Graduate Research Seminar 2011/2012

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Revision as of 13:19, 21 March 2012 by Steve Rushton (talk | contribs)

Graduate Thesis Timetable

  • Below are the key dates leading up to the thesis deadline
  • February 24 = outline and annotated bibliography
  • April 2-3rd = interim assessment
  • June 1st = thesis deadline

Steve's note to group: Here is a reminder of what needs to put on the wiki ahead of the Graduate Seminar on Wednesday (21-3). Many of you have done this already, so apologies for repetition.

1) Make a new abstract of your thesis - a brief synopsis of not more than 500 words which gives a 'narrative' to your thesis. In some cases this will be useful to re-articulate where you are with it(because the emphasis may have changed). This should take a few hours at the most. Please put it up on the wiki before Wednesday.

2) I would also like you to make a scheme which outlines the stages in which you plan to finish your thesis. there will be many demands on your time in the coming months so please plan time to write and study and stick to it. This plan is actually very useful to me because your plan will help me organise my time to help you. Again, such a plan will take a few hours at the most.

Both of the above will be useful ahead of the interim assessments -- which is a moment for taking stock.

3)Also ahead of Wednesday (21st-3) , consider how you can use material from your Project Proposal. Remember, you have done a lot of research already that can be use – from descriptions of previous practice (which can contextualise your thesis) to annotations and descriptions of texts and art works. The proposal was a good way of orientating your practice so you don't have to re-do that work. You can use your Project Proposal to provide the structure for your thesis.

Time is pressing, so I would like to devote the remaining Wednesday sessions to setting achievable aims each week and putting time aside to reach those aims. If you follow this scheme you should expect to see measurable progress week-on-week.





proposals first draft 9 november

proposals second draft 23 november

proposals 5 December (deadline)

proposals 12 January (deadline)

outline thesis 24 February (deadline)

14/03/2012 texts

First draft Thesis 16 March (deadline)

Synopses for class 21 March ( Spring!)