User:Emily/NOTES 03
fiction vs non-fiction
- docudrama: "usually a fictional and dramatized recreation of factual events in form of documentary, at a time subsequent to the "real" events it portrays."
- docufiction:cinematographic combination of documentary and fiction. It attempts to capture reality such as it is as direct cinema and which simultaneously introduce unreal elements or fictional situations.
- mockumentary(mock documentary):"fictitious events are presented in documentary format. Portraying events at an ulterior time and using fictional narrative."
- ethnofiction: ethnographic documentary film with natives who play fiction roles. Making them play a role about themselves will help portray reality, which will be reinforce with imagery."
Visual Literacy
- the concept of visual literacy
- Martin Scorsese "there are certain tools you use, and those tools become part of a vocabulary that's just as valid as that vocabulary that is used in literature and our language" --> "how ideas and emotions are expressed through a visual form" --> "to make an emotional and psychological point to an audience" --> "story can be rain hitting on a tree, leaves"
- Link to conservation of time based media