
From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki


Charles-Petzold Chapt-11 wiring-relays AND-OR-NAND-NOR.png
from: Charles Petzold's book 'Code', Chapter 11: Wiring Relays - AND OR NAND NOR


* static HTML webpage; filesystem interface for research related material (+ about the workflow)
* collective archive ?
* historical context (of information-processing-systems/communication-systems/code-systems/...?) (list?)
* little glossary


#0.1: heteromation

(on division of labour between humans & machines)
→ as publication next to the H.I.T. performance @ V2_ (Feb. 12th, 2016)

#0.2: algorithmic agreeability

on the systems of information creation in the field of text mining
hypothesis: The results of data-mining software are not mined, results are created. 

currently working on

* terminology: data 'mining'
* Knowledge Discovery in Data (KDD) in the wild, problem formulations
* KDD, applications
* KDD, workflow
* text-processing: simplification
* list of data mining parties

#0.2 - NLP elements

(concequenses of?) naturalization of algortihmic & mining results

→ (too) easily regarded as objective 'truth' makers

* automatic reading machines; from encoding-decoding to constructed-truths (video/slideshow?)
* Antoinette Rouvroy; All Watched Over by Algorithms, Transmediale 2015 (transcription)
* •laughter•, it's embarrassing but these are the words
* EUR PhD presentation 'Sentiment Analysis of Text Guided by Semantics and Structure' (13-11-2015)
* what about text-mining? (readinglist sorted on points of 'algorithm' critique)

'knowledge bases'

→ taxonomies & vocabularies; linked data
→ aim for universal 'ontology' to represent the 'real'

* WordNet case-studies
* index of Roget's thesaurus (1805)


→ 'heteromation': division of labor between humans and computer systems (more here)
→ aim for a syntactical perspective on computer processes or results
→ ways of relating to computers systems

* call for a syntactic view; Florian Cramer & Benjamin Bratton (text)
* anthropomorphic qualities of a computer (?)
* the photographic apparatus → the data apparatus (voice-over?)
* Computer Power and Human Reason, Joseph Weizenbaum (1976) (annotations)

object-predicate relation

* Matthew Fuller on 'the red haired man' (poem)

semantic math

* semantic averaging polarity rates in Pattern
* counting tokens for Friendly Flickr Tags


design of information processes

* html recipes
* WN nested structure proto? (catalog? (similar to i-will-tell-you-everything))
* information processes design proto's?

publishing references

* publication examples (current and former) (list)
* publishing frameworks (list)


how to understand pattern recognition → in the wild → Algopop by Matthew Plummer-Fernandez 
this language poem is a practise of using language,
in stead of reffering to the real world 
— Matthew Fuller, about 'the red-haired man' (Mons, Okt. 2015)
'information processing machines' vs. 'computer operating systems', Neal Stephenson
*design*: from 'designing information' to 'designing information processes'



project (recent)

'i-will-tell-you-everything', a catalog + booklet + voice-over for the exhibition *Encyclopedia of Media Objects*

project (ongoing)

* looking closer into WordNet
* Metaphors of the Internet (with Julie)
* #!PATTERN+ (with Femke, & other Relearn'ers)
* the Friendly Flickr Bot (with Max Dovey) → H.I.T. classification challenge @ V2_ (Feb. 12, 2016)