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hello ✋ I am Chaeyoung Kim

Chaeyoung Kim (B. 1993, Seoul, she/her) is an interdisciplinary artist encompassing video, installation, performance and an art educator based in Seoul and Rotterdam. Her work draws on the aesthetics of cuteness such as bright colors, wobbly movements, high-pitched sounds to instigate ‘cute affects’ and encourage social interaction. Her extensive work experience as an art educator has made her aware of how curriculum content and workshops can be useful tools for positively impacting the local community.



During the self-study week, Nor organized the workshop called 'Collaboration, Conflict, Consent workshop'. During the workshop, we were asked to make a self-portrait about what excites us and what scares us. ʕʘ‿ʘʔ Also, the drawing underneath is an illustration of how I imagine my practice is or do to people.

I made this drawing during research station skill

Special Issue

SI 16 - Vernacular Language Processing

SI 17 - Productive Play

SI 18 - Radio Implicancies

Key Words/Gestures/Image

This section is for (future) me to build a glossary and sharpen the subject matter. Need to be narrowed down, and these are semi-placehlder

Blowing candles|dandelions|feathers|and hot tea

Building/Gaining Trust

This is similar to the invitation of intimacy.


Maybe cuteness is not the best way to wrap up my practice...! Still need to think about it.

Drawing / Illustration / Annotation

Elements Of Surprise


번데기에서 나온 나비의 날개는 착착 접힌 낙하산처럼, 쭈글쭈글 구겨진 편지처럼 뭉쳐 있었다. 녀석들이 번데기에서 나오는 모습을 내 눈으로 보고서도 그렇게 큰 날개가 그렇게 좁은 공간에 담겨 있다는 사실이 믿기지 않았다. 갓 우화한 나비는 몸통이 뚜렷이 눈에 들어왔다. 일단 날개가 펼쳐져서 그 생명체를 압도하게 되면 이후에는 다시 볼 수 없는 모습이었다. 그 짧은 순간 나비는 꼭 벌레처럼, 곤충처럼 보였다. 감각을 느낄 줄 아는 꽃의 사촌인 양 화려한 날개로만 보이는 나중의 모습과는 달랐다. 몸통은 우화 후 몇 분 안에 날개로 펌프질해 넣어서 날개를 날기에 알맞은 평면으로 펼쳐내는 데 쓸 체액을 머금고 있기 때문에 아직 통통했다. 나비들이 각자의 번데기에 달라붙어 있는 동안, 그들의 날개가 거의 알아차릴 수 없을 만큼 서서히 펼쳐졌다. 번데기에서 완전히 빠져나오지 못해서 날개가 영영 다 펼쳐지지 않는 녀석도 있었다. [Rebecca Solnit, A field guide to getting lost]


sparkling of the sun, highlighting text

Invitation to be intimate

Leaning towards inviting and creating intimacy





Licking the edge of the envelope | stamp


Leaving enough margins to allow readers to annotate.




transitive verb


"Sharing, therefore, is not understood as an act of disclosure but instead of signals collaboration and collaborative ways to enact and engender struggle." [Dear Science, Curiosities, Katherine McKittrick]


see also intimacy

topic pantry

I don't know which method would be suitable for my wiki page: Have this tagging underneath?; Or having keywords on my main page so that I can always refer to things that I'm interested in? Hmm. Need some time to think about it and clean things up.

cuteness | elements of surprise | gaining trust | Hiccups | mosquitos | pockets | walking | harry potter qr code butterflies | butterfly | attachment doll | noise cancelling | flatness | emoticons | hands | 손톱 먹은 쥐 이야기, 지하철에서 봤었던 인조 손톱을 붙이는 한 여성, 지하철에 떨어진 인조 손톱

Yes?, gif, 2020

Reading List

  • Queer Phenomenology: Orientations, Objects, Others by Sara Ahmed
  • The Promise of Happiness by Sara Ahmed
  • The Aesthetics and Affects of Cuteness edited by Edited ByJoshua Paul Dale, Joyce Goggin, Julia Leyda, Anthony McIntyre, Diane Negra
  • Dear Science by Katherine McKittrick
(...)Dear Science argues that black people have always used interdisciplinary methodologies to explain, explore, and story the world, becuase thinking and writing and imagining across a range of texts, disciplines, histories, and genres unselttles suffocating and dismal and insular racial logics. By employing interdisciplinary methodologies and living interdisciplinary worlds, black people bring together various sources and texts and narratives to challenge racism. Or, black people bring together various sources and texts and narratives not to capture something or someone, but to question the analytical work of capturing, and the desire to capture, something or someone. (...) Within black studies and anticolonial studies, one can observe an ongoing method of gathering multifariously textured tales, narratives, fictions, whispers, songs, grooves. The texture offer one way to challenge the primacy of evidentiary and insular normalcies, because they are allegedly incongruous. In assembling ideas that are seemingly disconnected and uneven (the seabird and the epilogue, the song and the soil, the punch clock and the ecosystem, the streetlight and the kick-on-beat), the logic of knoeing-to-prove is unsustainable because incongruity appears to be offering atypical thinking. Yet curioisity thrives. (...) Also, assembling ideas that are seemingly connected () fuse and break apart how we know, necause we seek out continuities and ruptures. And curiosity thrives. (...) What is meaningful, then, are the ways in which black people are interdisciplinary actors, continually entangling and disentangling varying narratives and tempos and hues that, together, invent and reinvent knowledge.
Black studies engenders, shares, and demands diasporic literacy; black studies theorizes black liberation not through categories (identity) but from the perspective of struggle (struggle is entangled with identities-places-embodiments-infrastructures-narratives-feeling).
  • Writing Down The Bones by Natalie Goldberg
  • Sianne Ngai
  • Wendy Chen
  • Dictee, Teresa Hakyung Cha
  • Eros in the library
  • Xpub thesis


Drawing and Doodle

Dear Science의 Footnote에서 본 것과 같이 나도 드로잉 묶음집에 어울리는 보여주기의 방식을 생각해 볼 것. Loop로 돌리는 것이 나을지. 아니면 격자 형태로 나오게 할 것인지, 아니면 랜덤하게 화면 위에 배치된다든지. 등등... 방학동안 드로잉들 모으고, 스캔하고, 키워드별로 분류하기(일단 모으는게 더 중요할듯).

Workshop with Raphaël Bastide

Personal Wiki Link

One choice but a well-picked choice. If you want to work with the sun and moisture chose either one.
Keep it simple. That is the way that the project will be strong. Things that ppl can emotionally connect to. Get to the core.
You are taking digital things to say digital things. There is no friction. There is no contrast.


Q1 Which image do you choose?
Q2 How this image will get old and die eventually?

Depending on which material I chose, it will change how time effects will be different. 예컨대 페인트칠이면 벗겨지는 것일테고, 혹은 녹이 스는 것일테고 아니면 눅눅해지고 잉크가 번지는 것일수도 있겠고, 아니면 시커매지면서 손때가 묻는 것 일수도 있겠고,(마우스 커서 손가락을 또 이용할 수 도 있겠고)

Magical Button (working title)