User:Inge Hoonte/Blogging

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Blog = web log.

2001? - Author offended bloggers by an introduction to this own blog, written by his editors. He got a few angry responses. When he removed the intro, he still got angry responses, as bloggers were upset the link they had in their blog no longer existed.

Blogging as instantaneous extreme sport reporting. Contest. Dynamic design. Instant updates. Mix of personal everyday experiences, reblogging. Lull in between dot com crash, waves of commercialization in digital media. Lowering barriers to cultural participation. Broad circulation, diff critiques. But will bloggers really be heard? "the evolution of most media has been shaped through the interactions between the distributed power of grassroots participatory media and the concentrated power of corporate/governmental media." Era of diminished expectations, dwindling corporate investment > bloggers' chance to redefine public perception.