Prototyping 21 May 2013
- Tree
- Walking a tree
- Recursive traversal
- Depth-first traversal
- Breadth-first traversal
Tree Traversal
File:Sorted binary tree preorder.svg500px
Walking the tree
ElementTree the fundamental unit is the Element
And Element has:
- .tag (a string representing the name of the tag, like "p" or "script")
- .attrib (a "dictionary" with name=value pairs of the tag attributes, like id="foo", or style="color: blue")
- .text (String of text contents of the node)
- .tail (if there's text after child tags, it'd be here)
In addition (and this is why it's a tree), each element can be iterated / treated like a list of all sub-elements.
- Iteration to access contained "child" elements
def walk (node):
print node.tag
for child in node:
Extracting the text of a node
(function exists?)
How to show the structure in a more tree way?
center... breadth first traversal!
Cherry picking
(collecting things while walking the tree)