Methods SI17 SI18 SI19

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

The Reading, Writing, and Research Methodologies Seminar is tailored towards (further) developing research methods within the first year of this master. By establishing a solid foundation of research skills, it will eventually prepare students for their Graduate research in the second year. Through reading core theoretical texts, they will establish a common vocabulary and set of references to work from. They will learn the practice of classic ‘essayistic methodologies’, including close reading, annotation, description and notation, students learn to survey a body of literature, filter what is relevant to their research and create comparative pieces of analysis. The seminar helps students to establish methodical drafting processes for their texts, where they can develop ideas further and structure their use of notes and references. The course takes as axiomatic that the perceived division between ‘practice’ and ‘theory’ is essentially an illusion.


Curriculum: The seminar will involve:

(a.) Identifying the object of your research: description and analysis of your work

(b.) Contextualizing your work through description and reflection on contemporary and historical practices.

(c.) Identify research material key to your practice.

(d.) Synopsis and annotation of key texts

(e.) Writing machines: creating methods for group and individual writing.

Throughout, there will be an emphasis on working collectively, whether in a larger discussion group or in smaller reading and writing groups.

Method for all the sessions

For every session there is a different task, which employs a different writing reading or notation method. I will set no assignments outside of the class, but you must commit to trying the methods I suggest for the day of the seminar. Over the three trimesters you will accumulate a collection of texts and approaches to writing which serve as a resource as you go into the second year.


Week 1

RWRM class integrated in SI class.

Week 2

Wednesday, January 19th

  • Reading, Writing and Research Methods (RW&RM) session with Steve. Ideology, Old and New; in the aquarium 11:00-17:00


1) Today we will be looking at the development of the idea of ideology, referring to these three historical texts:

Marx and Engels (19th Century) - The Ruling Class and Ruling Ideas

File:Marx & EngelsRuling ClassRuling ideas.pdf

Gramsci (early 20th Century)- The History of the Subaltern Classes


Hebdidge (Late 20th Century) - Subculture: The Meaning of Style

File:Dick Hebdige - Subculture The Meaning of Style -Routledge (1979).pdf

2) Reading ideology in everyday objects. We will break our day of reading and annotation with considerations of how ideologies are expressed in our day to day life.


Chad McCail robots run zombies for wealthy parasites...

Notion publicity material: The Story of Tools and the Future of Work.

How to organise your academic life: Notion for Students


16:00 Presentations = reading objects as objects of ideology


Group 1 HAIR

Group 2 NOISE CANCELLING DEVICES (kamo chae grgr mitsa)

HOMEWORK: Between now and your next session with Lidia, form reading groups and review the texts we have been looking at so far...make sure record is made of notes and discussions arising from your readings...

Week 3

RWRM class integrated in SI class.

Week 4

Wednesday, February 2nd

RW&RM Session with Steve

NO NEW STUFF = we spend some time with the things we have already looked at.

11:00-16:30 we compile a glossary of terms.

16:30 group feedback session.

Glossary of productive play

At the end of the session we agreed to


1) Transfer the definitions &c from the pad

to the wiki page

2) make sure all the key terms we have been using are in the glossary (ideology/gamification/hegemony &c) are on the wiki page

3)Feel free to add new ones

Week 5

RWRM class integrated in SI class.

Week 6

Wednesday, February 16th

  • RW&RM with Steve in the large project space: 11:00-17:00 some writing exercises

pad of today


Week zero

Tuesday 12 April

XPUB1: SI18 set-up week / large project space

  • 11:00-13:00 Introductions to each other and to Radio Implicancies / Femke + Steve + Manetta + Michael + Joseph
  • 14:00-17:30 Vocabulary, reading, exercises / Femke
RWRM class integrated in SI class.

Wednesday 13 April

XPUB1: SI18 set-up week / aquarium

  • 11:00-13:00 Special Issue / setting up studio, basic website / Femke + Steve + Manetta + Michael + Joseph (Femke mixes in short tutorials)
  • 14:00-17:30 Special Issue / end day with listening to test recording / Femke + Steve + Manetta + Michael + Joseph
RWRM class integrated in SI class.

Week one

Tuesday 19 April

XPUB1: SI18 Weekly Release 01 & Prototyping / large project space

  • 11:00-13:00 Special Issue / Weekly Release 01 / Femke + Steve + Michael
  • 14:00-17:30 Special Issue / prototyping (1st) / Manetta + Joseph
RWRM class integrated in SI class.

Wednesday 20 April

XPUB1: SI18 RW&RM / large project space

  • 11:00 - 17:00 With Steve:

In The Cybernetic Explanation (1967), Gregory Bateson wrote: “If we find a monkey striking a typewriter apparently at random but in fact is writing meaningful prose we shall look for restraints, either inside the monkey or inside the typewriter”

In this session we will be using this small library to inform our experiments.

Text by Simon Yuill;

Scratch Orchestra's Nature Study Notes (1969)

John Cage's Song Books Vol 1 (1970)


Addition to small library: Eno: Oblique Strategies (card game)

Order of play

We start at 11:00. Please be prompt.

AM (reading and annotating):

1) Look at Nature Study Notes (1969) by Scratch Orchestra (ed.Cornelius Cardew) read out some of the instructions...

2) RAPID reading and annotation of all problems of notation will be solved by the masses

3) Return to Nature Study Notes (1969)

AM/PM (inventing and experimenting):

14:00 -regroup to organise workflow

Make pad with notations (scratches) on it

In groups, invent, perform, record notations

Time table:

pad for notation exercise

a) record your own notations

b) record notations from another group (so, we end up with different recorded versions of the same piece)

4) 16:30 upload and listen

5) 17:00 wrap up

Week four

Wednesday 18 May

XPUB1: SI18 RW&RM / aquarium

  • 11:00 - 17:30 Steve

This is the last session with Steve for this academic year

Today you will mostly work on the projects for RADIO IMPLICANCIES you have been developing in prototyping.

11:00-12:00 Intro to Graduate Research Seminar 2022-2023. The GRS is the seminar which guides you through the process of writing a Project Proposal (in trim 4) and a thesis (in trim 4+5). We will discuss compiling text about your practice over the last 3 trimesters; discuss thesis; discuss project proposal.

Graduate Seminar 2022-2023

Review of RW&RM what worked and what didn't?

12:00 -17:00 Individual tutorials about RADIO IMPLICANCIES project or GRS (next year's workflow).

Meet Steve in the aquarium:

Pad (notes on tutorials):

13:15 Jian

14:00 chae / Kimberley

14:45 supi / carmen

15:30 garga / mitsa

16:15 sumo / emm

16:45 gi


Wednesday September 21st, 2022

11:00-17:00 Introduction to Reading, Writing and Research Methodologies with Steve

Le Guin, acacia seeds and un-naming.



Wednesday October 5th, 2022

11:00-17:30 Reading, Writing and Research Methodologies with Steve


Wednesday October 19th, 2022

11:00-17:30 Reading, Writing and Research Methodologies with Steve


Main assignment

It was really wonderful to see you produce a set of printed cards this week. Over the break, see how they work in a game. What happens when you use the cards this way? Can the system you are prototyping be extended, or augmented? How many cards do you need in a full set? Does anything change when the game takes place somewhere else?

Wednesday November 9th, 2022

11:00-17:30 Reading, Writing and Research Methodologies with Steve


Wednesday November 23rd, 2022

11:00-17:30 Reading, Writing and Research Methodologies with Steve
