Special Issues
Special Issue 13
For the Special Issue 13, I interpreted the essay TENSE (2018) by Simon(e) van Saarloos. With my interpretation, I amplified the author’s discourse on descriptive language by exaggerating the use of meta-descriptions through the form of HTML-tags. Normally, a HTML <tag> acts as a descriptive container, it is invisible for Web-user point of view as it is only made to be read and interpreted by the computer in order to arrange the structure of the Web-page
By looking for ways to make these meta tags visible and readable from a Web-user’s point of view, I affect the reader’s interpreation of the essay and also perception of the document accessed. Additionally to the Web, I made my three HTML documents (essay, artistic response and map) printable from the Web and included them in the Special Issue 13 book.
As part of the design team of the Special Issue 13, I collaborated with two XPUB1 students to make the project’s visual identity, including the making of Web-to-print documents such as the blank map; bookcover and colophon.
Experimental: ★★★★☆
Publishing: ★★★★☆
Special Issue 14
For the Special Issue 14, I wished to explore, detect, and implement unconsidered Web events and situations in my own pinball game. Later on, this work evolved into a city-based pinball game, eventually becoming the publication’s launcher page. This launcher page allows the user to find coordinates of local Wi-Fi networks located within the city of The Hague.
In addition to the launcher, I created a series of pinball inspired folder interfaces. Each of them allow visitors, who are connected to one of the local Wi-Fi network locations, to access content created and shared by XPUB1 students. This content can be games, texts or codes embedded within compositions of clickable pinball bumpers.
In order to connect the launcher page with a total of five folder interfaces as part of a more unified navigation and visual system, I was working in the design team of the Special Issue 14 with three other students and together we assembled the project’s visual identity.
Experimental: ★★★★★
Publishing: ★★★★★
Special Issue 15
During the Special Issue 15, I had fun with Louisa with Musiclab, then got quiet familiar on SonicPi making interpolation and sample looping, overlaping ann streching in time and space before getting more seriously involved with P5sound.js library. I hosted one radio show with Euna Lee, worked with Naami and Jacopo on sound spacing.
Along these differents steps, I started to devellop locally a Web Oscillator responding to the User Inserface mouse X/Y and screen size. After adding some visual landmarks, I could finally perform with this instrument for the very last radio show hosted by Louisa and Federico in a garden! A live performance is being prepared for September at Page Not Found (The Hague) with other XPUB students and almunis. Be aware that because of the specific focus on the development of this instrument, most my research on this subkect transited from this my wiki to this link. VIDEO
Experimental: ★★★★★
Publishing: ★☆☆☆☆
XPUB Bonus Project(s)
Caution Weird Floor - XPUB Geocatching Game
with Federico Poni for The Hague Contemporary Art Weekend 2021
with Federico Poni for The Hague Contemporary Art Weekend 2021
"The city as glistening greasy icy perilous polished silky unstable wet floor.
The THC Art Weekend's locations as foothold niche perch toehold crevice hold footing device"
Federico and I developed a Web app allowing the visitiors of The Hague Contemporary Art Weekend 2021 to compose and generate custom routes across the different contemporary art locations of the city. These routes are generated from a series of combined words picked by the player, creating speculative poetry and offering many ways to explore the diverse manifestations from the 23 partners of the festival. During the Art Weekend, you could derive through The Hague catching the Weird Yellow Signboards around the locations and generate Weird Slippery Poems based on the imput description of each events.
For more information here, video here
Experimental: ★★★★☆
Publishing: ★★★☆☆
Yet to be filled
Personal Works (Media Studies/Art/Archeology)
→ 1. Incidences Médiatiques — Martin Foucaut based on Exercices de Style from Raymond Queneau (2018)
→ 2. Media Spaces — Martin Foucaut (2019)
→ 3. TENSE — Martin Foucaut (based on an essay from Simon(e) van Saarloos (2020)
→ 4. Web Oscillator — Martin Foucaut (2021) Work in Progress
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