Prototyping 5 Feb 2013

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

Comparing the analog to the digital via cadavre exquis + imagemagick and some simple file-sharing with netcat.


 sleep 60; play -n synth 0.5 sin 800

Start by selecting a single imagemagick operation, and test your script.


Passing an image:

  • IP Addresses

Run the woof script, note the web address it gives. This is a URL with your (dynamically assigned) IP address (the four numbers) plus a port number (after the colon) which be default is 8080.

Listen for a file

nc -l -p [LocalPort] > [outfile]

Listen on [LocalPort], store results in [outfile]

Push a file

nc -w3 [TargetIPaddr] [port] < [infile]

Push [infile] to [TargetIPaddr] on [port]