Calendars:Networked Media Calendar/Networked Media Calendar/13-12-2022 -Event 1

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

LB2: trim4 assessment, day-2 Simon Pummell [chair], David Haines, Sabine Groenewegen, Natasha Soobramanien, Barend Onneweer, Ine Lamers, Cihad Caner and Rossella Nisio with Kate Briggs as external examiner, in the large project space

Links to Project proposals:
  • 09:00 - 09:20: assessors meet and greet
  • 09:30 - 10:20: Melek
  • 10:30 - 11:20: Pelle
  • 11:30 - 12:20: Veere
  • 12:30 - 13:20: Aitan
  • 13:30 - 14:30: BREAK
  • 14:30 - 15:20: Luca
  • 15:30 - 16:20: Shannon - online
  • 16:30 - 17:20: Maruša
  • 20 minutes: give a presentation
  • 10 minutes: the panel can ask questions regarding what you presented
  • 10 Minutes: we ask you to leave, so the panel can discuss your research and representation, when we're done we will call you back in
  • 5-10 minutes: discussion & feedback on your project proposal

5.2.2 Integrated Formative Assessment: Proposal Phase (Trimester 4)

The second integrated assessment is in the fourth trimester, and evolves around the graduation project proposal. Passing this integrated formative assessment allows the ECTS for third and fourth terms to be awarded.

In the proposal you analyse the questions and methods running through the work you have realized so far, formulate an artistic question and approach for further research, and establish a critical framework relevant to your practice. The graduation project proposal marks the transition from the first to the second stage of the study programme, and should thus give evidence of your ability to use what you have learned in the first stage to inform and steer a self-directed artistic research project.

The assessment criteria for the Graduation Project proposal are:

  • The ability to select appropriate topics for advanced research.
  • The ability to develop and undertake a suitable strategy for research.
  • The ability to critically reflect upon, analyse and evaluate work already undertaken and to use the knowledge gained to (re)define the aims and direction of future practice.
  • The ability to describe and motivate objectives, topics and methods in a written proposal.

The assessment panel also takes into account whether the proposed project is realistic in scale and ambition, considering the limited time frame for the graduation project. This integrated assessment is called Proposal Phase and is supported through the Graduate Research Seminar.

Prior to the assessment process you must archive documentation and elements of the work and research you wish to submit for examination. We will not pass people who have not delivered appropriate documentation of their work on time. See Archive Protocol for archiving instructions.

    Please have uploaded everything to the student archive by Thursday 8 at 23:59 

OneDrive Link - GRS - Thesis Outline

One Drive Link - SDR - Project Proposal