User:ThomasW/MyHard-DriveDied Grad16 Project
Graduation Project Page...
Really Speculative Project List
* 1. My Hard-Drive Died Along With My Hearth #help (Hard Cover) Book that contains the tweets from “My Hard-Drive Died” and interview with some of the people. Topic: Peoples trust in storage technology – hard-drives
* 2.Not If, But When (Soft Cover-Web)' A copy of the thesis as a soft cover book + will exist as website disrupted on different web-serves and services around the world. Topic:
* 3. Untitled (A1 Poster) Printed Poster with a collection of past and present storage technologies Topic: Visualize past and present storage technologies
* 4. “BBC Doomsdays” (unknown format) Story and case study about the BBC Doomsday project.
* 5.Electronic Archive (USB KEY) Usb key with the digital files of the project as txt files/ plein text + other relevant information Topic: Acts as a digital archive of the project but also is speculative part of the project on how long the data will still be in the usb key or if in the future the key will be used for something else. Also acts as off-line archive of digital files.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.