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In the not too distant future, the established democratic system is facing one of its biggest turning points.
In the not too distant future, the established democratic system is facing one of its biggest turning points.<br>
Traditional political parties struggle to keep their grip on their prestige, and new forces supported by pervasive strategies arise from the cyberspace.
Traditional political parties struggle to keep their grip on their prestige, and new forces supported by pervasive strategies arise from the cyberspace.<br><br>
Soon, elections are approaching, and you, the leader of a political faction running for presidency, have the task to build and strengthen your empire.
Now, elections are approaching, and you, the leader of a political faction running for presidency, have the task to build and strengthen your empire.<br> <br>
While the global society is being shaken up by one crisis after another, you have managed to amass a considerable amount of influence in the turbulent online landscape.
While the global society is being shaken up by one crisis after another, you have managed to amass a considerable amount of influence in the turbulent online landscape.
Your position has many perks, but you need to be vigilant to keep enjoying it: the internet is a living organism, and it has a very short attention span.
Your position has many perks, but you need to be vigilant to keep enjoying it: the internet is a living organism, and it has a very short attention span.
Media spaces are full of mercenaries, standing and moving from a side to another, nourishing discord and polarisation on the platform.s they own: these advertisement tactics are pivotal instruments in this run for power.<br>
Media spaces are full of mercenaries, standing and moving from a side to another, nourishing discord and polarisation on the platform.s they own: these advertisement tactics are pivotal instruments in this run for power.<br><br>
Whether you are taking action for a higher cause or whether you’re in it for yourself, you need to use all your resources to expose your opponents or make them disappear into insignificance. To be successful, you must either destroy the influence of your rivals, or drive them into political irrelevance.
Whether you are taking action for a higher cause or whether you’re in it for yourself, you need to use all your resources to expose your opponents or make them disappear into insignificance. To be successful, you must either destroy the influence of your rivals, or drive them into political irrelevance.

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[[User:Claxhanson/gamerules | <span style="color:blue;font-family:papyrus;font-size:28px;margin-left:300px;"> '''  game rules  ''']]</span>
►►►►Let me introduce you your allies in this journey ►►►►<br>
►►►►Let us introduce you your allies on this journey ►►►►<br>

[[:Category:chaos agent's bureau !!/CEOS|the CEO'S]]
[[:Category:chaos agent's bureau !!/CEOS|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████the CEO'S]]
█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████the CEO'S:<br><br>
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Virginie’s entrepreneurial journey is one of the most successful stories in the country, known thanks to the success she met with her brand Virginie Group, which brings together many activities such as airlines and distribution chains. The accomplishments and net worth she has amassed in her relatively few years in the business is truly extraordinary.
Virginie is mostly known for the Virginie Megastore, but she’s also the creator, among others, of the companies Virginie Atlantic (air transport), Virginie Cola (sodas), Virginie Racing (automobile team), Virginie Magazine (online magazine), Virginie Trains (rail transport), Virginie Mobile (mobile telephony), Virginie Active (meeting rooms), Virginie fit (sport), Virginie Money UK (finance) and Virginie Galactic (space tourism).
Virginie is the 126th biggest world fortune, and she has extremely extended influential power on most sectors of activity, including education, culture, and media.<br>
'''Elijah Kendrick'''<br>
Rising star of Wall Street, the young and successful businessman Elijah Kendrick became the CEO of Cassandra after his fathers departure from the company.
Cassandra started out as a local news network in the 90s, focusing on fringe conspiracies. Inspired by the Ancient Greek oracle, the channel insisted that even though their warnings are ignored by many, they will eventually be proven right. At the beginning of the 21st century, Cassandra went through a drastic restructuring effort and became an online bookstore. And after that, it quickly grew into one of the biggest companies in the world. It branched into numerous industries, from online shopping to tourism and media. Today Cassandra owns multiple online news outlets and a streaming platform. additionally, It is the biggest provider of various web services to majority of the tech industry.
With all these connections, it's easy for Kendrick to influence the flow of online culture. He is the richest man in the world and he gets richer with every passing minute, and although he doesn’t publicize his political views, he can effortlessly suppress anyone who stands between him and exponential growth of his father's legacy.<br><br>
'''Vilfredo Mule'''<br>
When it comes to E-democracy, it is impossible not to mention the figure of Vilfredo Mule, founder and CEO of the internet and publishing company Mule & Partners.
Mule starts his carrier in the eighties as a young software developer. Fore-sighting the potential on the internet he switches his path and he starts to work for an internet consulting company in the late 1990s. In ten years he eventually manages to found his own internet consulting company,  Mule & Partners, curating blogs and websites belonging to influent Italian politicians. He early on links himself with the populist party Seven Thunders which will in some years become the playground for the development of the Diderot platform.
The Diderot website turns into the most important system used by the anti-establishment Seven Thunders party to concretize their principle of direct democracy  as an evolution of the obsolete representative democracy : all the political decision of the party are taken through an online voting system happening directly on the website which is still owned and regulated by Mule & Partners. The Diderot platform hosts the discussion and decisions affecting the political decisions in the party, in the country and in the EU as well.  In 2017 an inquiry from the Washington Post recognized the platform as one of the major vehicle of transmission of fake news in the country. The company declared afterwords that the inquiry was itself “fake news”.
[[:Category:chaos agent's bureau !!/lobbyist|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████the lobbyists]]
█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████the lobbyists:<br><br>
[[:Category:chaos agent's bureau !!/influencers|
<div style="font-size:13px;border:10px;border:4px double;width: 60%;margin-left:20%;margin-right:20%;padding:20px;">
███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████the influencers]]
'''Idina Wintory'''<br>
Idina Wintory comes from a long dynasty of interest representers. the lobbying firm started by her parents was credited with influencing around 60% of the public laws passed by the US Congress in 1985. Idina has been attending political fundraisers since she was a teenager and is praised by many for ensuring the enactment of Democracy In Agriculture Act in 2016. Though she is resented by many more, since the act gutted financial support for small farmers, increased taxes on purchasing agricultural equipment (though larger farms were exempt from this tax increase) and stripped their rights to produce their own seeds.
Idina is very image conscious. she works with a team of public relation experts and social media analysts. she effectively capitalised on the rise of liberal feminism in the recent years and created the online image of a wholesome, fun loving girlboss, but in private company she will admit she doesn't really care much about feminism. while she is vigilant about staying away from controversy, if the need arises, she certainly has the necessary connections in a number of government agencies to shut down any slander for good.<br><br>
'''Petrovych Tkachenko'''<br>
Petrovych Tkachenko was born in Ukraine to a prosperous Jewish family. After managing to escape the Holocaust the family decide to leave the country and move to New York City where Tkachenko becomes a student in Economics at Columbia University. After graduating he doesn’t take too long to find his way in finance: he spends his first working years in financial enterprises gaining a promotion after another. In the seventies he founds his own company, the Tkachenko Fund Management and becomes its chairman. Helped by the economic boom of those years he becomes a billionaire. He soon associates himself with democratic movements, helping with his influence the fall of the Communism in Soviet Union. Since then he has been accused several time to have manipulated democratic processes, caused coup d’etats in several countries in Eastern and Southern Europe and devalued national currencies.
He retired form the public scene since 2015 officially because of illness even thought some believes that he is hiding himself because the pawer he accumulated gave him the appearances of a reptile. Nobody has been able to prove which is his actual shape at the moment.<br><br>
'''Radical Jane'''<br>
RadicalJane comes from a bourgeois family of insurers and accountants. At the age of 20, Jane already had connections with senior officials around town, one of which*, helped them with the publication of their first book :<br>
"Declaration of war on modern decadence"<br>
Later, RadicalJane quickly went on to be known as one of the youngest hopes of the right, when they start as the Junior director of the National Front, from 2012 to 2014.
Wikipedia describes Jane as an "entrepreneur, essayist and former French politician". As for what we know, RadicalJane mostly dedicates their time to their Youtube channel, twitter feed, and eventually, to selling some 69€ training videos on how to teach "manhood" to young boys.
RadicalJane considers that "our world is totally on the female side today" and that society is so "feminized" that it is extremely difficult to find male role models to follow today. Gnawed by a sense of helplessness, Jane calls out modern Western women for trying to castrate men.
Recently, a video titled : "Why white people feel guilty" reached 200K views. This video intends to "explain the reasons behind the deep sense of guilt that western people feel, and see how these reasons have nothing to do with trust, justice, and good will, but actually a weapon used by some to make us bend our knees, and above all, fraud us."
Despite the evident fallacies in logic and discourse, the finances provided by their supporting political party, themselves i close contact with the platform providers, are boosting Jane’s youtube channel at the top of the trends.
With her unfortunate mastering of manipulative speech skills, this Nietzschean superhero raging against feminists will not hesitate to confront and distort any discourse towards social justice into speeches of hate and unfounded scepticism.
[[:Category:chaos agent's bureau !!/trolls|
████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████the anonymous trolls]]
█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████the influencers:<br><br>
[[:Category:chaos agent's bureau !!/whistleblower|
<div style="font-size:13px;border:10px;border:4px double;width: 60%;margin-left:20%;margin-right:20%;padding:20px;">
█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████the whistleblowers]]
"I’m writing for those who fight from the barricades of their beds. I’m writing from my neuro-atypia, from my phobia of crowds. I’m writing for those in small towns, where getting organized is a daily struggle. I write for all people who are angry but unable to get out of their apartments. I am writing for my generation, that grew up on social media.
There are thousands of us, providing free labor, working for "nothing". A work of social bond, of support, of speaking up. I believe in solidarity, in sorority, in community. We write to gather our strengths.
I’m also writing for those who think that network activism is useless : Activism 2.0 saved my life.
The performative struggles of social networks are an undeniable fact. Ego makes its way into every sphere, and so does its gangrene. But there is so much more than that. Network activism creates spaces for those who want to deconstruct themselves, learn, heal, repair… it creates spaces for sharing, discussing, creating bonds between people. A space to find resources, created by people who are concerned, knowledgeable : that is what activism is.
It's about making a difference from within. You do not fight only with stones, you fight with people. It is always about people that you have to think about, their strengths, their weaknesses, their traumas, their joys, their sorrows.
I write for all the activists out there. Those who relay, who share, who take the time to write tirelessly, who link worlds that would never have been linked without you. You bring as much to the struggle as this activist walking behind a banner. You change people. You change lives."<br><br>
'''Alex Peterson'''<br>
With 15 million followers on YouTube, Twitter and Instagram combined, Alex Peterson isn’t currently the biggest social media influencer, but his follower base is certainly among the most active. His videos and social media posts get more engagement than celebrities much more well known than him, thanks to the nature of his content.
Alex learnt that reactionary content thrives on internet and has been capitalizing on this since 2013, when he first started a YouTube channel. His earlier content were reaction videos where he would watch film and video game trailers and give real time commentary. Although he is based in London, his content is very popular in the United States, specifically among boys and young men between the ages of 15 to 21. In his earlier videos he would talk about the perils of feminism and social justice warriors, and how nerd culture is under attack from "normies". He harshly criticized games and films that featured women, people of color and LGBT people in leading roles, regularly asking his fans to boycott these IPs. Although him and his audience hasn’t managed to convince publishers to remove content that they found offensive until now, they certainly affected perception around many projects.
During the US presidential race of 2016, Alex pivoted to political commentary, but the nature of his content stayed the same. He uses aggressive, reactionary language to spark outrage but lately his targets are progressive public figures. Each vitriolic post he makes not only deplatforms his followers but earns him more and more media attention.<br><br>
'''Blueberry Pie'''<br>
Matti Tuomainen, also known as Blueberry Pie, is a Finnish YouTuber. With his Let’s Play videos filled with an edgy and provocative communication style he manages to have the highest number of subscription to a channel in Youtube history. He reaches an astonishing level of fame and influence in the entertainment industry: game developers and movie production companies begin to beg him to promote their products.
In 2018 he starts a virtual battle with the Chinese YouTuber Lang Huan who is gaining so many followers that his channel is going to surpass Blueberry Pie’s one in number of subscriptions. To secure his position in the Youtube Olympus he launches a subscribing campaign that quickly escalates into a racist harassment battle driven by him and his followers. He starts to adopt a more radical communication style, lining up against mainstream media and Politically Correct culture. In May 2019 one of his followers, the 22 years old English man Joshua Harrison breaks into a Chinese restaurant in Manchester and shoot at the owner: during the arrest Joshua waves a flag with the message Blueberry Pie army. Dreamworld eventually decide to end their partnership with Blueberry Pie because of the promotion an animation movie set in imperial China. He rejects all the allegations of responsibility with the facts of Manchester. He claims that the subscription campaign is a joke.<br><br>

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[[Category:Py.rate.chnic sessions]]

Latest revision as of 14:17, 10 November 2020


In the not too distant future, the established democratic system is facing one of its biggest turning points.
Traditional political parties struggle to keep their grip on their prestige, and new forces supported by pervasive strategies arise from the cyberspace.

Now, elections are approaching, and you, the leader of a political faction running for presidency, have the task to build and strengthen your empire.

While the global society is being shaken up by one crisis after another, you have managed to amass a considerable amount of influence in the turbulent online landscape. Your position has many perks, but you need to be vigilant to keep enjoying it: the internet is a living organism, and it has a very short attention span. Media spaces are full of mercenaries, standing and moving from a side to another, nourishing discord and polarisation on the platform.s they own: these advertisement tactics are pivotal instruments in this run for power.

Whether you are taking action for a higher cause or whether you’re in it for yourself, you need to use all your resources to expose your opponents or make them disappear into insignificance. To be successful, you must either destroy the influence of your rivals, or drive them into political irrelevance.

No matter what your strategy is, know this: you can trust no one.

game rules ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
►►►►Let us introduce you your allies on this journey ►►►►

█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████the CEO'S
██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████the lobbyists
███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████the influencers
████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████the anonymous trolls
█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████the whistleblowers

Pages in category "Chaos agent's bureau !!"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.