- Tool: TIC 80 /// Fantasy console /// [1]
- TIC-80 is a tiny computer which you can use to make, play, and share tiny games. Built-in development tools include code, sprite, map and sound editors which along with the command line tools, provide everything you need to create a mini retro game. Once your game is finished you can export it to a cartridge file, which can be stored and uploaded to the TIC-80 website. Alternatively, it can be packed into a stand-alone player that works on all popular platforms and can be distributed as you wish. To make a retro styled game, the whole process of creation takes place under some technical limitations: 240x136 pixels display, a 16 color palette, 256 8x8 color sprites, 4 channel sound, etc.
- TIC 80 man
Python #1
- Homeostasis: Internal balance that every leving organism has. Dynamic equilibrium.
- What about the form of the book? Vertical Building?
- "The book as an important tool of dramaturge"
- is there such a thing as the post-colonial language for the future?
- What's the technological context of the project and which one now?
- Group 3: Euna, Jacopo, Camilo - Atata, Otherness, hope
Licencing thoughts:
- What can I do with something online? if it doesn't say something you can't do anything.
- So licensing could be the way to open the project.
- [CC] (creative commons) creates a rigid format of licensing which people don't understand exactly what are they agreeing with.
- by writing licenses you are writing politics. It could be seen as a political statement of the publishing project.
- Free publishing as an act of privilege: who could give his effort for "free"?
- Examples: re-use it for non-commercial purposes
- translate it into the other languages
- make copies giving authorship
General notes
the text's summarize pad:
General Pad:
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Communication Pad: