
From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki
Revision as of 21:32, 16 March 2013 by Michaela (talk | contribs)

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________//|| The ||\\________

History of glitches & Theory and Aestetics --->
Current readings: The Glitch Moment(um) by ROSA MENKMAN Institute of Network cultures
Glitch Aestetics by Iman Moradi
gLITCH is the unexpected result of a malfunction
key words: destruction, distortion of a signal, error, corrupting digital code/data,"bug" Glitch art
+ pROJECTS & ArTISTS in the field:
HelloCatFood is glitch user, practitioner - projects worthy to mention "Interpretations of Reality" & "Glitch Webcam"
Rosa Menkman s theorist and researcher in glitch art.
Facebook artist Glitchr who is glitchering fb layout
Extra File is open source software encourage you to create own image file format
My first Glitch throught command line:

sed 's/H/l/g' [fileName.jpg]

works only with jpgs
Horse.glitch.jpg M m.jpg 100‎px 600‎px
