The Material Kinship Reader Muyang Notes

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The Material Kinship Reader

Accessories to this Love Elegies for Some of the Things I Have Worn and Loved

How to think about the material of an object's (jewelry) Material? Source? Pattern? Style?

Cheap? Common? Widely-Used?

Who sells? Who produces it?

What's behind the pattern? Mythological stories?

Colonial Histories?

Who wears? Queers? Teens?

Why wears? Charm? Protection?

What will happen? Your sweat? Your body smell? Become Rusty? Oxidized?

Who produces it? Low-income? Race? Women?

How feel? Cute? Gentle? Soft?

Say Thank You to it. Survival. Care.

Worn out? Experiences? Death? Soul?


Memories? Real?

Self? Scream?

Magic? Deep Inner? Nameless? Intimacy?

My sexuality? Porosity? Toxicity?

Insist? We?

With-Women: Grieving in Capitalist Time

Making Love and Relations Beyond Settler Sex and Family




Kinship with Plastic