Until the impossible can be proven impossible, is it?

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

“I believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” - Vladimir Putin

The electronic sounds of a harp coming from my phones speaker snap me out of a wild dream. I sit up, confused, trying to put together the fading puzzle pieces of the movie my brain just produced. Damn it can’t remember, again. Probably something about an apocalyptic escape in which I save millions, fly over a tsunami wave, barely surviving.

I snooze my alarm, turn around and try to fall into my mental film again for another 10 minutes.

“Nice dream?” a squeaky voice asks from the other side of my bed. I turn around abruptly, trying to figure out if I am indeed still dreaming, as I stare at the small dragon laying next to me.

“What…?” I stutter.

“How about a good morning sunshine? You humans, always with your whats and whys…” says the dragon, seemingly upset by my confusion.

“I mean… Is this a dream?”

“Ouf. Big question to start the day with don’t you think? My personal guess; likely!”

I close my eyes, pinch myself and breathe deeply.

"Hmm, yeah better. I was always a big supporter of breath work in the morning. Breaaathe deeply, connect to your body and the surface underneath you…” The tiny dragon continues in the exaggerated calm tone my yoga teacher always drives me mad with.

“Dragons don’t exist, this is impossible…” I repeat this newly created mantra, a few times, eyes still closed, still breathing deeply.

“Black implies white, life implies death, possible implies impossible wouldn't you agree. Ouh, I love a good analysis on reality in the morning. Yes and no, 1’s and 0’s, right or wrong. Even science proves itself wrong almost every day.”

“I guess… I'm really going crazy now.” I mumble, slowly getting the courage together to open my eyes slowly.

“Your mad, bonkers, completely off your head. But to tell you a secret. All the best people are.” The dragon quotes Lewis Caroll, pointing his tiny finger at the copy of Alice in Wonderland laying on my bedside table.
