
From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

"Everything proceeds as if space had been trapped by time, as if there were no history other than the last forty-eight hours of news, as if each individual history were drawing its motives, its words and images, from the inexhaustible stock of an unending history in the present."
Marc Auge, Non-lieux: introduction à une anthropologie de la surmodernité

Classical simulation in progress, Het Nieuwe Instituut, 2020

Digital Welcome Mat

☁️ My obsessions include (but are not limited to)_ Inbetween states, the dissemination of interior space, repurposing and hacking traditional practices, subversive design and simulation as a tool. ☁️

Bonus fact_ Greek architecture, ceramics & sculpture are my antidote to life in general. 🏛🏺

[Currently reading]__
Copy this Book by Eric Schrijver & Digital Poetics by Loss Pequeño Glazier

_find me

Year 1


Session #1

→ Generating randomised textual poems from a set of variable words/phrases

Session #2

Session #3

→ ASCII time, converting images into ascii via python.

from PIL import Image
from urllib.request import urlopen

f = (urlopen("PUT URL HERE"))
g = f.convert("1") #for b&w ("bw.png") #to save a new copy 

import aalib
screen = aalib.AsciiScreen(width=80, height=40) #size of the canvas
h = f.resize(screen.virtual_size).convert('L',dither=Image.NONE)
screen.put_image((0, 0), h)
print (screen.render())

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Special Issue #13

Words for the Future

Words/publications to edit: ?!, Undecidability, Resurgence, Liquid
with Nami, Clara, Louisa

→ ?! PDF PAD

→ Undecidability PDF PAD

→ Resurgence PDF PAD

→ Liquid PDF PAD
