- add photo to garage cafe performance
- files
- jullie clip, still
- seek clip, still
- floorplan still
- lara (edited with new shots) trailer
- mia trailer
- amy trailer
connections from projects & experiments
Crucial to this assessment is your capacity not just to show your successful projects, but your ability to reflect on points of improvement - in other words, the ability to talk about your failed experiments, and what you have learned from them, is just as important as speaking about what worked and why.
jullie -- seek -- home
autobiography -- documentary
I used to, perhaps still am, obsessed with the precision of words.
If someone misuses a word, I get annoyed. You can count that as a fact.
But then, when it comes to an idea, I am the opposite of precise.
I become very vague.
Is that how I seek refuge?
My distrust towards the world.
But how can I move the world if I cannot trust it?
This is my dilemma.
garage cafe
applying -- communicating -- meeting -- performance -- meeting -- shooting
shooting on my own v. recruiting help and trusting
instigating -- meeting -- writing -- communicating -- meeting
taking chance -- meeting -- writing -- communicating -- meeting -- editing
wiki as a place
a map for self; sometimes a riddle for others
developing criteria & evolving practice
Essential in each of the integrated assessments, however, are your own developing criteria, which are specific to your practice and essential to your abilities as an independent practitioner... Any integrated assessment will take the specificities of your own practice into account, and will also ask which criteria you have developed for your own work and how you have employed them in taking decisions in developing your practice.
- from seek
- understanding the medium: Jujube/cinematography, the Cinematic
- production of the image: Objectivity
- relationship with theories
- Jujube/methods-research-group#What_have_I_been_reading_so_far.3F
- essay #2
- practice
- Jujube/practice