Focus on digital performances...
Artists are the first conservators of their work
The creation process produces a lot of digital documents
→ plenty of docs, impossible to analyse the creation process of one work
a small big data problem – we produce more and more documents and forget to delete others (that's the work of the archivist, to chose what to forget)
All stage management controls are documents
technology cycle = 4 years = time to set up a performance (from first ideas to premiere)
It becomes increasingly difficult to include a work to a repertoire.
Artistic intension have to be preserved alongside technical documentation
Rekall → open source project initiated in 2007, aimed at preserving. The documentation has to be established alongside the making of the work.
- helping artists to document their works so that they can restage them
- helping researchers
Strategies of documentation
- notation (score)
- annotation (comments)
- denotation – distant reading (stepping away from content of the document)
How to combine close and distant reading?
A single approach is not possible.
Notation → rekall
Annotation → memorekall
Denotation → rekall
Work with artists throughout development of the software.
rekall brings together text images, sound, video, software etc (in the same workplace)
it associates all metadata
The idea is to retrace a project from beginning to the end.