The Hitchhiker's Guide to an Active Archive/End Broadcast Protocol
Play move_2.mp3
Protocoller: Initiate music procol.
Play outro_1.mp3
OR Play outro_drwho.mp3
Protocoller: Announce the time. Performer: It is [TIME] and you're listening to 'Protocols for an Active Archive' on Radio Worm! Protocoller: How many minutes are left in the show? Navigator: [MINUTES] minutes!
If [MINUTES] < 5:
Protocoller: Commence Stop Broadcast. Navigator: Redirect to: Stop Broadcast.
If 5 < [MINUTES] < 15:
Protocoller: Commence Music Protocol. Navigator: Redirect to: Music Protocol.
If 15 < [MINUTES]:
Protocoller: Commence Audience Engagement Protocol. Navigator: Redirect to: Audience Engagement Protocol.