2009 202

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

For this week


Reading for today's meeting is Ted Nelson's "Way out of the box".

You may wish to read this text aloud, soapbox optional. For added ambience, consider printing and then burning pictures of Tim Berners-Lee, Marc Andreessen, and Steve Jobs.

Technical Plan

The idea is to write your technical plan using only the tags possible in 1993-era HTML, as described here. Some tags, you may discover, have changed or have been deprecated (which means that they may still be supported by some browsers, but have been officially removed from formal recommendations for use, and thus discouraged). The key tags, which are still valid to use, are:

  • <title>
  • Anchors (or Links), <a>
  • Headings: <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, ...
  • Definition Lists: <dl>, <dd>, <dt>
  • Bullet Lists: <ul>, <li>

Note that the capitalization of tags doesn't matter (<p> or <P> are the same).

In addition, feel free to use <img> tags to include (inline) images of projects you may refer to. And make sure to LINK (with the <a> tag) any projects or other subjects you reference (e.g. if you refer to a project, make the name of the project a link to the project's main page).

Personal Achievements Checklist

The following are skills you should be able to demonstrate after today's class:

  • Have installed and be able to use a Code/Text Editor that performs Syntax Coloring on HTML.
  • Understand the terms: URL, HTTP, HTML, tag, and attribute.
  • Be able to "hand code" simple pages using "1993 era" HTML tags.
  • Be able to move files from your computer to your Piet Zwart web space (or other public web space) using (S)FTP.
  • Locate and/or install an Apache web server on your computer for "localhost" use.
  • Enable a "personal" space on your localhost server (USERDIR).