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= [ 2010-2011 ] =
==Thematic Projects==

* [[Image:Wesley.jpg|thumb]]
====== Build Break Broadcast ======

==Personal Sites==
* [[User:Laurier_Rochon/work/listener | The Listener]] - together with [ Laurier Rochon]
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/thematic/kebab | Folklore]]

====== Sniff Scrape Crawl ======

==Thematic Project Portfolio==
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Disoriented thoughts/detournement|Detour to détournement]]
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/project1 | my first thematic project]]
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/project1 | my second thematic project]]
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/project1 | my third thematic project]]
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/project1 | my fourth thematic project]]

====== No Such Thing As Repetition ======
(link to PDF)

==Study Log==
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/thematic/Indian Camp | Indian Camp by Ernest Hemingway]]
===Prototyping Updates===
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/assignment | assignment 1]]
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/assignment | assignment 2]]
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/assignment | assignment 3]]

# [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Prototyping/1-Clapping Music | Clapping Music]]
# [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Prototyping/2-CPUtter | CPUtter]]
# [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Prototyping/3-Clapping Music in C | Clapping Music in C]]
# [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Prototyping/4-C-Loops | C-Loops]]
# [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Prototyping/5-Playback Pattern | Playback a pattern with pushbutton on Arduino]]
# [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Prototyping/6-Markov | Markov exercise]]
# [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Prototyping/7-Bob Mondriaan | Bob Mondriaan]]
# [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Prototyping/8-Soldier | Soldier, Soldier, will you please shut up?]]
# [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Prototyping/9-Constellate me | Among the stars]]
==Other programming stuff==
#[[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Other/Speelplaats | Speeltijd - 12 days a week ]]
# [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Electronics/1_Transistor_Amplifier | One-Transistor-Amplifier]]
== Theory ==
=== General ===
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Reading/Theory/Users Deluxe Session | 10.11.10 Theory Session > '''Users Deluxe''']]
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Reading/Theory/Keen_the cult of the amateur | Andrew Keen > '''The Cult of the Amateur''' - ''How today's internet is killing our culture'']]
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Reading/Theory/Jenkins_Fans, Bloggers and Gamers | Henry Jenkins > '''Fans, Bloggers and Gamers''' - ''Exploring Participatory Culture'']]
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Reading/Theory/Palfrey&Gasser_Born Digital | John Palfrey & Urs Gasser > '''Born Digital''' - ''Introduction'']]
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Reading/Theory/Turkle_Videogames | Sherry Turkle > '''The Second Self''' - ''<span style="font-size:11px">Chapt II</span> Video Games and Computer Holding Power'']]
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Reading/Theory/Turkle_Personal Computers with Personal Meanings | Sherry Turkle > '''The Second Self''' - ''<span style="font-size:11px">Chapt V</span> Personal Computers with Personal Meanings'']]
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Reading/Theory/Kay&Goldberg_Personal Dynamic Media | Alan Kay & Adele Goldberg > '''Personal Dynamic Media''']]
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Reading/Theory/Bush_As We May Think | Vannevar Bush > '''As We May Think (1945)''']]
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Reading/Theory/Bardini_Bootstrapping | Thierry Bardini > '''Bootstrapping''' - ''<span style="font-size:11px;">Chapt IV</span>'' Inventing the Virtual User + ''<span style="font-size:11px;">Chapt VI</span>'' The Arrival of the Real User]]
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Reading/Discussion Group/Bourdieu_The Field of Cultural Production | Pierre Bourdieu > '''The Field of Cultural Production''']]
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Reading/Theory/Dibbel_A Rape in Cyberspace | Julian Dibbel > '''A Rape in Cyberspace''']]
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Reading/Theory/Jenkins_Perhaps a revolution is not what we need | Henry Jenkins > '''Perhaps a revolution is not what we need''']]
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Reading/Theory/Gladwell_Small Change | Malcolm Gladwell > '''Small Change. Why the revolution will not be tweeted''']]
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Reading/Theory/Fernback_The Individual within the Collective | Jan Fernback > '''Virtual culture: identity and communication in cybersociety''' – ''<span style="font-size:11px;">Chapt II</span>'' The Individual within the Collective: Virtual Ideology and the Realization of Collective Principles]]
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Reading/Theory/De Certeau_The Practice of Everyday Life | Michel De Certeau > '''The Practice of Everyday Life''' – ''<span style="font-size:11px;">Chapt III''</span> Making Do]]
=== Build, Break, Broadcast ===
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Reading/Thematic Project/Dot_Matrix_Synth | Alessandro Ludovico (ft.) > '''Dot_Matrix_Synth/Paul Slocum''']]
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Reading/Thematic Project/Medosh_Not Just Another Wireless Utopia | Armin Medosh > '''Not Just Another Wireless Utopia''' - ''Developing the social protocols of free networking'']]
* Alexander R. Galloway > '''Hacking'''
* Alexander R. Galloway > '''Introduction'''
* Don Gentner & Jakob Nielsen > '''The Anti-Mac Interface'''
* Jef Raskin > '''Down with GUIs'''
== Essays ==
* Trimester 1: [[Media:2010-1_LVS_Breaking_or_making_chains.pdf‎  | '''Breaking or making chains?''' ]]
* Trimester 2: [[Media:LVS-PZI_Essay2-Power_Of_Vision.pdf | '''The Power of Vision''' ]]
* Trimester 3: [[media:LVS-PZI_Essay3-HelpingHands_final.pdf | '''Helping Hands''' ]]
= [ 2011-2012 ] =
== Final Project ==
==== Project: Word in Process ====
*[[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Lieven Van Speybroeck, Word in Process, 2012 | Project page]]
*[[User:Lieven_Van_Speybroeck/Graduation Project | Documentation of progress (proposal, outline, ...)]]
==== Thesis: Word in Process. Engaging with text in the post-Gutenberg era. ====
*[[User:Lieven_Van_Speybroeck/Lieven_Van_Speybroeck,_Word_in_Process,_2012#Essay | Abstract ]]
*[ Full text]
== Notes & texts ==
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Notes/All Watched Over | All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace]]
* [[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Notes/Gutenberg Galaxy | The Gutenberg Galaxy: the making of typographic man]]
* [ Umberto Eco – Vegetal and Mineral Memory: the Future of Books]
= [ Website ] =
===Project Planning===
===Project Planning===

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===Final Project Documentation===
===Final Project Documentation===
*[[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/exhibition | Exhibition]]
*[[User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/exhibition | Exhibition]]

Latest revision as of 10:31, 9 July 2012

[ 2010-2011 ]

Thematic Projects

Build Break Broadcast
Sniff Scrape Crawl
No Such Thing As Repetition


  1. Clapping Music
  2. CPUtter
  3. Clapping Music in C
  4. C-Loops
  5. Playback a pattern with pushbutton on Arduino
  6. Markov exercise
  7. Bob Mondriaan
  8. Soldier, Soldier, will you please shut up?
  9. Among the stars

Other programming stuff

  1. Speeltijd - 12 days a week


  1. One-Transistor-Amplifier



Build, Break, Broadcast


[ 2011-2012 ]

Final Project

Project: Word in Process

Thesis: Word in Process. Engaging with text in the post-Gutenberg era.

Notes & texts

[ Website ]