Graduate Research Seminar 2011/2012: Difference between revisions

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== Graduate Proposal Timetable ==
== Graduate Thesis Timetable ==
*Below is the timetable for draft texts for the Graduate Proposal in the run-up to the Proposal Assessment
*9th November - First Draft
*(Steve gives written feedback and/or personal tutorials on texts by 16th November)
Below is the list of 'second readers' of your thesis prior to assessment.
*25th November - Second Draft
*(Steve gives written feedback and/or personal tutorials on texts by 3rd December)
*5th December Final Deadline: Submit your text for assessment
Simon= Lena,Luis,Loes,Inge, Laura S, Francois
*12th December – Graduate Project Proposal Assessment
Barend= Sebastian, Tomas, Daan
Aymeric= Lieven, Laurier, Danny,Mirjam
Michael= Dusan, Laura M, Fako
Timo = Cola,Quinten, Amy
The deadline is June 1st. The tutors will give feedback before June 7th. You will then have 3 days to make small changes.
The, new, official submission of the final thesis will be on June 10th.
We are meeting tmorw (30-5) at 14:00. We will split into reading groups to discuss progress and aim for the deadline of the 1st June (final draft) and I will also give individual tutorials if you need help with any last minute trouble shooting.
Here are the reading groups as we enter the final phase
(Group 1) Amy
Laura S
Laura M
== Steve's note to group: ==
Here is a reminder of what needs to put on the wiki ahead of the Graduate Seminar on Wednesday (21-3). Many of you have done this already, so apologies for repetition.
1) Make a new abstract of your thesis - a brief synopsis of not more than 500 words which gives a 'narrative' to your thesis. In some cases this will be useful to re-articulate where you are with it(because the emphasis may have changed). This should take a few hours at the most. Please put it up on the wiki before Wednesday.
2) I would also like you to make a scheme which outlines the stages in which you plan to finish your thesis.  there will be many demands on your time in the coming months so please plan time to write and study and stick to it. This plan is actually very useful to me because your plan will help me organise my time to help you. Again, such a plan will take a few hours at the most.
Both of the above will be useful ahead of the interim assessments -- which is a moment for taking stock.
3)Also ahead of Wednesday (21st-3) , consider how you can use material from your Project Proposal. Remember, you have done a lot of research already that can be used – from descriptions of previous practice (which can contextualise your thesis) to annotations and descriptions of texts and art works. The proposal was a good way of orientating your practice so you don't have to re-do that work. You can use your Project Proposal to provide the structure for your thesis.
Time is pressing, so I would like to devote the remaining Wednesday sessions to setting achievable aims each week and putting time aside to reach those aims. If you follow this scheme you should expect to see measurable progress week-on-week.
== Action plan following second meeting of work groups (28-3)==
'''Things to do ahead of Graduate Seminar 11- 4'''
* Laura S.: Expand proposal + diary - add annotations + experiments - start to structure
* Lieven: library retreat - finish the skeleton and start adding flesh to it (1st substantial draft)
* Laura M.: complete the thesis abstract. Write synopsis for each item of the index. Put some flesh on the bones. Eat an apple.
* Daan: continue expanding log of process, start exploring and writing down the why. Poop in the shower.
* Mirjam: expand and make project outline more explicit; use this to create new thesis abstract (and use everything I've ever written so far); make an index and allocate word count; future: assign new sources to index (some yet to be found). Pet Python.
* Cola: make a bibliography, and organize all the reference and research materials. make film.
* Inge: relate Sehgal workshop method to Bateson Metalogues to further defining/testing out Under/Up. Process of circling around something, to get closer, broader understanding. Figure out if Calle still fits in thesis (collection of fragments to form a whole), or if relationship to telematic presence would be better.
= Reading: objectivity (Lorraine Daston and Peter Galison) and Joh Tagg (the burden of representation).
= Writing: analyze gaps on content.
= Develop historical timetable: subjetivism, objetivism
* Seb: continue annotations, expand abstract/synopsis to first draft, write a narrative version of the tests
* Fako = 1) Think about mode of address and do some rewriting with that in mind. 2) Write about payment through tracking. 3) Synopsis about thesis as hypertext.
* Amy: structure, structure, structure
* Laurier : Do more. More more more.
* Loes: identify topics and add word-count to help structure it, read and write about technical research relevant to the project, Rewrite project description. Bake a Cake
* Quintor: rewrite abstract (and by doing so make it less fragmented) - write a first draft, incomplete but incorporating what i'd like to have in the thesis in any case.
== Action plan following first meeting of work groups (21-3)==
* Things to do ahead of Graduate seminar 18-3
Sebastian = collect material on to this page (see below), annotations, animatic (sic)
Amy = review after tutorial with Steve on Friday
Cola = collect material on to this page (see below)
Laura S = write abstract write timeline and expand proposal
Laura M = work on plan discussed in work group (summery-citation-word count)
Francois = work on points above, evaluate and index—expand on proposal
Mirjam = synopsis of project + thesis outline (cut and paste session with Steve on Monday)
Loes= Outline = annotate animations, timeline, bring stuff to this page (see below)
Quentin. Outline project in order to decide which elements in research to emphasise.
Dusan = Make outline. Tell the story of protagonist, use this as a lever to talk about the ideology underpinning these protagonists (trace back to macy [via Hayles])
Inge = make word plan, report on workshop = review during tutorial with Steve (Monday)
Daan = work on log; bring research material into one document.
Danny = finish synopsis, make description of project, collect material on to this page (see below)
Fako = Explain content the project is working with, collect material on to this page (see below). Follow plan as outlined in work group (more thesis, propaganda, ways to intervene &c)
* Work groups
Group 1-- Amy Suo Wu-- Laurier Rochon-- --Sebastian Cimpean-- Laura Sicouri ---Zhang Yan (Steve will see this group from 3.30-3.50)
Group 2-- --Danny van der Kleij --Inge Hoonte --Fako Berkers --Luis Soldevilla --Daan Bunnik (Steve will see this group from 3.10-3.30)
Group 3-- Quinten Swagerman --Loes van Dorp --Dusan Barok --Mirjam Dissel (Steve will see this group from 2.40 - 3.10)
Group 4-- Lena Mueller-- Lieven Van Speybroeck-- Tomas Navarro-- Francios-- Laura Macchini (Steve will see this group from 2.15-2.40)

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* Inge Hoonte [[Media:say_what_inge?.pdf|click here to download]]
* Inge Hoonte [[Media:say_what_inge?.pdf|click here to download]]
* Laura [[Media:Steves_description.txt|a sensible name]]
* Laura [[Media:Steves_description.txt|a sensible name]]
Line 19: Line 147:
* Zhang Yan [[Media:Example.pdf]]
* Zhang Yan [[Media:Example.pdf]]
* Dusan [[User:Dusan_Barok/What|what]]
* Dusan [[User:Dusan_Barok/What|what]]
* François Grumelin-Sohn [[Media:fusion.pdf|click here to download]]
* Laura Sicouri [[Media:What.pdf|click here to download]]
* Lieven [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/WHAT|say what?]]
* Lieven [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/WHAT|say what?]]
* [[User:Laurier Rochon/notes/what|Laurier]]
* [[User:Laurier Rochon/notes/what|Laurier]]
Line 33: Line 160:

* Laura Sicouri [[Media:Why.pdf|click here to download]]
* François Grumelin-Sohn [[Media:how.pdf|click here to download]]
* Laura Macchini [[Media:LM_Steves_how_why.pdf|click here to download]]
* Laura Macchini [[Media:LM_Steves_how_why.pdf|click here to download]]
* [[Media:PZIWorkAssignment.pdf|Fako Berkers]]
* [[Media:PZIWorkAssignment.pdf|Fako Berkers]]
Line 58: Line 183:
* Lieven: [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Graduation Project Proposal|wiki]]
* Lieven: [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Graduation Project Proposal|wiki]]
* Laura: [[User:Laura_Macchini/notes/Graduation_Proposal_alpha|wiki]]
* Laura: [[User:Laura_Macchini/notes/Graduation_Proposal_alpha|wiki]]
* François Grumelin-Sohn [[Media:Steve draft.pdf|click here to download]]
* Laura SIcouri[[Media:texte1 thèse.pdf|click here to download]]
* Loes September Lensbasedversion, other one is under contruction [[Media:Loes van Dorp_Proposal september Lens-based guidelines.pdf|click here to download]]
* Loes September Lensbasedversion, other one is under contruction [[Media:Loes van Dorp_Proposal september Lens-based guidelines.pdf|click here to download]]
* Inge [[Media:oct25.pdf | where it's at today]]
* Inge [[Media:oct25.pdf | where it's at today]]
Line 98: Line 222:

==proposals 5 December (deadline)==
==proposals 5 December (deadline)==
*Zhang Yan [[Media:Proposal.pdf]]
* Zhang Yan [[Media:Proposal.pdf]]
*Tomas Navarro [[Media:Proposal6.pdf]]
* Tomas Navarro [[Media:Proposal6.pdf]]
*Laura Sicouri [[Media:PROPOSAL.pdf]]
* [[Media:PZIProposal10.pdf|Fako Berkers]]
* [[Media:PZIProposal10.pdf|Fako Berkers]]
* Lena Mueller  [[Media:111205_LM_PROPOSAL_ENDEXAM.pdf|click here to download]] [[Media:111205_LM_PROPOSAL_text only.pdf|click here for text only]]
* Lena Mueller  [[Media:111205_LM_PROPOSAL_ENDEXAM.pdf|click here to download]] [[Media:111205_LM_PROPOSAL_text only.pdf|click here for text only]]
* Inge Hoonte [[Media:research_outline_dec5_fin.pdf | Pee-dee-eF]]
* Inge Hoonte [[Media:research_outline_dec5_fin.pdf | Pee-dee-eF]]
* Laurier Rochon <del>Plain, free text</del> (not up to date anymore) or [[Media:LR_proposal_dec_2011v2.pdf|PDF-encased]]
* Laurier Rochon [[Media:LR_proposal_dec_2011v3.pdf|PDF-encased]]
* Lieven Van Speybroeck [[Media:LVS_GraduationProposal_Dec2011.pdf|PDF]]
* Lieven Van Speybroeck [[Media:LVS_GraduationProposal_Dec2011.pdf|PDF]]
* A. Sudo Wu [[Media:Awu dec5.pdf|PDF HERE]]
* A. Sudo Wu [[Media:Dec 6 AWUII.pdf|PDF HERE]] (revised on 6/12)
* Danny van der Kleij [[Media:DvdKleijgraduationd5dec2011.pdf|PDF]]
* Danny van der Kleij [[Media:DvdKleijgraduationd6dec2011.pdf|PDF]]
* [[Media:final final Proposal 5 december.pdf | Loes van Dorp]]
* Loes van Dorp [[Media:Proposal 9 dec. Loes van Dorp.pdf]]
* [[Media: Sebastian_Cimpean_proposal_10_12_05.pdf | Sebastian Cimpean]]
* [[Media: Sebastian_Cimpean_proposal_10_12_05.pdf | Sebastian Cimpean]]
* Mirjam Dissel [[User:Mirjam Dissel/proposal| wiki]] / new: [[Media:Proposal2011_mirjam.pdf|pdf version]]
* Laura Macchini [[Media:LM_grad_proposal.pdf | pdf]] [[File:Gif-new.gif]]
* [[User:Quinten Swagerman/Graduation/Proposal_111205|Quinten]]
* [[User:Dusan Barok/Monoskop library (project proposal)|Dusan]]
* Daan Bunnik [[Media:GP low res 8-12.pdf]]
==proposals 12 January (deadline)==
* [[Media:PZIProposal11.pdf|Fako Berkers]]
* [[Media:LR_Proposal_v3rev2.pdf|Laurier]]
* [[Media:Inge_IslandCuriosities_jan11.pdf|Inge]]
* [[Media:Jan 12 2012.pdf|amy]]
* [[Media:proposal7.pdf|Tomas Navarro]]
* Mirjam - [[User:Mirjam Dissel/proposal_v2|wiki]] / [[Media:Proposal2012_mirjam.pdf|pdf]]
* [[Media:Grad_proposal_v2.pdf|Laura M.]]
* [[Media:LVS_GraduationProposal_Jan2012.pdf|Lieven]]
* [[Media:Graduation proposal 11 jan.pdf|Daan Bunnik]]
* [[User:Dusan_Barok/Monoskop_library_(project_proposal)|Dusan]]
* [[Media:DvdKleijgraduation12january2012.pdf|Danny]]
* [[Media: Sebastian_cimpean_revised_proposal.pdf|Sebastian]]
* [[User:Loes van Dorp/Proposal |Loes ]]
* Lena Mueller  [[Media:120113_LM_PROPOSAL.pdf|click here to download]]
* [[Media: ··_Machinery_Graduation_Proj_Proposal_-_final_draft_with_amendments.pdf‎ | Luis]]
* [[User:Quinten Swagerman/Graduation/Proposal_120112|Quinten]]
==outline thesis 24 February (deadline)==
* Lena Mueller  [[Media:120224_LM_outline tesis.pdf|click here to download]]
* Amy Wu [[User:Amy Suo Wu/new thesis outline| new thesis outline]]
* [[Media:PZIOutline01.pdf|Fako Berkers]]
* Daan Bunnik [[Media:Outline 6-3-12.pdf|Outline]]
* [[User:Inge_Hoonte/annotations | Inge, in progress]]
* Quinten [[User:Quinten_swagerman/thesis_outline | directions]]
* Loes  [[User:Loes van Dorp/Thesis brainstorm| Thesis brainstorm]]
* Cola [[Media:thesis-1-en.pdf]]
* Laurier [ Thesis outline and a bit more]
* Lieven [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Graduation Project/Thesis/Outline|Outline]]
* [[User:Danny van der Kleij/Thesis_outline | Danny]]
* Tomas [[Media:outline.pdf]]
==14/03/2012 texts==
* [[Media:PZITracking01.pdf|Fako Berkers]]
* [[Media:Firstdraft0.1.pdf| amy....ehh...first draft]]
==First draft Thesis 16 March (deadline)==
*Loes [[Media: Loes van Dorp Thesis first draft 16 march.pdf|Thesis first draft 16 march PDF]]
* [[Media:PZITracking02.pdf| Fako]]
*Tomas Navarro, outline, preview, prototype, etc. [[Media:TESTER 1.pdf]]
== Synopses for class 21 March ( Spring!) ==
*Loes [[Media: Loes van Dorp Thesis synopses 21 march.pdf|Thesis synopses 21 march ]]
* Inge [ | updated outline]
* Danny [ | update ]
* Luis [[Media: -_Luis_-_new_abstract.pdf‎ | new abstract / thesis structure]]
==Where everything from  the Thesis comes together==
* Loes [[User:Loes van Dorp/ Thesis |  Thesis Loes]]
* Laura M. [[User:Laura_Macchini/thesisDraft | Thesis Laura M. ]]
* Sebastian [[User:Sebastian Cimpean/gradproject | graduation project summary]]
* [ Under/Up the Stairs project] #### [ Scrap Pile / Thesis doc; Outline.]
* Lena Mueller [[Media:120528_1_LM_thesis draft.pdf | click here to download]]
* Tomas Navarro  [[Media:tomasnavarro_thesisdraft1.pdf|click here to download]]
* [[User:Quinten Swagerman/Thesis |  Quinten]]
* [[User:Fako Berkers/Thesis |  Fako]]
*[[User:Zhang Yan|Zhang Yan]]  [[File:cola_thumbnail.jpg|Link:User:Zhang Yan]]
* Mirjam [ thesis draft] [ collected notes] [ project proposal dec 2012]
* Luis [[User:Luis Soldevilla/Thesis | graduation project Logs]]
* Daan Bunnik  [[Media:The one 16-05.pdf|Thesis 16-05]]
* Lieven: [ text] - [[User:Lieven_Van_Speybroeck/Graduation_Project/Thesis/Outline|bibliography]]
* Luis [[Media: Luis-Manchinery-Thesis.pdf| Final Thesis]]

Latest revision as of 19:52, 3 July 2012

Graduate Thesis Timetable

Below is the list of 'second readers' of your thesis prior to assessment.

Simon= Lena,Luis,Loes,Inge, Laura S, Francois

Barend= Sebastian, Tomas, Daan

Aymeric= Lieven, Laurier, Danny,Mirjam

Michael= Dusan, Laura M, Fako

Timo = Cola,Quinten, Amy

The deadline is June 1st. The tutors will give feedback before June 7th. You will then have 3 days to make small changes. The, new, official submission of the final thesis will be on June 10th.

We are meeting tmorw (30-5) at 14:00. We will split into reading groups to discuss progress and aim for the deadline of the 1st June (final draft) and I will also give individual tutorials if you need help with any last minute trouble shooting.

Here are the reading groups as we enter the final phase

(Group 1) Amy Danny Fako Dusan

(2) Lieven Inge Laurier Mirjam

(3) Daan Loes Cola

(4) Sebastian Quinten Tomas

(5) Francois Laura S

(6) Lena Luis Laura M

Steve's note to group:

Here is a reminder of what needs to put on the wiki ahead of the Graduate Seminar on Wednesday (21-3). Many of you have done this already, so apologies for repetition.

1) Make a new abstract of your thesis - a brief synopsis of not more than 500 words which gives a 'narrative' to your thesis. In some cases this will be useful to re-articulate where you are with it(because the emphasis may have changed). This should take a few hours at the most. Please put it up on the wiki before Wednesday.

2) I would also like you to make a scheme which outlines the stages in which you plan to finish your thesis. there will be many demands on your time in the coming months so please plan time to write and study and stick to it. This plan is actually very useful to me because your plan will help me organise my time to help you. Again, such a plan will take a few hours at the most.

Both of the above will be useful ahead of the interim assessments -- which is a moment for taking stock.

3)Also ahead of Wednesday (21st-3) , consider how you can use material from your Project Proposal. Remember, you have done a lot of research already that can be used – from descriptions of previous practice (which can contextualise your thesis) to annotations and descriptions of texts and art works. The proposal was a good way of orientating your practice so you don't have to re-do that work. You can use your Project Proposal to provide the structure for your thesis.

Time is pressing, so I would like to devote the remaining Wednesday sessions to setting achievable aims each week and putting time aside to reach those aims. If you follow this scheme you should expect to see measurable progress week-on-week.

Action plan following second meeting of work groups (28-3)

Things to do ahead of Graduate Seminar 11- 4

  • Laura S.: Expand proposal + diary - add annotations + experiments - start to structure
  • Lieven: library retreat - finish the skeleton and start adding flesh to it (1st substantial draft)
  • Laura M.: complete the thesis abstract. Write synopsis for each item of the index. Put some flesh on the bones. Eat an apple.
  • Daan: continue expanding log of process, start exploring and writing down the why. Poop in the shower.
  • Mirjam: expand and make project outline more explicit; use this to create new thesis abstract (and use everything I've ever written so far); make an index and allocate word count; future: assign new sources to index (some yet to be found). Pet Python.
  • Cola: make a bibliography, and organize all the reference and research materials. make film.
  • Inge: relate Sehgal workshop method to Bateson Metalogues to further defining/testing out Under/Up. Process of circling around something, to get closer, broader understanding. Figure out if Calle still fits in thesis (collection of fragments to form a whole), or if relationship to telematic presence would be better.
  • Tomas

= Reading: objectivity (Lorraine Daston and Peter Galison) and Joh Tagg (the burden of representation).

= Writing: analyze gaps on content.

= Develop historical timetable: subjetivism, objetivism

  • Seb: continue annotations, expand abstract/synopsis to first draft, write a narrative version of the tests
  • Fako = 1) Think about mode of address and do some rewriting with that in mind. 2) Write about payment through tracking. 3) Synopsis about thesis as hypertext.
  • Amy: structure, structure, structure
  • Laurier : Do more. More more more.
  • Loes: identify topics and add word-count to help structure it, read and write about technical research relevant to the project, Rewrite project description. Bake a Cake
  • Quintor: rewrite abstract (and by doing so make it less fragmented) - write a first draft, incomplete but incorporating what i'd like to have in the thesis in any case.

Action plan following first meeting of work groups (21-3)

  • Things to do ahead of Graduate seminar 18-3

Sebastian = collect material on to this page (see below), annotations, animatic (sic)

Amy = review after tutorial with Steve on Friday

Cola = collect material on to this page (see below)

Laura S = write abstract – write timeline and expand proposal

Laura M = work on plan discussed in work group (summery-citation-word count)

Francois = work on points above, evaluate and index—expand on proposal

Mirjam = synopsis of project + thesis outline (cut and paste session with Steve on Monday)

Loes= Outline = annotate animations, timeline, bring stuff to this page (see below)

Quentin. Outline project in order to decide which elements in research to emphasise.

Dusan = Make outline. Tell the story of protagonist, use this as a lever to talk about the ideology underpinning these protagonists (trace back to macy [via Hayles])

Inge = make word plan, report on workshop = review during tutorial with Steve (Monday)

Daan = work on log; bring research material into one document.

Danny = finish synopsis, make description of project, collect material on to this page (see below)

Fako = Explain content the project is working with, collect material on to this page (see below). Follow plan as outlined in work group (more thesis, propaganda, ways to intervene &c)

  • Work groups

Group 1-- Amy Suo Wu-- Laurier Rochon-- --Sebastian Cimpean-- Laura Sicouri ---Zhang Yan (Steve will see this group from 3.30-3.50)

Group 2-- --Danny van der Kleij --Inge Hoonte --Fako Berkers --Luis Soldevilla --Daan Bunnik (Steve will see this group from 3.10-3.30)

Group 3-- Quinten Swagerman --Loes van Dorp --Dusan Barok --Mirjam Dissel (Steve will see this group from 2.40 - 3.10)

Group 4-- Lena Mueller-- Lieven Van Speybroeck-- Tomas Navarro-- Francios-- Laura Macchini (Steve will see this group from 2.15-2.40)





proposals first draft 9 november

proposals second draft 23 november

proposals 5 December (deadline)

proposals 12 January (deadline)

outline thesis 24 February (deadline)

14/03/2012 texts

First draft Thesis 16 March (deadline)

Synopses for class 21 March ( Spring!)

Where everything from the Thesis comes together