XPPL Documentation

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki


XPPL is a space for potential pirate librarianship aimed at people who are studying the field of media culture, or as we like to call them: knowledge comrades. This library gathers all the books and articles floating around on PZI shelves and our hard drives and memory sticks, so that they can be shared. As a web interface, it hosts a curated catalogue of books and articles, and instances for uploading and downloading. It starts at XPUB, but can go anywhere we want it to.

See the XPPL project page for more on the concept & process.

Setting up an instance from image

What is in the image


Rqlite is a lightweight, distributed relational database built on SQLite. Git link



We use Syncthing to share and sync the /uploads and /cover folder among multiple nodes of the XPPL. The only node which does not have Syncthing running on both of these folders is the server, which is only showing the catalogue version of the site. The files tracked by Syncthing are not stored in the cloud and it allows for decentralized, read-write architecture (different from rsync which uses a master-slave relationship).

Install Syncthing on your pi / laptop from: https://syncthing.net/ Once done, you will have a config.xml file, which can be edited via terminal or through the web GUI interface. Because the pi can't access the browser GUI, you can change the config file to add the GUI port address from 127... to served on Apache web server. Then you can look at the pi's GUI remotely from your machine's browser. This way you can check the Syncthing device ID of your pi, which you will need to exchange with all the other nodes running the XPPL. Alternatively, you can add device keys via terminal in the config file.

Looking at the config file (or on the GUI), each folder/directory you want to sync is described here in separate elements. The following attributes may be set on a folder element:

id - The folder ID, must be unique. (mandatory) label The label of a folder is a human readable and descriptive local name. May be different on each device, empty, and/or identical to other folder labels. (optional)

path - The path to the directory where the folder is stored on this device; not sent to other devices. (mandatory)

type - Controls how the folder is handled by Syncthing. The default mode is readwrite - sending local and accepting remote changes. The folders we want Syncthing to track are the /uploads and /cover folder.

Once you exchange keys with the other nodes in the XPPL, you'll see these two folders appear. These folders will be synced at regular intervals. This means that any file uploads you make while on your instance of the XPPL, will be synced throughout all the nodes that are online (except the server).

More documentation on how Syncthing works here.

Tinc VPN

- Documentation

Import CSV


Setting up an instance from scratch

To be continued

The lib.xpub.nl setup

We're not doing that