Twenty things to do with a python script

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

With a deferential bow to Seymour Papert & Cynthia Solomon's 1971 20 Things to do with a computer, here a selected listing of Python recipes that represent a range posible explorations that need not involve much more than 20 - 30 lines of code.

Construction.gif Code/links/images to be added

Make a turtle

import turtle

Create an Inkscape plugin to draw turtle graphics

See Seymour

Generating tactical text hybrids

“Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and create derivative works of. 9. We can analyze your application. We can remove any ad for any purpose, including Connect sites. * Payment Terms: These guidelines outline the policies that apply to users. 5. If any portion of this Statement must be the difference between a Mrs. Weston, only sixteen miles off, was always disagreeable”

Using nltk

Source: Femke Snelting,

Programmatically Manipulating Typefaces


Using fontforge and robofab

Source: Eric Schrijver,

Spidering texts and extracting strategic search patterns

Source: Nicolas Malevé,

Running a mini-webserver

python -m SimpleHTTPServer

Permute the spellings of search terms

Source: Linda Hilfling, the experiments were developed later into the Misspelling generator browser plugin & project

Create a Traceroute Map

Source: User:Roelroscama/trim1/protoyping

Scrape Albert Heijn Loyalty Cards

Error in widget Vimeo: unable to write file /data/www/

Source: Birgit Bachler,

Create a custom joystick sound recorder

Uses: pygame


Source: Peter Westenberg,

Slice & reorder an audio file by predominant frequency (NM/MM)

Create clouds of 3D objects in Blender

Source: Julien Deswaef, Brussels Blender Group []

Create a dotcom index using letter permuations

Source: User:Roelroscama, prototyping

Filter a subtitle file to highlight the unique words of a spoken text (Disappearance)

Source: Alexandre Leray and Stéphanie_Vilayphiou


  • Manipulate images with PIL?
  • reportlab to generate a paginated PDF
  • subprocess (Run a shell command & process it's output (using FFMPEG to get audio/video info))
  • html5lib: simple scrape starting code
  • glob
  • urllib, urlparse, ...
  • json
  • optparse
  • random
  • datetime
  • SimpleHTTPServer
  • SocketServer / OSC
  • turtle
  • uuid
  • zipfile
  • xml (Read and extract data from an XML file)