April 5 Scratch Redo
11:00 - 13:00
5 minute scratch = take a scratch from the Scratch Directory (any medium eg: photo, drawing, writing, sound &c)
10 minute scratch = take a scratch from the Scratch Directory (any medium)
20 minute scratch = take take a scratch from the Scratch Directory OR add a new scratch to the directory
30 minute scratch = take take a scratch from the Scratch Directory OR add a new scratch to the directory
10 min scratch = remake a version of your own work OR make a sequel of one of your own pieces of work
12:30 Upload scratches to this page
13:00 LUNCH
14:00 Two hour scratch
16:00 upload today's scratches and annotations.
16:15 Meet in large project space: Scratch annotation. What invitation does it make? What question does it ask?upload and review today's scratches and annotations.
16:30 review scratches
Future sessions (trim 3):
Reading and Annotation Groups (at last)
Visits to exhibitions.
More Scratches