User:Tisa/research log

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The structure of this research log is yet to be figured out. Rather than a taxonomization by date, tax. by reference is more suitable. Interconnections between texts have to be somehow established. This is the backend. The front end, I imagine, will be a web interface and the final written thesis (as a summary and a static articulation of the research process).

Ursula Franklin: The Real World of Technology

5 lectures from 1989 available here

Lecture #1

listened on: 24-9-20

  • "Technology has built a house where we all live" - knowing about its secret passages and doors.
  • "Technology changes social and individual relationships between us and forces us to look and redefine our notions of power an responsibility."
  • "Technology is a system. ... It involves organization, procedure, symbols, equations, and most importantly mindset!"
  • Technology > ways of doing something, as formalized practice. Dennis Balding says: There is tech for prayer, as well as for plowing, for controlling fear, as well as controlling flood.
  • (example of the magnifying glass) development that leads to the right of the practitioners to exclusive practice practice of technology > professions are born. exclusifying the right to the tools, technology.
  • practice defines content. technology of prayer. "laying down the practice precisely", otherwise the practice cannot be considered as prayer (even if felt).
  • 2 ways of distinguishing:
    • work-related technology. making work easier.
    • control-related technology. more control over an operation. (prevalent)
  • 2 forms of technological development (technology as practice) > they have very different specializations and divisions of labor, consequently: social and political implications. Interested not in what is being done, but HOW it is being done.
  • "Understanding the real meaning - the social and political meaning of the division of labor and prescriptive tech is the most important step to understanding the real world of technology."
    • holistic technologies (craft, artisan controlling own process of work, real-time decisions while working, experience applied to unique situations, one-of-a-kind products. pottery for everyday use, pottery for religious rites = specialization by product = holistic tech, the doer is in the total control of the process)
    • prescriptive technologies = specialization by process. the making/doing is broken down in identifiable steps done by separate workers. division of labor (industrial revolution, large scale ... also ancient Romans and Chinese - casting bronze(example)).
      • The protocol. Discipline. Rules. Planning. Organization. Institution. Control. Command. You need the boss and people who obey the boss. = prescriptive tech = social innovation. Designs for compliance and discipline. Order and obedience.

People become aculturated to them. External control and internal compliance is considered as normal and necessary. It is the seed bed for orthodoxy. Formative influence on philosophy, political thought and government (China). Aculturation of population through prescriptive technologies. Beyond production of material things.

  • Filling in an income tax form is an example of normalization of prescriptive tech. > Designs for compliance. on them rests the real world of tech that we live.
  • We live in a culture of compliance, we are conditioned to accept orthodoxy as normal, there is only one way of doing it. Holistic tech supplemented by prescriptive.
  • Think about the degree to which we are living under prescription. Smart building Adam & Eve - never see an apple. Prescriptive tech eliminate choice and eliminate the principle of choice. Social design for compliance. Eliminates any situation in which we can make principle decision.

non-stated, underlying models:

  • growth model (giants are stupid, small humans are smart. one can promote growth, not control it. study, observe, cherish, try to provide conditions for growth. something is left to chance. context is essential.
  • production model (dimensions are manipulated, production can be arranged in a way growth cannot. all essential parameters are externally controlled. input and output. producing the desired outcome. independent from context, variables are controlled. externalities, others people problem. context as irrelevant.
  • We look at education as if it was production model, whereas learning is growing.
  • We have no demography of machines! Increasing car population. The numbers could be generated, but there is no political will. No public discussion about birth control for cars. Why no discussion about that?
  • Technology has to fit the values, not the values to technology. If we want to have a different technology, we need to have different values, concepts of justice. First come the values, and then the practice on how to impose them. (question about Chinas open door policy for incoming technology).

Lecture #2

Donna Haraway

Cyborg manifesto


"relation between Organism and machine has been a border war" pg. 2

"boundary between human and animal is breached" pg. 4

ghost machine, inner power + link to Dolar, thinking machines pg. 4

Breaking down binaries/boundaries, intersections:

  • animal "vs" human
  • organism "vs" machine
  • physical "vs" non-physical
  • fractured identities, breaking down labels

From Cyborgs to Companion Species

lecture here

listened on: 24-9-20

  • kin and kind
  • kinship
  • companion species - dogs and cyborgs
  • species / companion - linguistic breakdown

Alternative to the various versions of post-humanism ... Coming to terms with multiple decenterings/wounds to narcissism that the ontological human had to suffer:

  • Copernican wound = decentering earth (the narcissist) from the centre of the universe
  • Darwinian wound = decentering of humanity from all organic life
  • Freudian wound = decentering of consciousness - active agencies, active beings
  • the synthetic wound = decentering the natural from the artificial

companion specisism - accomodates the four wounds to the ontological of the human. (machinic+organic+humanic)

run fast, bite hard

shut up and train

"there must be some molecular record of our touch in our codes of living that will leave traces in the world"


Mazuir Rafal: The dao of improvisation


  • (mentions Henri Bergson "bergsonian intuition/intuitive cognition" & Stockhausen "intuitive music" and Cardew "free improvisation")

"You cannot see improvised music through 'what' to play, but rather through 'how' to play."

"... free and intuitive improvisation is a kind of action strategy and as many artists presumed over the centuries, is in fact an exceptionally effective strategy, allowing extraordinary creative actions, results of which can exceed our expectations (or even go far beyond our ability to understand)."

"... it should be considered a way of action, and a way of action that is not related to any specific stylistic (this particular feature was called 'non-idiomatic' by Derek Bailey)."

"... The changes, related to the processual thinking of the world and to the belief in non – existence of static objects together with the belief in constant movement in the subatomic world. Acceptance (or, at least, not radical rejection) of Bergson’s thesis on the change being the basis of reality and exploring the experiences of culture, for which Yiqing -The Book of changes- is an essential writing, seems just natural in the attempt to formulate a philosophical strategy of free improvisation."

  • state of the "transparent mind"
  • weiwuwei action without action

..."When one's wisdom does not think of the right or the wrong (of a question under discussion), that shows the suitability of the mind (for the question)."