User:Dennis van Vreden
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Portfolio Website
4th Term
The Meta Video
Creating Realities - Work in Progress
A Few Ideas
"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women are merely players"
Investigate the Performance
Explore the stage persona, or persona's in general
How To Live:A Pop Culture Guide
on how tv shows, movies and music tell us how to behave, feel and live.
Context of Work
KeywordsPop culture |
Acting |
Musical |
Inspirational Material |
Graduate Project Tutorials |
Graduate Research Seminar |
Graduation Project |
A Project A Day Keeps The Doctor Away
Hester Scheurwater
I saw Hester Scheurwater's work in the Frank Taal Gallery last week. Her artist statement is all sorts of amazing.
"The mirrored self-images encompass my private fantasies. They are my way of reacting on the imitated and fake media images, which are constantly calling upon our imagination, without intending to be taken too seriously. I try to deconstruct this call’s effect with my reactions by switching the ’subject-object’ relationship, without being victimised by it. My self-images show I am not a victim of an imposed sexually charged visual culture, instead I give a self-aware answer, in which I try to show my feelings and/or views on the unreal and fake imagery, which is forced upon us daily. This series of photos emerged from a collection of daily uploads on Facebook and my personal blog. In the digital public space, I try to reinforce the exhibitionist nature by presenting them in the context of a living room or a living room setting. In this context exhibitionism and voyeurism come together. Using my own body as a sex object in corresponding poses and an auto-erotic gaze I study voyeurism and exhibitionism."
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Music Video
I was experimenting with DaVinci Resolve. Recently downloaded it and was trying it out. It's interesting to look back at the footage I shot in this music video prototype. I was directing her after each take we shot and eventually it became a choreographed performance. I think it's kind of interesting to think about choreography as something where both your body and your mind want to do the same things. The mind is telling the body to move as perfectly as possible. To practice the movement and attitude until the point arrives where the mind no longer has to think about proprioception and everything happens naturally.
The Higher Self
Marina talking about the higher and lower self.
The Artist is Present
I've rewatched the documentary The Artist is Present by Marina Abramovic. There's just so much in this documentary about the performance. And I think this brings me out of the box of a more theatre-like performance and also adds the magic of performance art. Here are my notes from it.
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Piano concert
Was filming to see if there would be a recognizable change in the way this man was acting when he started to play his music. Never really happened. Apparently you can make any place into a small stage for performance, though that does not always allow for a person to transform into the stage persona. This turned out to be more of a situation where someone who happens to play the piano as a hobby just plays a little something for people to enjoy for about an hour.Carrie Bradshaw's Group Therapy
About how Sex and the City taught us all about life in NYC and the therapeutical reflecting main character Carrie Bradshaw, played by Sarah Jessica Parker. Tv Shows teach us how to live our lives and solve our problems. Though SATC is not the most heteronormative tv show.Cosplay
About living the fantasy. Using anime/manga/cartoons to escape reality and be whoever we want to be. Sometimes even have superpowers. Using the persona, re-enactment. Putting Beyoncé and Cosplay together makes me think of the second lives. The separation between the persona and the every day life 'self'. To have a successful persona is to completely forget about the self.
3rd Term
Factory Reset, Thematic Project
Factory Sketch
Factory Description
Reading Writing and Research Methodologies
Modern Escapism
ビヨンセ! Biyonse in Roodkapje
The Sound We See
Tactile Noise Workshop with Andre Castro
2nd Term
DIY Narrative
link to prototype of DIY Narrative
Boerhaave Museum Piece

Boerhaave Museum Project experiments
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Open Day / Musical Symposium Project
working with the Kinect and Animata
Research Methodology
- October 5th Notes
- October 10th Description Assignment
- October 10th Annotation Assignment
- October 18th Description "How" Assignment
- October 18th Description "Why" Assignment
- October 25th Annotation of The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction by Walter Benjamin
- October 28th Complete first draft of the annotation about the documentary Paragraph 175
- November 2nd Final Annotation about the documentary Paragraph 175
- November 10th Outline
- November 23rd Essay Draft
- December 14th Essay - The influence of media on gay subculture in a mass-society
- January 18th Annotation on Issues In The New Cinematic Aesthetic of Video by Chrissie Iles
- January 25th 1. Celluloid Closet Annotation 2. Male Fantasies Annotation (Preface) 3. Freedom Writers Notes 4. Reflection (relevance to the notion of interface)
- April 18th Project Description for Gallery
1st Term
* Project 2
Cinemagraph 01
Cinemagraph 02
Cinemagraph 03
Cinemagraph 04
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Experiment 1
* Project 1
Experiment 11
Experiment 10
Experiment 9
Experiment 8
Experiment 7
Installation 1
Mid-term results
Experiment 5
Experiment 4
Experiment 3
Experiment 2
Experiment 1