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'''What does it mean to re-publish?'''
'''What does it mean to re-publish?'''

''add bit more info on context''
    PUBLISH: mid-14c., "make publicly known, reveal, divulge, announce;"alteration of publicen (early 14c.) by influence of banish, finish, etc.; from extended stem of Old French publier "make public, spread abroad, communicate," from Latin publicare "make public," from publicus "public" (see public). Meaning "issue (a book, etc.) to the public" is from late 14c., also "to disgrace, put to shame; denounce publicly."Related: Published; publishing. In Middle English the verb also meant "to people, populate; to multiply, breed" (late 14c.), for example ben published of "be descended from."
  prefix RE- : word-forming element meaning "back to the original place; again, anew, once more," also with a sense of "undoing," c. 1200, from Old French and directly from Latin re- "again, back, anew, against..
Looking into the etymologies of ‘-re’ and of ‘publishing’ is only one possible starting point to inform us on the question ‘what does it mean to re-publish something?’. For example: to understand re-publishing as ‘going back to the original place’. This could be for example understood as; looking again at the original departing point of Words for the Future, and to attend to the process of making the publications. OR, to explore how to somehow ‘undo’ the process of publishing by ‘doing it anew’. Furthermore, the translation from one technological context into another; from printed to digitial publication, and back, but also from one particular audience to another, and from copyright to open access, is going to influence our possible approach(es) to re-publishing. Ofcourse, the original material and content of the series, the words, essays and images themselves, are important entry points towards the ways in which they can be re-published. What is for example a LIQUID way of making something public again? How could the speculation on punctuationmarks by Michiel Vandevelde inspire our design or typographic choices?  Following on these and other questions, within the ten weeks of the semester we are going to explore and develop a collaborative re-publishing practice.

=Issue 13=
=Issue 13=
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'''1b. Writing an open access license'''  
'''1b. Writing an open access license'''  
[ Here it is]

Words for the Future is automatically copyrighted even though / because it was not consciously given copy right or another license. In order to give it an easy accessible afterlife after its exclusive limited editions on print, we are making the content open access. In order to do so we are going to write a license that describes how the material can be re-used, treated and re-published by other readers/writers. The material of Words for the Future - i.e. the ten words / visions for the future - can guide us in the possible ethics, values, attitudes we'd want to include in the license.
Words for the Future is automatically copyrighted even though / because it was not consciously given copy right or another license. In order to give it an easy accessible afterlife after its exclusive limited editions on print, we are making the content open access. In order to do so we are going to write a license that describes how the material can be re-used, treated and re-published by other readers/writers. The material of Words for the Future - i.e. the ten words / visions for the future - can guide us in the possible ethics, values, attitudes we'd want to include in the license.
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'''MAPPING through:'''
'''MAPPING through:'''

> annotating  
> annotating, glossaries, map of annotations, making A0
> copying / versioning
> speaking / broadcasting
> copying, making posters, guerilla postering in r'dam
> expanding
> speaking, activating words in daily live, speech acts,
activating/expanding dialogues, making sound fragments
> remediation, structures of text, organising materials
> creating audiences and readers
The materials are uploaded to a repository in the XPUB git.

They can be cloned, downloaded as zip-file or viewed in the Gitea interface as individual files.

''here all the pdf's will be added''
* '''link to all the materials''':
* '''zip-file''': [zip: 255MB] [unzipped: 784MB]

{| class="wikitable" style="margin:2em 1em;background-color:white;border:0;padding:1em;text-align:left;width:100%;max-width:750px;" cellpadding="10"
! Word !! Authors !! PDF (small)
| LIQUID || Rachel Armstrong, Andrea Božic & Julia Willms (TILT) || [ link]
| OTHERNESS || Daniel L. Everett, Sarah Moeremans || [ link] [ link] [ link]
| PRACTICAL VISION || Moses Kilolo (Jalada), Klara van Duijkeren & Vincent Schipper (The Future) || [ link] [ link] [ link]
| ECO-SWARAJ || Ashish Kothari, Rodrigo Sobarzo || [ link] [ link]
| HOPE || Gurur Ertem, Ogutu Muraya || [  link]
| TENSE || Simon(e) van Saarloos, Eilit Marom & Anna Massoni & Elpida Orfanidou & Adina Secretan & Simone Truong || [ link] [ link]
| UNDECIDABILITY || Silvia Bottiroli, Jozef Wouters || [ link]
| RESURGENCE || Isabelle Stengers, Ola Macijewska || [ link]
| !? || Nina Power, Michiel Vandevelde || [!__-resampled.pdf link]
| ATATA || Natalia Chavez Lopez, Hilda Moucharrafieh || [ link]


==Week 1==
==Week 1==
'''Monday 21 September'''
{{ ONLINE }} Prototyping with Michael (10:00 - 13:00)
Pad of the day:

'''Tuesday 22 September'''
'''Tuesday 22 September'''

IRL Kick-off meeting  Nienke + Aymeric + Steve + Manetta (morning)
{{IRL}} Kick-off meeting  Nienke + Aymeric + Steve + Manetta (morning)

Morning: introduction to the project, going through the programme, how do we work
'''Morning''': introduction to the project, going through the programme, how do we work

Afternoon: reading and annotation first text(s) Nienke + Steve
'''Afternoon''': reading and annotation first text(s) Nienke + Steve
[[Annotation Words for the Future – pads]]
Intro: Interstitial Spaces
''How do you design caring for a word?
Making 3 groups: every group takes care of 3 to 4 words
- you are responsible for these words throughout the semester.

==Week 2==
==Week 2==

'''Tuesday 29 sept'''  
'''Monday 28 Sept'''

IRL Nienke + Steve
{{ ONLINE }} Prototyping with Manetta (10:00 - afternoon)
Pad of the day:
'''Tuesday 29 Sept'''
{{IRL}} Nienke + Steve

Day: reading and annotating Words for the Future texts in different groups
Day: reading and annotating Words for the Future texts in different groups
Here are the pads: [[Annotation Words for the Future – pads]]
''How do you read?''
What are your reading practices?
What could be different approaches?
References ways of reading

Link: [[File:Sedgwick paranoid reading plain.pdf]]
Link: [[File:Sedgwick paranoid reading plain.pdf]]

See also: Donna Harraway, Karen Barad, e.g.
How do we read, Katharine Hayles -
References annotating:
'''Wednesday 30 Sept'''
{{ ONLINE }} Prototyping with Michael

==Week 3==
==Week 3==
'''Monday 5 October'''
{{ONLINE}} Steve
Continuation annotations
Here are the pads: [[Annotation Words for the Future – pads]]
Continue with readings / Go futher with group methodology
Steve will be on Jitsy at
13:00 Brief intro session
Followed by annotation in groups (take breaks when needed)
16:30 recap and make a plan to finish the annotations:
what date?
What needs to be done?

'''Tuesday 6 October'''  
'''Tuesday 6 October'''  

IRL Nienke + Aymeric
{{IRL}} Nienke + Aymeric
Day: Open Access License Writing
'''Read in advance:
some abstracts of Aymeric's PhD:
About the link between free software (and open source) and its expansion into other forms of cultural production: pp. 76-91
About the problematics/limits of unrestricted sharing, remix, appropriation, etc: pp.285-297
'''Prep in advance for the word you are caring for:
What sort of licence(s)/usages do the words themselves propose?
Consider the open source usages the word you care for asks for.
You can also think in terms of the values they propose to prioritize.
F.e. we ask users not to only 'take' from the material but to also add to it. (taking into account reciprocity re; Atata)
Or: not to fixate the knowledge offered into defined containers or categories (liquid), but to remain undecidable: let a multiplicity of perspectives unfold (Silvia Bottoroli, and to see that a material is not in its final position, and never will be (Jozef Wouters).

Writing license open access
half day workshop, half day writing

Words for the Future is automatically copyrighted even though / because it was not consciously given copy right or another license; there is also no contract about this with the printers or co-publishers. In order to give it an easy accessible afterlife after its exclusive limited editions on print, we are making the content open access - all authors agreed with this. In order to make it open access we need to write a license for words for the future series. Instead of f.e. using a creative commons license, we get a workshop from Aymeric who knows all about the history of license writing for open source software.  
Words for the Future is automatically copyrighted even though / because it was not consciously given copy right or another license; there is also no contract about this with the printers or co-publishers. In order to give it an easy accessible afterlife after its exclusive limited editions on print, we are making the content open access - all authors agreed with this. In order to make it open access we need to write a license for words for the future series. Instead of f.e. using a creative commons license, we get a workshop from Aymeric who knows all about the history of license writing for open source software.  

What are the ethics of republishing / and of re-using?
What are the ethics of republishing / and of re-using?
What are responsibilities of republishing? (What does the author ‘allow’ versus what does the material invite?)
What are responsibilities of republishing? (What does the author ‘allow’ versus what does the material invite?)
What sort of licence(s) do the words themselves propose?
What sort of licence(s) do the words themselves propose?
'''Wednesday 7 Oct'''
{{ ONLINE }} Prototyping with Michael & Manetta
Pad of the day:

==Week 4==
==Week 4==

'''Tuesday 13 oct'''  
'''Monday 12 Oct'''
{{ ONLINE }} Prototyping with Manetta
* Pad of the day:
* QUILT/PATCH protocols: [[Quilting-with-Python]]
* We made the following quilt together: [[File:Quilt WFTF.pdf]]
'''Tuesday 13 Oct'''
{{IRL}} Steve (+ Nienke is sick and can't make it in today)
11:00 am start in large project space.
Link to annotations:

IRL Steve + Nienke–_pads

Morning: exchange texts / annotations  
Morning: exchange texts / annotations  
Afternoon: mapping relations
Afternoon: mapping relations
Communicate to your peers:
- What is 'LIQUID' (title issue) / what is the text?, what are the visions of the authors, how are these expressed? (its a dialogue) 
= convey to the other readers what the authors meant: ''ontological ''
- What are your own thoughts about this? your interpretation? And how would you step into the dialogue, add to the dialogue? ''hermeneutical''
- What meaningful relations can be made between the issues? (And what do we consider 'meaningful'?) ''interstitial''
Assignment: publishing A0
make this discourse visible in the form of an A0 map.
A sketch for the day plan
* This session follows up on the annotations you have been making
* AM: Discuss outcome of Manetta's class. Through discussion, map the relations between the texts you have been reading - make sketches for AO poster(s)
* PM: continue to make sketches for an AO poster(s) and make a plan for its production; discuss options; make proposals &C.;
* allocate roles and tasks &c.
'''Wednesday 14 Oct'''
{{ ONLINE }} Prototyping with Michael
PAD from today:
We started by looking at using a notebook to explore the [ Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)] and specifically the "concordance" tool to isolate the context of particular words in the WftF texts. People worked on [ different patches] following the patch protocol, and we ended with a new [ quilt] script and (partial) result: [[File:Concordance_quilt.pdf]].

==Week 5==
==Week 5==

'''19-23 oct - autumn holiday
'''19-23 oct - autumn holiday'''
==Second part of the Special Issue: Words for the Future (formats & planning)==
The format that we propose to work with is '''A0 posters''' that can be folded into one or several '''booklets/leaflets/maps'''. '''Each one of you is in charge of one poster''', and the whole group needs to decide how to combine them and design '''one extra poster to provide context/colophon/etc about the Special Issue'''. The posters/publication will be sent to different organisations, collectives and cultural institutions to be placed in their windows and/or to showcase, browse, redistribute. The posters may also be put up by yourselves in Rotterdam. With this focus on '''distribution''', the Special Issue will hook into an observation that was made at the beginning of this trimester: the texts of Words for the Future are highly relevant and speak to the interest of different cultural groups and organisations within the Netherlands. However, there is little or no contact between these different groups. The current health crisis has worsened the problem, putting many institutions into a state of hibernation. By focusing on distribution within this Special Issue, we will explore networked forms of (re)publishing to activate the connections between different cultural institutions.
The poster should '''(re)publish the original text in full''' and additionaly '''make use of the different materials and techniques developed''' including output generated by Python notebooks, derivatives, annotations, your own writing, drawings, generated visuals, maps, etc, and making use of mixed techniques. Finally the Special Issue will take two different forms: '''11 x A0 posters''', (10 + 1  for context/colophon/etc), and an '''online publication''' including the Notebooks, PDFs, and HTML pages. The latter (the online publication) is still up for discussion and will be subject of conversation in the coming weeks.
'''Production budget'''
€1000,- (can be extended if needed)
Caveat: you need to advance the expenses and get refunded (exception: if you work with a service provider that could invoice HR/WdKA directly, like a printer for instance).
==Week 6==
'''Monday 26 October'''
{{ ONLINE }} Prototyping with Manetta (11:00 - 18:00)
Pad: +
We discussed the Special Issue proposal together in the morning, and started to work with 3 NLTK notebooks ([ nltk-frequency-distribution], [ nltk-pos-tagger], [ nltk-similar-words]), a JSON notebook ([ json-making-datasets]) and a Weasyprint notebook ([ weasyprint]) in the afternoon ... until the XPUB Notebook hub stopped working and we all struggled to install Jupyter on our computers (which we almost all managed to do in the end, pfiew!).
'''Tuesday 27 October'''
{{ IRL }} Nienke 11:00-13:00
editorial guidance & feedback
'''Wednesday 28 October'''
{{ ONLINE }} Prototyping with Michael
Reviewed/worked with the [ nltk-pos] & the [ weasyprint]
[[File:WFTF13.jpeg|thumb|Photo: Idea Whiteboard]]
==Week 7==
'''Monday 2 November'''
{{ ONLINE }} Prototyping with Manetta (10:00 - 17:00)
Pad of the day:
Today we started to work with our new Jupyter setup: [ '''Sandbot'''], the brandnew XPUB1 sandbox! It is set up by Michael last week, and currently hosted in Hacktiris, Brussels. Through the Jupyter interface, we started to use the command line, as it was time to start git <code>pulling</code> and <code>pushing</code>. We generated ssh-keys on the Sandbot, cloned the git over ssh, bumped into the limits of the firewall, wrote gnd a message, and were ready to continue after lunch. We looked into this (small) [ <code>pdftk</code> notebook], to do some PDF layering with PDFTK (see example [ here]). Then we repeated some parts of the [ Weasyprint] notebook, to end with a small [ Markdown-to-HTML-to-PDF] notebook. It was a full day, which we ended with a final <code>git push</code> (which we will repeat again next week, to get more familiar with these new gestures).
'''Tuesday 3 November'''
Concept pad:
{{ IRL }} Special Issue with Nienke 11:00-13:00
We discuss your analogue printed out (may be on smaller formats that you tape together)
presentation of a first draft of the A0 #11, which you worked on collaboratively last week in devided roles.
We use it as a starting point to think further the overall concept:
relation(s) between analogue x digital publication, and the question of publish''ing''; where,
which audiences, organisations, platforms etc:  'distribution as contribution'.
If you have questions with regards to the talk w Ogutu we can discuss these too.
14.00 - ?. Continue w. Lídia
'''Wednesday 4 November'''
{{ ONLINE }} Prototyping with Michael
A day largely looking at and working with the commandline, we visited a [ The map is the territory] a zine / command-line tutorial and explored the example of small tools working together with pandoc + weasyprint (using weasyprint this time via its commandline command rather than python). Finally, using some tools like psnup to make poster layouts, for instance [ some example outputs].
'''Thursday 5 November'''
10:00 - 12:00h moderated by Martin + Jacobo
Everyone reads/listens to the material + prepares some questions
==Week 8==
'''Monday 9 November'''
{{ ONLINE }} Prototyping (10:00 - 17:00)
Pad of the day:
Today we worked on a prototype of a ''writing system'', based on an observation<sup>*</sup> and using a tool of choice<sup>**</sup>. Outcomes are uploaded to the '''wiki''', notebooks are added to the <code>shared/shared-notebooks/</code> folder on '''sandbot'''.
* See observations we wrote on 'digital text':
** One of the tools we encountered during the prototyping sessions so far
'''Tuesday 10 November'''
[[File:WFTF13_1.png|thumb|Photo: General proposal *click the photo for more]]
{{ IRL }} Special Issue with Nienke 11:00-13:00, Lidia 14:00 - ..
pad of the day:
'''ASSIGNMENT from Nienke & Lidia'''
Tuesday you came to the idea of the publication as a tool to activate thinking
about the future in different ways, to open up imagination and practical ways to act upon it.
You want it to be accessible, readable and usable. Not limited to institutions, politicians,
or too specific other target groups; where the material remains again in a too small bubble.
The idea to open up the material to children and educators arose. We think this is an exciting
idea because it is a clear and focused target group, and at the same time this is a group that
is still broad in their way of thinking and acting. Able to open up the publication in several
'''For next week think this further:
'''>''' for whom is it published: audience: children / teenagers (which age?) and their educators
'''>''' where is it published: places of education, the classroom, e.g.
'''>''' how is it published: is it published by hanging de the different maps on the windows of classrooms,
and/or by several teachers discussing the future / words / imagination .. in class
that day / different classes or schools contribute together to a map of the future ?... etc.
The fact that schools remain open during this almost lockdown, makes it also strategically an interesting
space for publishing. Kids come there every day, they have big windows, hallways, play grounds, etc....
-- what needs to be practically done for that? (''we discuss this further in class too'')
'''Within this idea of publishing for youth:
'''>''' Continue with your own A0, make the other side. Finish a first draft of your whole A0.
'''>''' Together create a first draft of A0 #11, that includes: a colophon, an open access license
for the whole publication, a contextual piece of writing, (these don't have to be made yet
but need to find a place in the A0) and an overview of the whole project
and the meaningful connections between all A0's.
''' Wednesday 11 November'''
Send questions / drafts / ideas to Nienke for feedback.
{{ ONLINE }} Prototyping with Michael [ pad]
We started with a round of what issues/problems people were busy with. We then worked on publishing a [ v0.1 WFFT Online Publication], with the emphasis on getting a structure in place and a strategy for cross linking and making the site portable, specifically implementing a simple [ (web)ring] with relative links. In the afternoon we revisited a workflow of using Markdown + Pandoc to make HTML, including using NLTK to do parts-of-speech tagging. Some new tools were added to the mix, specifically using the [ pattern] library (a kind of higher level NLTK) to do search for grammatical patterns in a text. (NB: Technical glitches in the pattern library prevented it from working on the sandbot -- these issues have been resolved and the notebook should now run on the sandbot!). Finally the [ graphviz tale to tale notebook] was looked at by some at as an alternative way to think about making language "maps" and generating network diagrams.
==Week 9==
Go into different roles (of design, editing, communication and production) - let's make sure every role is covered properly,
and start working towards the final designs, texts, editing, organising distribution and launch, etc.
'''Monday 16 November'''
All: Send individual A0's latest versions to Nienke before Monday 10.30h
for feedback on Tuesday one on one.
'''Tuesday 17 November'''
{{ IRL }} Special Issue with Nienke & Lidia 14:00 - 16:00 (lidia perhaps longer)
Nienke: one on one's feedback on individual A0's
Lidia: tbc with rest of group
'''!! Important Changes !!'''<br>
Aymeric reminded us of the aim we formulated at starting point of this special issue: republish Words for the Future beyond its original limited form. By 1) making it more widely accessible (digital, open source etc.), and by 2) re-publishing as (re-)approriating (and re-thinking, re-wording, re-worlding, re-imagining, etc. ) = adding your own layers, in a way that encourages readers/users to not read each 'word' separately, but in connection to the other words, reading side-ways through all the material as it where, and in-between the different 'islands' you are creating.
We think we should stay close to this initial aim, and focus on the development of your own maps, interpretations of your texts and their interconnections, and how they all come together in the big A0 and as a publication.
The distribution challenge; making interactive work - in such a way that people are actually going to engage with it, receive it, do something with it, workshop it, etc, - we feel is too big and complex for now. So we decided to release you of that extra task/layer (but this doesn't mean you can't continue with it if so desired). More sensible it is then to focus of what kind of launch you want: how do you want to present it to the 'world'.
'''So reformulating the assignment we ask you to focus on:
    * the design of an online issue (that you started w Michael), where the texts + artistic responses are republished, with your added layers, and creating interconnectedness between all of those words/worlds (see point 2 above)
    * a printed publication that is a translation of that online version > your individual idea/concept for how you are re-publishing your word, is the same online + offline (ofc. the execution, forms, e.g., can differ online/offline)
    ! You idea of A0 + package of A3 is still usable here, just make sure online and offline speak to each other.
    >> Suggestion: In order to bring the individual packages together in the collective final publication, decide on a collective frame / theme / motivation behind the Words for the Future 2.0 republication: for example UNLEARNING,and formulate that within the title. "Wor(l)ds for the Future", could be one, f.e. A good title will give all of you a frame to work within. "Words for the Future 2.0 | ....... " Etc.
Communications and launch team:
join forces and come up with 1 or 2 ideas for the launch: extra challenge - offline event can't happen in a 'normal' way, we discourage an online event because the animo for showing up at anything online is extremely low atm. (one on one walks..?, speed dating,..? something that is perhaps IRL but within the given measurements)
pad launch team
within getting clear your own concept/idea of how you are re-publishing your word for the future into this layered package online/offline, you chose your aim and motivation for putting it in the world and the audience that belongs to that
so in the end the collective publication might speak to an ecclectic range of audiences
XPUB + you, will do a round of PR, attract attention, people will be able to order the publication online (for free? / ..) we can decide on a limited number of mailing we might want to do.
'''Before Monday:'''<br>
send us first drafts of design and concept of your individual word re-publication - taken into account both the online and offline versions. One on one feedback in class w Nienke. Discussing your proposals on the launch, with Lídia.
'''Wednesday 18 November'''
{{ ONLINE }} Prototyping with Manetta & Michael (11:00 - 18:00)
Hotline: > Hmm, let's switch for today to here:
Pad of the day:
Short Summary: Continued work on the [ sandbot]... We had a discussion of cross linking and the possibilities of the anchor tag, ultimately spending time testing out some crosslinking described by the [ keywords-mapping] pad. We "hand coded" some links to start to see what they could mean in terms of readability. Experimentation was made with using symbols as links, and the possibility to use [ image maps] to allow various kinds of "offline" mappings to function as interfaces was explored. (See link at the top of the [ Wor(l)ds for the Future page] on the sandbot.) We discussed how the HTML pages could be seen as providing a 1:1 relation to A3 prints, and will focus our next session on print.
'''Thursday 19 November'''
* Create overview pad, put link in wiki
* Update all your work in the overview pad
* Work further, keep sharing and communicating
before monday 23 nov morning 10:00:
* Finish first proper versions of all the texts that are going to be on the A0/landing page: license, contextual, colophon, e.g. (see wiki and use the original covertexts as well)
* Finish first proper version design of grid A0 + online landing page.
* Finish plan for launch. Incl. dates, activities, guests, who to invite, and how.
Send all of it to Nienke/Lidia (cc rest of tutors) for feedback. License group: Could you ask Aymeric as well for feedback on the license?<br>
you receive your feedback on monday, and/or latest tuesday morning in class
==Week 10==
'''!!!  OVERVIEW PAD: !!!'''
'''Monday 23 November'''
{{ ONLINE }} Prototyping with Michael [ pad] [ jitsi]
* work further w michael
* finish online version of the grid/collective page?
* focus on print - html to A3 print
at end of day: update all your work again in the overview pad
'''Tuesday 24 November'''
{{ IRL }} Special Issue with Nienke (11:00 - 13:00), Lidia (from 14:00), Manetta (from 11:00)
Pad of the day*:
* With: regex, pdfposter (A0 > A3's), multiple stylesheets (all/screen/print), color separation tools (Ghostscript/p5.riso.js)
* Aymeric 11.30 - 12:00 w license group
* Nienke  12.00 - 12.30 w launch group
today you have time to be working on printing first tests<br>
we are around for questions, help, feedback<br>
getting everything out on print, see how it works physically
*making (in print) the collective parts of the A0<br>
** w. Manetta & Nienke 11-00-13:00
* '''have all material needed for the A0 gathered for testrun''' (doesn't need to be the final final material)
all day for both collective and individual print work:<br>
*Manetta/Lidia: print help desk
*Nienke/Lidia: editorial guidance help desk
at end of day: update all your work again in the overview pad
'''Wednesday 25 November'''
work further, keep sharing, checking-in and communicating
* implement the feedback + input of the past two days
* finish versions 2 of all texts for A0 > for copy editing
* send links to steve, so that he can have a look before session on 26th
* put plan launch into motion, organise, invite, pr..
at end of day: update all your work again in the overview pad
'''Thursday 26 November'''
work further, keep sharing, checking-in and communicating
'''nienke/lidia will give last rounds of feedback on your A3's send the version you have at that time to them before 17:00!

==Week 6 - 10==
* copy editing process w steve, focus on facing the public:
** steve 11-13: team writers/copy editors: contextual text - Kendal, Louisa, Jacopo, Clara (poni i didn't put you here since you are already in license group)
** steve 14-16: team license - nami, poni, euna
* bring your almost final versions of these texts!
* finish A0 design (after implementing all notes from testing, test again if needed)
* have little update collectively among yourselves
* everything needs to FINISHED by tomorrow make list of last things to do, divide tasks
at end of day: update all your work again in the overview pad
'''Friday 27 November'''
* work further, keep sharing and communicating
* have everything ready for production run print: deadline A3's (send to print-team + Nienke & Lidia)
* have online issue almost ready up to last round of edits/coding/details on monday
'''* have PR and invitations out for launch
==Week 11==
[[|thumb|right|A diagramic way to go through the steps of updating the issue minisite.]]
'''Monday 30 November'''
{{ ONLINE }} Prototyping with Manetta (10:00 - 18:00)
Today we will pick up anything that needs attention!
A start of listing questions for today: (at the bottom)
Pad of today:
'''Tuesday 1 December'''
{{ IRL }} Special Issue with Nienke + Lidia (14:00)
* focus on collective materials
* trouble shooting all last things that need done
** nienke + lidia 14-.., around for guidance, help: focus on the digital publication
* Riso Printing @ WdKA 9:30 - 14:15
* careful look at all last versions or online/print
* N/L work w launch team of finalizing launch organisation, dramaturgy of event, e.g.
'''Wednesday 2 December'''
{{ ONLINE }} Prototyping with Michael
* Riso Printing @ WdKA 9:30 - 14:15
* production run print material
* finalise online issue
do you need someone from the tutors to be there on printing day? pls let us know.<br>
also ask us for online feedback/help/input if needed. just say so.
'''Thursday 3 December'''
* finalise online issue
* Send A0 to print (MORNING)
do you need someone from the tutors to be there on printing day? pls let us know.<br>
also ask us for online feedback/help/input if needed
'''Friday 4 December'''
* Riso Printing collective materials @ PRINTROOM 12.30
* Gluebinding all A3 material @ WdKA
everything done !! <br>
share w us all <party>
==Week 12==
'''Monday 7 December'''
* prep launch
* Building packages
'''Tuesday 8 December'''
{{ IRL }} Special Issue Launch / Wrap up, with all of us
With: Nienke (morning), Lídia (afternoon), Manetta (all day), Aymeric (all day TBC)
Present the publication to the audience / world in your chosen way
'''Morning''': launch! with XPUB1 + XPUB2 + tutors
'''Afternoon''': documentation?
'''7-11 December .. < beyond?'''

'''Schedule follows.'''
launch activities the rest of the week?

[[Category:Special Issue]]
[[Category:Special Issue]]

Latest revision as of 22:19, 13 September 2022

Words for the Future - The Re-Publishing Project
Photo: Ernst van Deursen



If we want to re-imagine our ways of being in and with the world, could we then start to describe it differently?

Words for the Future is a multi-voiced series of ten words that point to possible imaginations of various futures. Ten people from different parts of the world and from different fields of knowledge were asked to propose a word for the future. Each of them wrote a text that unfolds the desired or foreseen way of thinking or doing, this word defines for them. At the same time, an artists, in whose work this particular words seems already latently present, is invited to respond to it. Bringing both the essay and the artistic responds together in one publication, each issue becomes a dialogue around one word.

Contributors: Rachel Armstrong, Andrea Bozic & Julia Wilms, Daniel L. Everett, Sarah Moeremans, Jalada | Moses Kilolo, The Future | Klara van Duijkeren & Vincent Schipper, Ashish Kothari, Rodrigo Sobarzo, Gurur Ertem, Ogutu Muraya, Silvia Bottiroli, Jozef Wouters, Simon(e) van Saarloos, Simone Truong & team, Isabelle Stengers, Ola Macijewksa, Nina Power, Michiel Vandervelde, Natalia Chaves Lopez, Hilda Moucharrafieh.

Words for the Future was initiated, curated and published by Nienke Scholts, self-published in co-production with Veem House for Performance, and designed and printed by Print The Future. Every issue is printed in a limted edition of 50 booklets. The issues where sold seperately and as full series at the Veem House bookstore, at Walter Koenig / Stedelijk Museum and with Books on the Move during European dance festivals and through their online catalogue. (There is still 9 full series and a different x amount of each seperate words in store.)


The Re-Publishing Project | XPUB Rotterdam


Words for the Future meets XPUB Rotterdam for a re-publishing project. The aim is to re-publish the Words for the Future series in collaboration with the first year XPUB MA students and mentoring team as the special issues project #13. Central to the project is the question:

What does it mean to re-publish?


    PUBLISH: mid-14c., "make publicly known, reveal, divulge, announce;"alteration of publicen (early 14c.) by influence of banish, finish, etc.; from extended stem of Old French publier "make public, spread abroad, communicate," from Latin publicare "make public," from publicus "public" (see public). Meaning "issue (a book, etc.) to the public" is from late 14c., also "to disgrace, put to shame; denounce publicly."Related: Published; publishing. In Middle English the verb also meant "to people, populate; to multiply, breed" (late 14c.), for example ben published of "be descended from."
  prefix RE- : word-forming element meaning "back to the original place; again, anew, once more," also with a sense of "undoing," c. 1200, from Old French and directly from Latin re- "again, back, anew, against.. 


Looking into the etymologies of ‘-re’ and of ‘publishing’ is only one possible starting point to inform us on the question ‘what does it mean to re-publish something?’. For example: to understand re-publishing as ‘going back to the original place’. This could be for example understood as; looking again at the original departing point of Words for the Future, and to attend to the process of making the publications. OR, to explore how to somehow ‘undo’ the process of publishing by ‘doing it anew’. Furthermore, the translation from one technological context into another; from printed to digitial publication, and back, but also from one particular audience to another, and from copyright to open access, is going to influence our possible approach(es) to re-publishing. Ofcourse, the original material and content of the series, the words, essays and images themselves, are important entry points towards the ways in which they can be re-published. What is for example a LIQUID way of making something public again? How could the speculation on punctuationmarks by Michiel Vandevelde inspire our design or typographic choices? Following on these and other questions, within the ten weeks of the semester we are going to explore and develop a collaborative re-publishing practice.

Issue 13

Map of relations, by Aymeric Mansoux

For the Words for the Future re-publishing project we'll work on:

1. Re-publishing the original material online.

Making it available to a wide range of audiences, sharable, downloadable, usable. How to translate from print to digital? From one technological space to another?

1b. Writing an open access license

Here it is

Words for the Future is automatically copyrighted even though / because it was not consciously given copy right or another license. In order to give it an easy accessible afterlife after its exclusive limited editions on print, we are making the content open access. In order to do so we are going to write a license that describes how the material can be re-used, treated and re-published by other readers/writers. The material of Words for the Future - i.e. the ten words / visions for the future - can guide us in the possible ethics, values, attitudes we'd want to include in the license.

Workshop on open source licenses by Aymeric.

2. re-publishing words for the future as map of relations - or ‘interstitial dramaturgy’

Making visible the web of resonance of visions / thoughts / worries / desires in between the different contributions and issues; the interstitial dramaturgy so to say. To map out this web of words for the future not as seperate thoughts but as a vocabulary / language of collective thinking and action.

MAPPING through:

> annotating, glossaries, map of annotations, making A0

> copying, making posters, guerilla postering in r'dam

> speaking, activating words in daily live, speech acts, activating/expanding dialogues, making sound fragments

> remediation, structures of text, organising materials

> creating audiences and readers


The materials are uploaded to a repository in the XPUB git.

They can be cloned, downloaded as zip-file or viewed in the Gitea interface as individual files.

Word Authors PDF (small)
LIQUID Rachel Armstrong, Andrea Božic & Julia Willms (TILT) link
OTHERNESS Daniel L. Everett, Sarah Moeremans link link link
PRACTICAL VISION Moses Kilolo (Jalada), Klara van Duijkeren & Vincent Schipper (The Future) link link link
ECO-SWARAJ Ashish Kothari, Rodrigo Sobarzo link link
HOPE Gurur Ertem, Ogutu Muraya link
TENSE Simon(e) van Saarloos, Eilit Marom & Anna Massoni & Elpida Orfanidou & Adina Secretan & Simone Truong link link
UNDECIDABILITY Silvia Bottiroli, Jozef Wouters link
RESURGENCE Isabelle Stengers, Ola Macijewska link
!? Nina Power, Michiel Vandevelde link
ATATA Natalia Chavez Lopez, Hilda Moucharrafieh link


Week 1

Monday 21 September

ONLINE Prototyping with Michael (10:00 - 13:00)

Pad of the day:

Tuesday 22 September

IRL Kick-off meeting Nienke + Aymeric + Steve + Manetta (morning)

Morning: introduction to the project, going through the programme, how do we work

Afternoon: reading and annotation first text(s) Nienke + Steve

Annotation Words for the Future – pads

Intro: Interstitial Spaces

How do you design caring for a word?

Making 3 groups: every group takes care of 3 to 4 words

- you are responsible for these words throughout the semester.

Week 2

Monday 28 Sept

ONLINE Prototyping with Manetta (10:00 - afternoon)

Pad of the day:

Tuesday 29 Sept

IRL Nienke + Steve

Day: reading and annotating Words for the Future texts in different groups

Here are the pads: Annotation Words for the Future – pads

How do you read?

What are your reading practices?

What could be different approaches?

References ways of reading

Link: File:Sedgwick paranoid reading plain.pdf

See also: Donna Harraway, Karen Barad, e.g.

How do we read, Katharine Hayles -

References annotating:

Wednesday 30 Sept

ONLINE Prototyping with Michael


Week 3

Monday 5 October



Continuation annotations

Here are the pads: Annotation Words for the Future – pads

Continue with readings / Go futher with group methodology

Steve will be on Jitsy at

13:00 Brief intro session

Followed by annotation in groups (take breaks when needed)

16:30 recap and make a plan to finish the annotations:

what date?

What needs to be done?

Tuesday 6 October

IRL Nienke + Aymeric


Day: Open Access License Writing

Read in advance:

some abstracts of Aymeric's PhD:

About the link between free software (and open source) and its expansion into other forms of cultural production: pp. 76-91

About the problematics/limits of unrestricted sharing, remix, appropriation, etc: pp.285-297

Prep in advance for the word you are caring for:

What sort of licence(s)/usages do the words themselves propose?

Consider the open source usages the word you care for asks for.

You can also think in terms of the values they propose to prioritize.

F.e. we ask users not to only 'take' from the material but to also add to it. (taking into account reciprocity re; Atata)

Or: not to fixate the knowledge offered into defined containers or categories (liquid), but to remain undecidable: let a multiplicity of perspectives unfold (Silvia Bottoroli, and to see that a material is not in its final position, and never will be (Jozef Wouters). etc.

Words for the Future is automatically copyrighted even though / because it was not consciously given copy right or another license; there is also no contract about this with the printers or co-publishers. In order to give it an easy accessible afterlife after its exclusive limited editions on print, we are making the content open access - all authors agreed with this. In order to make it open access we need to write a license for words for the future series. Instead of f.e. using a creative commons license, we get a workshop from Aymeric who knows all about the history of license writing for open source software.

What are the ethics of republishing / and of re-using?

What are responsibilities of republishing? (What does the author ‘allow’ versus what does the material invite?)

What sort of licence(s) do the words themselves propose?

Wednesday 7 Oct

ONLINE Prototyping with Michael & Manetta

Pad of the day:

Week 4

Monday 12 Oct

ONLINE Prototyping with Manetta

Tuesday 13 Oct

IRL Steve (+ Nienke is sick and can't make it in today)

11:00 am start in large project space.

Link to annotations:–_pads

Morning: exchange texts / annotations Afternoon: mapping relations

Communicate to your peers:

- What is 'LIQUID' (title issue) / what is the text?, what are the visions of the authors, how are these expressed? (its a dialogue) 

= convey to the other readers what the authors meant: ontological 

- What are your own thoughts about this? your interpretation? And how would you step into the dialogue, add to the dialogue? hermeneutical

- What meaningful relations can be made between the issues? (And what do we consider 'meaningful'?) interstitial

Assignment: publishing A0

make this discourse visible in the form of an A0 map.

A sketch for the day plan

  • This session follows up on the annotations you have been making
  • AM: Discuss outcome of Manetta's class. Through discussion, map the relations between the texts you have been reading - make sketches for AO poster(s)
  • PM: continue to make sketches for an AO poster(s) and make a plan for its production; discuss options; make proposals &C.;
  • allocate roles and tasks &c.

Wednesday 14 Oct

ONLINE Prototyping with Michael

PAD from today:

We started by looking at using a notebook to explore the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) and specifically the "concordance" tool to isolate the context of particular words in the WftF texts. People worked on different patches following the patch protocol, and we ended with a new quilt script and (partial) result: File:Concordance quilt.pdf.

Week 5

19-23 oct - autumn holiday

Second part of the Special Issue: Words for the Future (formats & planning)

The format that we propose to work with is A0 posters that can be folded into one or several booklets/leaflets/maps. Each one of you is in charge of one poster, and the whole group needs to decide how to combine them and design one extra poster to provide context/colophon/etc about the Special Issue. The posters/publication will be sent to different organisations, collectives and cultural institutions to be placed in their windows and/or to showcase, browse, redistribute. The posters may also be put up by yourselves in Rotterdam. With this focus on distribution, the Special Issue will hook into an observation that was made at the beginning of this trimester: the texts of Words for the Future are highly relevant and speak to the interest of different cultural groups and organisations within the Netherlands. However, there is little or no contact between these different groups. The current health crisis has worsened the problem, putting many institutions into a state of hibernation. By focusing on distribution within this Special Issue, we will explore networked forms of (re)publishing to activate the connections between different cultural institutions.

The poster should (re)publish the original text in full and additionaly make use of the different materials and techniques developed including output generated by Python notebooks, derivatives, annotations, your own writing, drawings, generated visuals, maps, etc, and making use of mixed techniques. Finally the Special Issue will take two different forms: 11 x A0 posters, (10 + 1 for context/colophon/etc), and an online publication including the Notebooks, PDFs, and HTML pages. The latter (the online publication) is still up for discussion and will be subject of conversation in the coming weeks.

Production budget

€1000,- (can be extended if needed)

Caveat: you need to advance the expenses and get refunded (exception: if you work with a service provider that could invoice HR/WdKA directly, like a printer for instance).

Week 6

Monday 26 October

ONLINE Prototyping with Manetta (11:00 - 18:00)


Pad: +

We discussed the Special Issue proposal together in the morning, and started to work with 3 NLTK notebooks (nltk-frequency-distribution, nltk-pos-tagger, nltk-similar-words), a JSON notebook (json-making-datasets) and a Weasyprint notebook (weasyprint) in the afternoon ... until the XPUB Notebook hub stopped working and we all struggled to install Jupyter on our computers (which we almost all managed to do in the end, pfiew!).

Tuesday 27 October

IRL Nienke 11:00-13:00

editorial guidance & feedback


Wednesday 28 October

ONLINE Prototyping with Michael


Reviewed/worked with the nltk-pos & the weasyprint notebooks.

Photo: Idea Whiteboard

Week 7

Monday 2 November

ONLINE Prototyping with Manetta (10:00 - 17:00)


Pad of the day:

Today we started to work with our new Jupyter setup: Sandbot, the brandnew XPUB1 sandbox! It is set up by Michael last week, and currently hosted in Hacktiris, Brussels. Through the Jupyter interface, we started to use the command line, as it was time to start git pulling and pushing. We generated ssh-keys on the Sandbot, cloned the git over ssh, bumped into the limits of the firewall, wrote gnd a message, and were ready to continue after lunch. We looked into this (small) pdftk notebook, to do some PDF layering with PDFTK (see example here). Then we repeated some parts of the Weasyprint notebook, to end with a small Markdown-to-HTML-to-PDF notebook. It was a full day, which we ended with a final git push (which we will repeat again next week, to get more familiar with these new gestures).

Tuesday 3 November


Concept pad:

IRL Special Issue with Nienke 11:00-13:00

We discuss your analogue printed out (may be on smaller formats that you tape together) presentation of a first draft of the A0 #11, which you worked on collaboratively last week in devided roles.

We use it as a starting point to think further the overall concept: relation(s) between analogue x digital publication, and the question of publishing; where, which audiences, organisations, platforms etc: 'distribution as contribution'.

If you have questions with regards to the talk w Ogutu we can discuss these too.

14.00 - ?. Continue w. Lídia

Wednesday 4 November

ONLINE Prototyping with Michael


A day largely looking at and working with the commandline, we visited a The map is the territory a zine / command-line tutorial and explored the example of small tools working together with pandoc + weasyprint (using weasyprint this time via its commandline command rather than python). Finally, using some tools like psnup to make poster layouts, for instance some example outputs.

Thursday 5 November


10:00 - 12:00h moderated by Martin + Jacobo


Everyone reads/listens to the material + prepares some questions

Week 8

Monday 9 November

ONLINE Prototyping (10:00 - 17:00)


Pad of the day:

Today we worked on a prototype of a writing system, based on an observation* and using a tool of choice**. Outcomes are uploaded to the wiki, notebooks are added to the shared/shared-notebooks/ folder on sandbot.

* See observations we wrote on 'digital text':
** One of the tools we encountered during the prototyping sessions so far

Tuesday 10 November

Photo: General proposal *click the photo for more

IRL Special Issue with Nienke 11:00-13:00, Lidia 14:00 - ..

pad of the day:

ASSIGNMENT from Nienke & Lidia

Tuesday you came to the idea of the publication as a tool to activate thinking about the future in different ways, to open up imagination and practical ways to act upon it. You want it to be accessible, readable and usable. Not limited to institutions, politicians, or too specific other target groups; where the material remains again in a too small bubble. The idea to open up the material to children and educators arose. We think this is an exciting idea because it is a clear and focused target group, and at the same time this is a group that is still broad in their way of thinking and acting. Able to open up the publication in several ways.

For next week think this further:

> for whom is it published: audience: children / teenagers (which age?) and their educators

> where is it published: places of education, the classroom, e.g.

> how is it published: is it published by hanging de the different maps on the windows of classrooms, and/or by several teachers discussing the future / words / imagination .. in class that day / different classes or schools contribute together to a map of the future ?... etc. The fact that schools remain open during this almost lockdown, makes it also strategically an interesting space for publishing. Kids come there every day, they have big windows, hallways, play grounds, etc....

-- what needs to be practically done for that? (we discuss this further in class too)

Within this idea of publishing for youth:

> Continue with your own A0, make the other side. Finish a first draft of your whole A0.

> Together create a first draft of A0 #11, that includes: a colophon, an open access license for the whole publication, a contextual piece of writing, (these don't have to be made yet but need to find a place in the A0) and an overview of the whole project and the meaningful connections between all A0's.

Wednesday 11 November

Send questions / drafts / ideas to Nienke for feedback.

ONLINE Prototyping with Michael pad

We started with a round of what issues/problems people were busy with. We then worked on publishing a v0.1 WFFT Online Publication, with the emphasis on getting a structure in place and a strategy for cross linking and making the site portable, specifically implementing a simple (web)ring with relative links. In the afternoon we revisited a workflow of using Markdown + Pandoc to make HTML, including using NLTK to do parts-of-speech tagging. Some new tools were added to the mix, specifically using the pattern library (a kind of higher level NLTK) to do search for grammatical patterns in a text. (NB: Technical glitches in the pattern library prevented it from working on the sandbot -- these issues have been resolved and the notebook should now run on the sandbot!). Finally the graphviz tale to tale notebook was looked at by some at as an alternative way to think about making language "maps" and generating network diagrams.

Week 9

Go into different roles (of design, editing, communication and production) - let's make sure every role is covered properly, and start working towards the final designs, texts, editing, organising distribution and launch, etc.

Monday 16 November

All: Send individual A0's latest versions to Nienke before Monday 10.30h for feedback on Tuesday one on one.

Tuesday 17 November

IRL Special Issue with Nienke & Lidia 14:00 - 16:00 (lidia perhaps longer)

Nienke: one on one's feedback on individual A0's

Lidia: tbc with rest of group

!! Important Changes !!
Aymeric reminded us of the aim we formulated at starting point of this special issue: republish Words for the Future beyond its original limited form. By 1) making it more widely accessible (digital, open source etc.), and by 2) re-publishing as (re-)approriating (and re-thinking, re-wording, re-worlding, re-imagining, etc. ) = adding your own layers, in a way that encourages readers/users to not read each 'word' separately, but in connection to the other words, reading side-ways through all the material as it where, and in-between the different 'islands' you are creating.

We think we should stay close to this initial aim, and focus on the development of your own maps, interpretations of your texts and their interconnections, and how they all come together in the big A0 and as a publication.

The distribution challenge; making interactive work - in such a way that people are actually going to engage with it, receive it, do something with it, workshop it, etc, - we feel is too big and complex for now. So we decided to release you of that extra task/layer (but this doesn't mean you can't continue with it if so desired). More sensible it is then to focus of what kind of launch you want: how do you want to present it to the 'world'.

So reformulating the assignment we ask you to focus on:

   * the design of an online issue (that you started w Michael), where the texts + artistic responses are republished, with your added layers, and creating interconnectedness between all of those words/worlds (see point 2 above)
   * a printed publication that is a translation of that online version > your individual idea/concept for how you are re-publishing your word, is the same online + offline (ofc. the execution, forms, e.g., can differ online/offline) 
   ! You idea of A0 + package of A3 is still usable here, just make sure online and offline speak to each other. 
   >> Suggestion: In order to bring the individual packages together in the collective final publication, decide on a collective frame / theme / motivation behind the Words for the Future 2.0 republication: for example UNLEARNING,and formulate that within the title. "Wor(l)ds for the Future", could be one, f.e. A good title will give all of you a frame to work within. "Words for the Future 2.0 | ....... " Etc.

Communications and launch team:

join forces and come up with 1 or 2 ideas for the launch: extra challenge - offline event can't happen in a 'normal' way, we discourage an online event because the animo for showing up at anything online is extremely low atm. (one on one walks..?, speed dating,..? something that is perhaps IRL but within the given measurements)

pad launch team

Audience: within getting clear your own concept/idea of how you are re-publishing your word for the future into this layered package online/offline, you chose your aim and motivation for putting it in the world and the audience that belongs to that so in the end the collective publication might speak to an ecclectic range of audiences XPUB + you, will do a round of PR, attract attention, people will be able to order the publication online (for free? / ..) we can decide on a limited number of mailing we might want to do.

Before Monday:
send us first drafts of design and concept of your individual word re-publication - taken into account both the online and offline versions. One on one feedback in class w Nienke. Discussing your proposals on the launch, with Lídia.

Wednesday 18 November

ONLINE Prototyping with Manetta & Michael (11:00 - 18:00)

Hotline: > Hmm, let's switch for today to here:

Pad of the day:

Short Summary: Continued work on the sandbot... We had a discussion of cross linking and the possibilities of the anchor tag, ultimately spending time testing out some crosslinking described by the keywords-mapping pad. We "hand coded" some links to start to see what they could mean in terms of readability. Experimentation was made with using symbols as links, and the possibility to use image maps to allow various kinds of "offline" mappings to function as interfaces was explored. (See link at the top of the Wor(l)ds for the Future page on the sandbot.) We discussed how the HTML pages could be seen as providing a 1:1 relation to A3 prints, and will focus our next session on print.

Thursday 19 November

  • Create overview pad, put link in wiki
  • Update all your work in the overview pad
  • Work further, keep sharing and communicating

before monday 23 nov morning 10:00:

  • Finish first proper versions of all the texts that are going to be on the A0/landing page: license, contextual, colophon, e.g. (see wiki and use the original covertexts as well)
  • Finish first proper version design of grid A0 + online landing page.
  • Finish plan for launch. Incl. dates, activities, guests, who to invite, and how.

Send all of it to Nienke/Lidia (cc rest of tutors) for feedback. License group: Could you ask Aymeric as well for feedback on the license?
you receive your feedback on monday, and/or latest tuesday morning in class

Week 10


Monday 23 November

ONLINE Prototyping with Michael pad jitsi

  • work further w michael
  • finish online version of the grid/collective page?
  • focus on print - html to A3 print

at end of day: update all your work again in the overview pad

Tuesday 24 November

IRL Special Issue with Nienke (11:00 - 13:00), Lidia (from 14:00), Manetta (from 11:00)

Pad of the day*:

* With: regex, pdfposter (A0 > A3's), multiple stylesheets (all/screen/print), color separation tools (Ghostscript/p5.riso.js)
  • Aymeric 11.30 - 12:00 w license group
  • Nienke 12.00 - 12.30 w launch group

today you have time to be working on printing first tests
we are around for questions, help, feedback
getting everything out on print, see how it works physically

  • making (in print) the collective parts of the A0
    • w. Manetta & Nienke 11-00-13:00
  • have all material needed for the A0 gathered for testrun (doesn't need to be the final final material)

all day for both collective and individual print work:

  • Manetta/Lidia: print help desk
  • Nienke/Lidia: editorial guidance help desk

at end of day: update all your work again in the overview pad

Wednesday 25 November

work further, keep sharing, checking-in and communicating

  • implement the feedback + input of the past two days
  • finish versions 2 of all texts for A0 > for copy editing
  • send links to steve, so that he can have a look before session on 26th
  • put plan launch into motion, organise, invite, pr..

at end of day: update all your work again in the overview pad

Thursday 26 November

work further, keep sharing, checking-in and communicating

nienke/lidia will give last rounds of feedback on your A3's send the version you have at that time to them before 17:00!

  • copy editing process w steve, focus on facing the public:
    • steve 11-13: team writers/copy editors: contextual text - Kendal, Louisa, Jacopo, Clara (poni i didn't put you here since you are already in license group)
    • steve 14-16: team license - nami, poni, euna
  • bring your almost final versions of these texts!
  • finish A0 design (after implementing all notes from testing, test again if needed)
  • have little update collectively among yourselves
  • everything needs to FINISHED by tomorrow make list of last things to do, divide tasks

at end of day: update all your work again in the overview pad

Friday 27 November

  • work further, keep sharing and communicating
  • have everything ready for production run print: deadline A3's (send to print-team + Nienke & Lidia)
  • have online issue almost ready up to last round of edits/coding/details on monday

* have PR and invitations out for launch

Week 11

A diagramic way to go through the steps of updating the issue minisite.


Monday 30 November

ONLINE Prototyping with Manetta (10:00 - 18:00)

Today we will pick up anything that needs attention!

A start of listing questions for today: (at the bottom)

Pad of today:

Tuesday 1 December

IRL Special Issue with Nienke + Lidia (14:00)

  • focus on collective materials
  • trouble shooting all last things that need done
    • nienke + lidia 14-.., around for guidance, help: focus on the digital publication
  • Riso Printing @ WdKA 9:30 - 14:15
  • careful look at all last versions or online/print
  • N/L work w launch team of finalizing launch organisation, dramaturgy of event, e.g.

Wednesday 2 December

ONLINE Prototyping with Michael

  • Riso Printing @ WdKA 9:30 - 14:15
  • production run print material
  • finalise online issue

do you need someone from the tutors to be there on printing day? pls let us know.
also ask us for online feedback/help/input if needed. just say so.

Thursday 3 December

  • finalise online issue
  • Send A0 to print (MORNING)

do you need someone from the tutors to be there on printing day? pls let us know.
also ask us for online feedback/help/input if needed

Friday 4 December

  • Riso Printing collective materials @ PRINTROOM 12.30
  • Gluebinding all A3 material @ WdKA

everything done !!
share w us all <party>

Week 12

Monday 7 December

  • prep launch
  • Building packages

Tuesday 8 December

IRL Special Issue Launch / Wrap up, with all of us

With: Nienke (morning), Lídia (afternoon), Manetta (all day), Aymeric (all day TBC)

Present the publication to the audience / world in your chosen way

Morning: launch! with XPUB1 + XPUB2 + tutors

Afternoon: documentation?

7-11 December .. < beyond?

launch activities the rest of the week?

Pages in category "WordsfortheFuture"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.

Media in category "WordsfortheFuture"

The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total.