The poetry and brief life of a Foxconn worker: Xu Lizhi (1990-2014)
“I Swallowed a Moon Made of Iron”
我咽下一枚铁做的月亮 I swallowed a moon made of iron
他们把它叫做螺丝 They refer to it as a nail
我咽下这工业的废水,失业的订单 I swallowed this industrial sewage, these unemployment documents
那些低于机台的青春早早夭亡 Youth stooped at machines die before their time
我咽下奔波,咽下流离失所 I swallowed the hustle and the destitution
咽下人行天桥,咽下长满水锈的生活 Swallowed pedestrian bridges, life covered in rust
我再咽不下了 I can’t swallow any more
所有我曾经咽下的现在都从喉咙汹涌而出 All that I’ve swallowed is now gushing out of my throat
在祖国的领土上铺成一首 Unfurling on the land of my ancestors
耻辱的诗 Into a disgraceful poem.