issues with python]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/transformationmatrix| Tranformation Matrix for shapes (Python)]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/constellations| Shapes of constellations from Rotterdam on 21st of June]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/listipsfromblocks| Getting all potential IP addresses from a block]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/sendingsignalsintospace| Sending signals into space]] <br> [ PZI FORUM ]
==some outcomes==
* [[ User:Jules/domainsgeofrontiers| Facebook 1st level domains takeover]] <br>

<div style="background-color:#FFF;padding:15px;margin:15px">
I. Short-circuiting the archive
I. Short-circuiting the archive
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II. Sound narrative
II. Sound narrative
* [[ User:Jules/threedrafts| Three little drafts ]] <br>
<div style="background-color:#FFF;padding:15px;margin:15px;">
* [[ User:Jules/larrysworkshop| Sound with Larry Sider ]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/analogapproach| Analog approach]] <br>
* [[ Description of 3 works ]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/digitalapproach| Digital approach]] <br>
* [[ 3 things ]]
* [[ User:Jules/metaphorofthebook| Aside struggles with the metaphor of the book]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/Archizoom|Retrospective: Archizoom And No-Stop City ]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/geoIPimage| +script+ GeoIP image retrieval ]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/Disciplineetcontrol| Deleuze (Postscriptum on control societies) et Foucault (Surveiller and punish) ]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/telescope| +script+ Browser plugins ]]
* [[ User:Jules/hybridtext| Hybrid text]]
* [[ User:Jules/outcomes| Outcomes]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/hypertext| Hypertext]]
* [[ User:Jules/hyperstory| Hyperstory]]

* [[ User:Jules/essayonideology| Essay]]
* [[ User:Jules/workofartintheage| Notes on the work of art in the age of its mechanical reproduction]]
* [[ User:Jules/thingvsobject| Thing vs Object]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/twoaitaodr| Notes on the work of art in the age of digital recombination]]
* [[ User:Jules/emoserver| Server]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/twocitaocs| Notes on the work of culture in the age of cybernetic systems]]
* [[ User:Jules/emohyperlink| Hyperlink]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/naturetechnology| It reminds me of a scene in Interstellar]] <br>

* [ Notebook]
* [ Inspirations]
* [[ Description of 3 works| T1 - Description of 3 works]] <br>
* [[ 3 things| T1 - 3 things]]
* [[ User:Jules/Archizoom| T1 - Retrospective: Archizoom And No-Stop City ]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/Disciplineetcontrol| T1 - Deleuze (Postscriptum on control societies) et Foucault (Surveiller and punish) ]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/hybridtext| T1 - Hybrid text]]
* [[ User:Jules/hypertext| T1 - Hypertext]]
* [[ User:Jules/hyperstory| T1 - Hyperstory]]
* [[ User:Jules/workofartintheage| T2 -Notes on the work of art in the age of its mechanical reproduction]]
* [[ User:Jules/twoaitaodr| T2 - Notes on the work of art in the age of digital recombination]]
* [[ User:Jules/twocitaocs| T2 - Notes on the work of culture in the age of cybernetic systems]]
* [[ User:Jules/essayonideology| T2 - Essay on ideology]]
* [[ User:Jules/fingerKrieg| T2 - Interfaces Ideology Game]]
* [[ User:Jules/recentwork| T2 - Description of recent work]]
* [[ User:Jules/interview| T3 - Interview with Ruben]]
* [[ User:Jules/interviewextended| T3 - Text after interview]]

<div style="background-color:#FFF;padding:15px;margin:15px;">
[[User:Jules/Archizoom|Retrospective: Archizoom And No-Stop City]] <br>
[[ User:Jules/internetasnonplace| The Internet as non-place - Sybille Lammes]] <br>
[[ User:Jules/protocols| Protocols - Alexander galloway ]] <br>
[[ User:Jules/heterotopia | Of Other Spaces, heterotopia - Foucault]] <br>
[[ User:Jules/interfaceactivespace| Interface and active space - Brian Massumi]]<br>
[[ User:Jules/baudrillardincyberspace| Baudrillard in cyberspace, Internet and Postmodernity]]

* Machin cache
* Machin cache
* [[ User:Jules/proto02| WebRTC ]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/proto02| WebRTC ]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/nickybrightness| Nicky sorted  ]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/nickybrightness| PIL - Nicky sorted  ]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/networkwarriors| SIFT - Network of images applied to warriors of the Net  ]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/mongogeoips| MONGODB + GEOIPS  ]] <br>

<div style="background-color:#FFF;padding:15px;margin:15px;">
1. References
1. Examples
* [[ User:Jules/Documentationexamples | Documentation examples ]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/Documentationexamples | Documentation examples ]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/Documentationeprocess | Documentation of process ]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/Documentationeprocess | Documentation of process ]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/Documentationpreservation | Documentation for preservation ]]
* [[ User:Jules/Documentationpreservation | Documentation for preservation ]] <br>
2. Kickstarter : <br>
2. Kickstarter : <br>
* [[ User:Jules/kickstarter | About ]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/kickstarter | About ]] <br>
* [ The basis] <br>
* [ The basis] <br>
* [ Final result] <br>
* [ Final result] <br>
3. Practical cases : <br>
* [[ User:Jules/approach| Approach to documenting Lucia's work ]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/cassandra| Lucia's final documentation ]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/jodiatstedelijk| Documenting JODI's performance ]] <br>
4. Thoughts...
*[[User:Jules/firstprescriptionsnetart| Reviewing the first prescriptions for Archiving Net Art]] <br>
*[[User:Jules/analogbias| Can we possibly escape the analog bias?]] <br>
5. Preservation and Access to Born-digital Culture : <br>
* [[ User:Jules/packedworkshop|29/10 TRACKS-workshop ]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/preservationaccessbdc1|30/10 notes Symposium day 1]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/preservationaccessbdc2|31/10 notes Symposium day 2]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/preservationaccessdbcdebrief| Personal Summary of the two days]] <br>
6. Gardening for bees : <br>
* [[ User:Jules/departure|departure ]] <br>

<div style="background-color:#FFF;padding:15px;margin:15px;">
<sup>''These are more or less under construction still...''</sup>
* [[ User:Jules/archiveendcredits| Eye Archive End Credits (with Thomas)]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/eyearchiveprocess| Finding everyone in the Eye' archive]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/browsedlandscapes| Browsed Landscapes]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/metaphorsinternet| Metaphors for the Internet]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/remindsmeofinterstellar| It reminds me of a scene in Interstellar]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/locallibrary| Local library data exchange (will come up with better name soon?)]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/drawingwithips| Drawing with IP addresses]] <br>

<sup>''Reconsidering old stuff''</sup>
* [[ User:Jules/pastwebpages|An index of web pages]] <br />
* [[ User:Jules/threedeefun|A few 3d stuff]] <br />

[[ User:Jules/internetasnonplace| The Internet as non-place - Sybille Lammes]] <br>
<sup>''Fictional projects...''</sup>
[[ User:Jules/protocols| Protocols - Alexander galloway ]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/pizzashop| The pizza shop]] <br />
[[ User:Jules/heterotopia | Of Other Spaces, heterotopia - Foucault]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/eatcleantraindirty| Eat Clean Train Drrrty]] <br />
[[ User:Jules/interfaceactivespace| Interface and active space - Brian mMssumi]]

* [[ User:Jules/pop-naturalisation| Music - Naturalisation of technology ? It shouldn't be here really but whatever]] <br>
* [[ User:Jules/gateways| Imgs - Gateways to Cyberspace]] <br>
* [[User:Jules/firstimpression| Text - You won’t get the opportunity to make a bad first impression twice]]
<div style="background-color:#FFF;padding:15px;margin:15px;">
[[ User:Jules/VPN| VPN ]] <br>
[[ User:Jules/Tor| Tor ]] <br>
[[ User:Jules/fixOS| Fix your OS (Ubuntu and Mac OS X Yosemite) ]] <br>

Latest revision as of 12:07, 24 May 2016


People are happy when they feel they are in a place of historical significance. It is usually a place located somewhere at the intersection between far outside and deep inside. It is an important moment in their lives so they take a picture, hoping to keep the moment with them forever.


I was the shadow of the waxwing slain
By the false azure in the window pane;
I was the smudge of ashen fluff–and I
Lived on, flew on, in the reflected sky.
And from the inside, too, I'd duplicate
Myself, my lamp, an apple on a plate:
Uncurtaining the night, I'd let dark glass
Hang all the furniture above the grass.
And how delightful when a fall of snow
Covered my glimpse of lawn and reached up so
As to make chair and bed exactly stand
Upon that snow, out in that crystal land!





A bit too far fetched for now

drafting things

some outcomes


I. Short-circuiting the archive

II. Sound narrative




Retrospective: Archizoom And No-Stop City
The Internet as non-place - Sybille Lammes
Protocols - Alexander galloway
Of Other Spaces, heterotopia - Foucault
Interface and active space - Brian Massumi
Baudrillard in cyberspace, Internet and Postmodernity



1. References

2. Kickstarter :

3. Practical cases :

4. Thoughts...

5. Preservation and Access to Born-digital Culture :

6. Gardening for bees :


These are more or less under construction still...

Reconsidering old stuff

Fictional projects...