Revision as of 09:52, 20 February 2013 by Michael Murtaugh (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Philosophy of the commandline: Small tools that do one thing very well, loosely connected together to make custom "pipelines" or workflows to do specific (or surprising) thing...")
Philosophy of the commandline: Small tools that do one thing very well, loosely connected together to make custom "pipelines" or workflows to do specific (or surprising) things.
stdin and stdout
Every program receives "standard in", and sends its output to "standard out". By default, stdin is taken from the keyboard, and stdout will display something to the screen. These mappings can be adjusted however using redirection using the special pipeline characters '>', '<', and '|'.
Redirection: >
... > savetofilename.blah
Take stdout and "saves as..." a filename