Karina/RW&RM class notes

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Pirate Pad


Steve gives intro:
15:15 we make notes and briefly research possible subject for the second essay
15:30 meet in groups
Group A: large project space
Group B: Studio

What do you want to research this trimester?
Researching the second essay


  1. Look at the conclusion of the last essay and consider the research strands it suggests.
  2. Formulate a question arising from the group work you did last trimester
  3. Consider new questions that arise at the start of this trimester
  4. Consider the core questions at the centre of you self-directed research
  5. Follow leads suggested by your bibliography
  6. Use previous methods (see below)
  7. Explore Jstore

First draft: 22 February
Deadline: March 22

New project: collaboration with DePlayer the theme: the relation between scores and sound. Michael, Aymeric, a graphic designer, Andre. Still speculative: DePlayer have a publication in which sound artists make works and have invited contributions for the next issue.
They have been showing their records, Michael been showing how to produce sounds from scripts, Andre technical devices. Looking into the science
Tmrw it is graphical scores – probably start with John Cage.
Also a publication with Florian, about experimental publishing, decided to write a manifesto which can be amended by other students.
What is stake in writing a manifesto?
Performing an intention.
One opinion: Manifesto classifies = self classifying, you may see the hypocracies and contradictions in your thinking, you are making a stand which places you in a position which others may oppose.
Another opinion: The manifesto is a tool to experiment and understand what we are doing. Part of the topic we have to explore: which political structures communicate to other people; the M is a declaration of intent, the process should allow for reflection on the course. An action which shows an ideology.
What do we agree on?
We start with a question." Steve's notes end here

Manifesto for Florian
How to make a manifesto that:

  • is personal / has character
  • balances being objective / subjective (both?)
  • accessible to future students
  • allows content to be manipulated / added / taken away
  • is a tool / shows action, not only ideas

Issues that arise

  • need to see whether there are already existing similar manifestos
  • is self classifying / hypocrisies of own ideas

Book worth reading for next essay
Lauren Slater - Opening Skinner's Box https://www.amazon.co.uk/Opening-Skinners-Box-Psychological-Experiments/dp/074756860X

  • B.F. Skinner
  • Stanley Milgram
  • David Rosenhan
  • Harley & Latané
  • Leon Festinger
  • Harry Harlow
  • Bruce Alexander
  • Elizabeth Loftus
  • Eric Kandel
  • Antonio Egas Moniz

recording time using photography
memory flow - photography as memory

not archival - too vast
how photography brings back memories - the time and date do not


  • parallel between conference of d'usse - who you get an idea? how the act of creation begins
  • how can you make conceptual art? medium is the idea itself
  • can the idea have an aesthetic?
  • Noemie: idea was created by the people that think about it.
  • Her teacher: idea is there. people only have the concept
  • Paradox between what is said and what is done
  • work is organised and think about form, yet they do not acknowledging form
  • the photography is not the art, but the proof that the performance existed


  • cybernetics - confrontation between machine and men. physical can be improved by gadgets
  • technology is evolving. are we taking good use of it.
  • is it wise to express ourselves through social media?
  • digitally controlled gadgets - we could perceive wider using tech. we could be losing ourselves?
  • electronic surveillance
  • answers answered through time, continuously evolving
  • can't classify as good or bad - its part of human nature. it's morally challenging
  • established by religion
  • comparison of thermostat - adjusting temperature to our needs
  • missiles for medical advances
  • didn't want to hand over research to military
  • games used for military uses
  • good or bad? it's neutral


  • contextualising glitch historically, aesthetically
  • what it was personally too?
  • looked into history (avant-garde) and it's beginnings 20th century
  • at first breaking patterns, now breaking patterns technologically
  • be more critical, and say what is happening right now
  • might not follow with technological glitch, because now sees as a concept of breaking
  • wants to have deeper understanding what it is personally
  • wants to explore what is avant-garde right now

Notes from other's about my future essay / work

  • Norbert Wiener wrote about: Newtonian time. Bergsonian time
  • See Bergson's : matter and memory, which talks about how we experience time, how we live time, (duration) as opposed to abstract time (the clock, the watch)

  • How people from different cultures relates with time.
  • She thinks about exploring the relation between photography and time. And how abstract it can be. Photography helps to bring memories back, it captures time and memory.
  • Memory has loads to do with media. Archival is something that she wouldn’t like to go much into. But more into the psychological aspect of it.

  • Connexion between culture and time. Other philo that it may not be a cultural thing but a personal kind of thing.
  • Abstract of time. Looking at photographies bring back memories. Lack of memory. How photographie capture time and memory.

  • Time perspective and cultural diversity
  • Where do people really come from? from a biological and non-political perspective
  • What is time?
  • Relativity
  • Significant vs insignificant, preconception

ideas that popped in mind:



Insight into next trimester

encyclopaedia of media objects

  • what is an encyclopaedia?
  • what is media?
  • what is an object?

Florian's research on wiki

"A saint you would pray to and they would direct you to god"
Things that connect one with another
Numbers in pages

Random discussions during class

WIRED - New Forms for 2017 by Nick Compton
New building inspired by pixels - 56 leonard New York

Southpark growing human penis on mouse (response to growing human ear on mouse)

Radio around the world: what is played right now

Music around the world: choose your region and year

see how music genres are connected / music guide radio

The Funny Fish Finger Friends - falls into pond

Matthew Barney - cremaster 3

Jean-Marc Cote

Mishka Husky - Give Me My Toy

Un Autre Monde JJ Grandville

Years: What Tree Rings Sound Like Played on a Record Player

Dark humour comics

Unprepared Piano - Thompson & Craighead

Grabs parts of torrents that are being downloaded live