User:Tisa/research log

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21-9-20 Cyborg manifesto (connects to Dolar, thinking machines)

"relation between Organism and machine has been a border war" 7%

"boundary between human and animal is breached" 11%

ghost machine, inner power + link to dolar 11%

22-9-20 Mazuir Rafal: The dao of improvisation

(mentions Henri Bergson "bergsonian intuition/intuitive cognition" & Stockhausen "intuitive music" and Cardew "free improvisation") "You cannot see improvised music through 'what' to play, but ratherthrough 'how' to play." "... free and intuitive improvisation is a kind of action strategy and as manyartists presumed over the centuries, is in fact an exceptionally effective strategy, allowingextraordinary creative actions, results of which can exceed our expectations (or even go farbeyond our ability to understand)." "... it should be considered a way of action, and a way ofaction that is not related to any specific stylistic (this particular feature was called 'non-idiomatic' by Derek Bailey)." "... The changes, related to the processual thinking of the world and to the belief in non – existence ofstatic objects together with the belief in constant movement in the subatomic world.Acceptance (or, at least, not radical rejection) of Bergson’s thesis on the change being thebasis of reality and exploring the experiences of culture, for which Yiqing -The Book ofchanges- is an essential writing, seems just natural in the attempt to formulate a philosophicalstrategy of free improvisation." state of the "transparent mind". weiwuwei action without action ..."When one's wisdom does not think of the right or the wrong (of a question underdiscussion), that shows the suitability of the mind (for the question)."
