Using motion
Revision as of 13:27, 25 November 2013 by Michael Murtaugh (talk | contribs)
apt-get install motion
Command line opts
-c Full path and filename of config file. E.g. /home/kurt/motion.conf. Default is /usr/local/etc unless specified differently when building Motion. Many RPMs and debian packages will most likely use /etc or /etc/motion as default. -h Show help screen.
Config settings
on_event_end string Values: Max 4095 characters / Default: Not defined Command to be executed when an event ends after a period of no motion. The period of no motion is defined by option gap. You can use Conversion Specifiers and spaces as part of the command.
on_event_start string Values: Max 4095 characters / Default: Not defined Command to be executed when an event starts. An event starts at first motion detected after a period of no motion defined by gap. You can use ConversionSpecifiers and spaces as part of the com‐ mand.
on_motion_detected string Values: Max 4095 characters / Default: Not defined Command to be executed when a motion frame is detected. You can use Conversion Specifiers and spa‐ ces as part of the command.
on_picture_save string Values: Max 4095 characters / Default: Not defined Command to be executed when an image is saved. You can use Conversion Specifiers and spaces as part of the command. Use %f for passing filename (with full path) to the command.
Output Options
output_motion boolean Values: on, off / Default: off Output pictures with only the moving object. This feature generates the special motion type movies where you only see the pixels that changes as a graytone image. If labelling is enabled you see the largest area in blue. Smartmask is shown in red.
output_normal discrete strings Values: on, off, first, best / Default: on Normal image is an image that is stored when motion is detected. It is the same image that was taken by the camera. I.e. not a motion image like defined by output_motion. Default is that normal images are stored.
target_dir string Values: Max 4095 characters / Default: Not defined = current working directory Target directory for picture and movie files.
Tuning & Timing
threshold integer Values: 1 - 2147483647 / Default: 1500 Threshold for declaring motion. The threshold is the number of changed pixels counted after noise filtering, masking, despeckle, and labelling.
gap integer Values: 0 - 2147483647 / Default: 60 Gap is the seconds of no motion detection that triggers the end of an event. An event is defined as a series of motion images taken within a short timeframe.
Camera & Image
quality integer Values: 1 - 100 / Default: 75 The quality for the jpeg images in percent.
videodevice string Values: Max 4095 characters / Default: /dev/video0 (FreeBSD: /dev/bktr0) The video device to be used for capturing. Default for Linux is /dev/video0. for FreeBSD the default is /dev/bktr0.
width integer Values: Device Dependent / Default: 352 The width in pixels of each frame. Valid range is camera dependent.
rotate discrete strings Values: 0, 90, 180, 270 / Default: 0 (not rotated) Rotate image the given number of degrees. The rotation affects all saved images as well as mpeg movies.
Program Control
control_localhost boolean Values: on, off / Default: on Limits the http (html) control to the localhost. This option must be placed in motion.conf and not in a thread config file.
control_port integer Values: 0 - 65535 / Default: 0 (disabled) Sets the port number for the http (html using browser) based remote control. This option must be placed in motion.conf and not in a thread config file.
daemon boolean Values: on, off / Default: off Start in daemon (background) mode and release terminal. This option must be placed in motion.conf and not in a thread config file.
quiet boolean Values: on, off / Default: off Be quiet, don't output beeps when detecting motion.
Image Parameters
Conversion Specifiers for Advanced Filename and Text Features The table below shows all the supported Conversion Specifiers you can use in the options text_left, text_right, snapshot_filename, jpeg_filename, ffmpeg_filename, timelapse_filename, on_event_start, on_event_end, on_picture_save, on_movie_start, on_movie_end, and on_motion_detected. In text_left and text_right you can additionally use '0 for new line.
%a The abbreviated weekday name according to the current locale.
%A The full weekday name according to the current locale.
%b The abbreviated month name according to the current locale.
%B The full month name according to the current locale.
%c The preferred date and time representation for the current locale.
%C Text defined by the text_event feature
%d The day of the month as a decimal number (range 01 to 31).
%D Number of pixels detected as Motion. If labelling is enabled the number is the number of pixels in the largest labelled motion area.
%E Modifier: use alternative format, see below.
%f File name - used in the on_picture_save, on_movie_start, on_movie_end, and sql_query features.
%F Equivalent to %Y-%m-%d (the ISO 8601 date format).
%H The hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock (range 00 to 23).
%i Width of the rectangle containing the motion pixels (the rectangle that is shown on the image when locate is on).
%I The hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock (range 01 to 12).
%j The day of the year as a decimal number (range 001 to 366).
%J Height of the rectangle containing the motion pixels (the rectangle that is shown on the image when locate is on).
%k The hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number (range 0 to 23); single digits are preceded by a blank. (See also %H.)
%K X coordinate in pixels of the center point of motion. Origin is upper left corner.
%l The hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number (range 1 to 12); single digits are preceded by a blank. (See also %I.)
%L Y coordinate in pixels of the center point of motion. Origin is upper left corner and number is positive moving downwards (I may change this soon).
%m The month as a decimal number (range 01 to 12).
%M The minute as a decimal number (range 00 to 59).
%n Filetype as used in the on_picture_save, on_movie_start, on_movie_end, and sql_query features.
%N Noise level.
%o Threshold. The number of detected pixels required to trigger motion. When threshold_tune is 'on' this can be used to show the current tuned value of threshold.
%p Either 'AM' or 'PM' according to the given time value, or the corresponding strings for the current locale. Noon is treated as `pm' and midnight as `am'.
%P Like %p but in lowercase: `am' or `pm' or a corresponding string for the current locale.
%q Picture frame number within current second. For jpeg filenames this should always be included in the filename if you save more then 1 picture per second to ensure unique filenames. It is not needed in filenames for mpegs.
%Q Number of detected labels found by the despeckle feature
%r The time in a.m. or p.m. notation.
%R The time in 24-hour notation (%H:%M).
%s The number of seconds since the Epoch, i.e., since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
%S The second as a decimal number (range 00 to 61).
%t Thread number (camera number)
%T The time in 24-hour notation (%H:%M:%S).
%u The day of the week as a decimal, range 1 to 7, Monday being 1. See also %w.
%U The week number of the current year as a decimal number, range 00 to 53, starting with the first Sunday as the first day of week 01. See also %V and %W.
%v Event number. An event is a series of motion detections happening with less than 'gap' seconds between them.
%V The ISO 8601:1988 week number of the current year as a decimal number, range 01 to 53, where week 1 is the first week that has at least 4 days in the current year, and with Monday as the first day of the week. See also %U and %W.
%w The day of the week as a decimal, range 0 to 6, Sunday being 0. See also %u.
%W The week number of the current year as a decimal number, range 00 to 53, starting with the first Monday as the first day of week 01.
%x The preferred date representation for the current locale without the time.
%X The preferred time representation for the current locale without the date.
%y The year as a decimal number without a century (range 00 to 99).
%Y The year as a decimal number including the century.
%z The time-zone as hour offset from GMT.
%Z The time zone or name or abbreviation.
Setting up an Apache Reverse Proxy to your motion webcam
Installing apache on a pi:
apt-get install apache2
<VirtualHost *:80> # ... all the normal stuff # ADD THESE TWO LINES... make sure the port numbers match motion's settings ProxyPass /w http://localhost:8000 ProxyPass /c http://localhost:8080 </VirtualHost>
To enable reverse proxies in Apache
a2enmod proxy proxy_http