All pages with prefix
- Lbattich
- Lbattich/(Im)Possible Project Proposals
- Lbattich/3 (media) objects - 3 media (objects)
- Lbattich/Andrea Fraser, 'In and Out of Place' 1985
- Lbattich/Benjamin - Unpacking my Library
- Lbattich/David Batchelor, Chromphobia
- Lbattich/Diedrich Diederichsen - Judgement, Objecthood, Temporality
- Lbattich/Essay on method - (final version)
- Lbattich/Essay on method - drafts & notes
- Lbattich/Foucault and Deleuze - Synopsis
- Lbattich/George Brecht Notebooks
- Lbattich/Gridr
- Lbattich/Hal Foster - The Return of the Real
- Lbattich/Ideology Writing Group Exercise
- Lbattich/Interview
- Lbattich/John Johnston - Friedrich Kittler: Media Theroy After Poststructuralism
- Lbattich/Library of Babel Generator
- Lbattich/Library of Babel Generator/Library of Babel Generator - Code
- Lbattich/Menagerie
- Lbattich/Narratives/Digital work - Photo book Thematic Project
- Lbattich/Narratives/Photo Book Proposals
- Lbattich/Nominal Variations
- Lbattich/Note-taking - blurbs - annotations - ephemera from encounters with other people's texts, films, works - deliberations - ideas and non-ideas - some other stuff
- Lbattich/Notes on Jos de Mul
- Lbattich/Notes on Walter Benjamin & the Work of Art in the Age of ...
- Lbattich/On Rosalind Krauss
- Lbattich/On three cultural objects
- Lbattich/On Žižek and Ideology
- Lbattich/Project proposal draft
- Lbattich/Project proposal v1
- Lbattich/Project proposal v2
- Lbattich/Project proposal v3
- Lbattich/Project proposal v4
- Lbattich/Proper names
- Lbattich/Quotations
- Lbattich/Replace ME (python text replace)
- Lbattich/Retrograde Chapbooks
- Lbattich/Review of Anthony McCall at EYE
- Lbattich/Sound Prototypes
- Lbattich/Tests with VideoGrep and python code video editing
- Lbattich/Text on Societies of Discipline and Control
- Lbattich/Thesis 2
- Lbattich/Thesis chapter 1 draft
- Lbattich/Thesis complete draft 10 may
- Lbattich/Thesis outline
- Lbattich/Transcript of interview by Yuzhen
- Lbattich/Trimester 2 recap
- Lbattich/Vanities
- Lbattich/canvas experiments
- Lbattich/grad project test codes
- Lbattich/grad project test screenshots
- Lbattich/notes/Black Mirror and Deleuze
- Lbattich/notes/We Live in Public
- Lbattich/notes/how little we know of our neighbours
- Lbattich/square and cube test codes
- Lbattich/th - rough bilbiography
- Lbattich/th - rough sketches