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The History of Taiwanese Indigenous Literature
Setter Colonialism

Sinophone Taiwanese Indigenous Literature

Wps doc 23424.png

定居者殖民 Tsai, Lin-chin (2019), Re-conceptualizing Taiwan: Settler Colonial Criticism and Cultural Production




1624 荷蘭殖民者

1626 西班牙短暫佔領

1661 鄭成功,第一個漢人政權

1683 清帝國

1894 日本殖民

1945 國民黨

1949 戒嚴 (228 本省人/外省人)---》to impose a unified Han Chinese national and cultural identity upon every single person on the island

The Rise of Local Awareness

1970s 國民黨的政治和文化霸權遭到挑戰

· 鄉土文學運動 - mid 60s - 70s

· 文學開始與台灣的土地和人民有了更親近的關係

· 寫實主義的文學表現

· 作為一種反話語(counter- discourse)對於國民黨領導的反共文學和懷鄉文學

· 美麗島事件 1979

§ 民進黨成立 1986

Arise of Taiwan Conciousness

The rising of “Taiwanese consciousness” (in contrast to the “Chinese consciousness” that the Nationalist government imposed), as well as a variety of social movements during the 1980s, urged the Nationalist government to lift the Martial Law in 1987, putting an end to the thirty-eight year-long martial law era.

Various debates on post-colonial theory in Taiwan

Is Taiwan a post-colonial country?
  1. 邱貴芬:是 Taiwan as a postcolonial society by stressing Taiwan’s translingual and cross-cultural condition attributed to its history of multiple colonialisms.
  2. Liao chao yang:No, although Taiwan can be considered a multicultural and multilingual society, the national language (Mandarin Chinese) is still the dominant language promoted by the Nationalist ideological policy after 1945. Therefore, the hybrid and multilingual characteristics of Taiwan, Liao argued, do not constitute a basis for Taiwan’s postcoloniality.

In short, post-colonial theory is significant and problematic for Taiwan.

  • 語言問題 國民黨戒嚴時期 除了漢語之外的語言都不能講
  • 文學問題 台灣文學被邊緣化
  • 有學者認為國民黨是再殖民 in 1947
  • 「遲來的後殖民」
  • 殖民有二元對立和過於簡化的問題,需要一個三元模型
  • 打破漢族中心主義的歷史編纂
  • 對於原住民來說,後殖民從未開始
  • 殖民對於原住民來說並不是過去式,而是現在式
  • 我們需要一種新的超越後殖民理論的框架來研究這種殖民形式,那就是定居者殖民

setter colonialism

a person who arrives, especially from another country, in a new place in order to live there and use the land

a person who moves with a group of others to live in a new country or area.

How did settler colonization differ from traditional colonization?


定居殖民 - land and live

    傳統殖民- 經濟發展和勞動力剝削


linear narrative” 定居者到來,佔領土地,宣稱自身合法性,改造當地的司法體制,一去不返,不走了

circular form  傳統殖民者,來發,入侵,與被殖民他者互動,最後回到宗主國

Settlers need to legitimize their colonial rule through narratives
  • 將原住民看作是遊牧的或漫遊的,這樣就可以只把他們看作較早到來的移民
  • 切斷原住民與土地的本體論連結
  • 強調自身的土著性


定居殖民,不需要他者,細菌模型,瘋狂佔領和擴張:by assimilating them, by killing them off, or more often by preventing them from accessing traditional resources and reproduce.

Settlers and Immigrants

settler colonial invasion is a “structure” not an “event.



it is extremely problematic to claim the postcolonial for the indigenous peoples of Taiwan, when Han mainstream settler society remains reluctant and unwilling to recognize the existence of the indigenous population, or to acknowledge the continuous domination and dispossession of the indigenous peoples by the Han settler state.

論文章節 overview







