User:Dennis van Vreden/gradtut2

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

Michael's notes:

Interest in the moment, where the person changes their way of acting
Mano: To be on stage: it's a state of mind,
Everything in you is just focussed on one thing.

Previous Interview work: intimacy with stylists (on youtube)

Feels inhibited by quantity of existing dance films (Billy Elliot, Black Swan)
Maybe an idea to cut together moments from these films (as a means of research)

Or simply BEGIN with a "test" shoot of your dancer subject (follow for a day, and make a rough edit / collect some material)

Think about "all the stages of Rotterdam" places where people perform
Does the stage still exist? (Example of the contemporary theater advertisement that "all our performances are in 3D" to speak to a "new" film audience)

My notes:

Short moment when the way of acting changes.
in behaviour and attitude

stage moment
the short feeling

performer vs. non-performer

ask questions. interview

don't fear just be filming


De Player

Edit Black Swan, Billy Elliot, Fame together. see what I find interesting

(Mano said:) watch Holy Motors

What is the contemporary stage
List stages

Manifesto of Growth


Pauline Boudry
Renate Lowrenz

Ellen de Bruin,



Assignment for next time:
Do daily experiments. Quickly
within the domain/topic
try to refine my interests
doing it through practice
try to find a protocol