Import the Geoip database
I was lucky to find the MaxMind GeoIP2 legacy csv imported in MongoDB here:
I unzipped the folder for the dump and used mongorestore to import it.
First steps
→ will find anything
→ for it to be readable
db.ips.find({'location.country_name' : /^antarctica$/i}).pretty()
→ Will find ips in antarctica and show them in a readable way (the ^ is here in case it's a lower or upper case first letter)
→ anything with latitude of 12
→ anything with longitude of 12
db.ips.find({ 'coordinates.0': {$gte: 1, $lte:12},'coordinates.1': {$gte:1, $lte:3.1} }).pretty()
→ anything with longitude greater than 1 and lower than 12, latitude greater than 1 and lower than 3.1
This is very useful because it enables to give a range...
→ will return all the different countries listed in the database and sort them alphabetically
→ All different latitudes possible for longitude: 3
mongo databasename < script.js
→ to move the query to a js file
export jsons
mongoexport -d poetic_geoips -c ips -q "{'location.country_name' : /^antarctica$/i}" --jsonArray --out antarctica.json
→ get a json file of all the ips in Antarctica
mongoexport -d poetic_geoips -c ips -q "{'location.city_name' : /^rotterdam$/i}" --jsonArray --out rotterdam.json
→ to get a json file of all the ips in Rotterdam
mongoexport -d poetic_geoips -c ips -q "{'coordinates.0':{\$gte:3.1,\$lte:12.3},'coordinates.1': {\$gte:1.9, \$lte:3.1}}" --jsonArray --out supersuper.json
→ SuperCombo