User:Mxrwho/Random Associations of Structured Structurelessness
Random Associations of Structured Structurelessness
I worked on the text from Wednesday's 11/10 pad and used the commands grep
( grep -E "==Archive==|==Interviews==|Memory" 1.txt > 1a.txt )
and awk
( awk 'BEGIN {srand()} NR % 10 < 3 {print "Archive: " $0} NR % 10 >= 3 && NR % 10 < 6 {print "Interviews: " $0} NR % 10 >= 6 {print "Memory: " $0}' 1a.txt > 1b.txt )
to cut and rearrange the text and add the words "archive", "memory" and "interviews".
I used the awk and shuf command further to break and rearrange the sentences
( awk -F ' is ' '{print $2 " " $1}' 1.txt | shuf),
turned the text into html and edited it in sublime to give it a form and add some bold lettering ("the worm protocol active archive" was an accident in a way [my intention was to have these words in bold inside the text, but I apparently didn't code it as I should] but I like accidents too) and did some manual editing (replaced most links with [link] to keep the online feel but also create a sense of absence. Overall I like the associations created within the text that run a bit freely.
A visual element was added by Thijs, the file was converted to .pdf with weasyprint, I asked Senka and Alessia about their opinion regarding ways to fold, and adopted Senka's idea. I also decided to use the box I made in the wood workshop as a container for the folded 'recipes'.