User:Inge Hoonte/notes

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki
  • Re is the Egyptian word for mouth
  • re (in email) means 'in reference to'
  • re is from the Latin root for again, or in English, to reappear
  • there are more than 4000 words that start with re. below are the ones I wrote down before looking it up online.

original first copy 2nd copy optional copy
create re-create re-re-create re-miss
enact re-enact re-re-enact re-dream
stage re-stage re-re-stage re-eat
set re-set re-re-set re-be
boot re-boot etc re-drink
play re-play re-shrink
???? re-peat re-memorize
collect re-collect re-become
produce re-produce re-witness
animate re-animate re-readymade
construct re-construct re-own
store re-store re-masturbate
do re-do
???? re-novate
trace re-trace
act re-act
pose?? re-spond super responsible, active, engaged citoyen
mediate re-mediate
run re-run
tell re-tell
familiarize re-familiarize
receive??? re-turn
map re-map
think re-think
????? re-sume
contextualize re-contextualize
present re-present
imagine re-imagine
move re-move
locate re-locate
view re-view
place re-place
record re-record
appropriate re-appropriate
declare re-declare
label re-label
appear re-appear
learn re-learn
???? re-veal
visit re-visit re-re-visit re-visitor
re-curring costumer
someone who sees same movie twice
connect re-connect
mix re-mix
sample re-sample
pause two minutes silence
articulate re-articulate be super clear
position re-position
possess re-possess really getting something back
??? re-alize
?? re-mote
?? re-spect
severe abuse
5th dimension
father son holy ghost where does this leave mary?
?? re-sist
size re-size make the exact right shape
discuss re-discuss to converse until eternity
migrate re-migrate to move a lot
be a nomad
simulate re-simulate
cite re-cite