Prototyping 5 Feb 2013
Comparing the analog to the digital via cadavre exquis + imagemagick and some simple file-sharing with netcat.
On paper...
A script to sound a tone after 60 seconds...
sleep 60; play -n synth 0.5 sin 800
Start by selecting a single imagemagick operation, and test your script.
Passing an image:
- IP Addresses
Run the woof script, note the web address it gives. This is a URL with your (dynamically assigned) IP address (the four numbers) plus a port number (after the colon) which be default is 8080.
Listen for a file
nc -l -p [LocalPort] > [outfile]
Listen on [LocalPort], store results in [outfile]
Push a file
nc -w3 [TargetIPaddr] [port] < [infile]
Push [infile] to [TargetIPaddr] on [port]
Afternoon: Digital Cadavre Exquis
Slice up an image, vertically:
convert olifant.jpg -crop 20x +repage +adjoin olifant_20x_%d.jpg
And glue it back together, almost perfect:
convert -append /file_split*.png /file_vertical.png
convert +append /file_split*.png /file_horizontal.png
convert +repage file* outputfile_overlapping.gif
convert +repage file* outputfile+coordinates.gif
slice an image up in x number of slices
#!/bin/bash #to run type: "bash *name of script* *path to source image* *amount of slices*" #example: bash /img.jpg 10 #make variable called 'width' which takes the width of the image($1) #make variable called 'n' which is the amount of slices($2) #make variable called strp which is the division of the width of the image by the amount of required slices #slice the $1 image into images called strip*.jpg that are $strp wide width=$(identify -format %w $1) n=$2 strp=$((width/n)) convert $1 -crop $strp +repage +adjoin strips%d.jpg