Navigable SVG Workshop

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

Creating a drag + zoom-able SVG

The SVG pan library is a javascript file that can be added to any SVG format image to make it drag and zoomable when viewed in a web browser.

  • Create an SVG using Inkscape, or download one form a source like Open Clip Art.
  • Add the link tag to the SVG
  • Ensure that the "xlink" namespace is in the XML file

  • Link to Example

SVG Animation with CSS Transitions

CSS Transitions are an extension to the CSS language to very simply add gradual transition behaviours to page elements in a style similar to standard (static) CSS rules. These rules work with SVG elements as well.

  • Link to example with buttons to navigate to specific control points
  • Link to example with transitions enabled (via stylesheet)
  • Link to example



  • The Archipel website is an example of a hybrid HTML + SVG interface to a music collection. The SVG is generated based on a (changable) "backend" catalogue of music from the music lending library of Belgium.