Milkshake T2:
.Nan Wang, Trimester 2
Milkshake machine
About Transmediale 02/11
I participated some workshops; went to some lectures, conferences during Transmediale. After the whole festival, I couldn't say whether I like it or not. I received a lot of input information; some discussion also trigger me to start to think about certain network culture phenomenon. However, i still need to figure out whether those research and methodology fits my own direction. or after Transmediale whether i have a direction or not........... ;( Anyway the good thing is: i did recorded some interesting sound in Berlin. Although the original plan is record the sound of footstep walking in snow field. But there are no snow anymore. may be next year.............
1. Spam workshop 2. Anablog Stencil-Print Workshop 3. A-typo artistic book workshop
Talk, Screening, Performance:
1. Green rush 2. text file of desire 3. Video vortex 4. Long tern preservation of digital art 5. Media materials 6. Code narrative
The role of digital artist
The immediate media
Virtual and Actual
The process of self-conversion
Makino Takashi Analog film workshop 02/11
I appreciate the beauty of analog film. and really admired the aesthetic and quality of Makino Takashi's work. something simple but complex. 2D also 3D. I am thinking to use After effect scripting link this analog film generated noise pattern opacity data together with digital sound volume. O~~ did i mentioned that i just found out using Sublime write javascript in After effect? could be interesting. may be later try out kinet to generate digital image combined it together.
considering "in between" as a "position"
What is real is the becoming itself, the block of becoming, not the supposedly fixed terms through which that which becomes passes.
— Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus
tools and reading list
Video Vortex Reader I Responses to YouTube
Video Vortex Reader II Moving Images Beyond YouTube
Immersion into Noise----Joseph Nechvatal
Aesthetics of Visual Noise in Digital Literary Arts---Maria Engberg
Cracked Media, the sound of malfunction ---caleb kelly
Body in Pain ---Elaine Scarry
On Beauty and Being Just ---Elaine Scarry
Orgasmology --- Annamarie Jagose
Although I have been overwhelmed by all kind of fancy coding languages and software. finally I decided to narrowed down my options.(still a lot ....)
1. processing
2. openframeworks
3. arduino
4. cinema 4d
5. analog film
6. Ableton
Media Object: Noise
Whatever is fitted in any sort to excite the ideas of pain and danger, that is to say, whatever is in any sort terrible, or is conversant about terrible objects, or operates in a manner analogous to terror, is a source of the sublime; that is, it is productive of the strongest emotion which the mind is capable of feeling.
Edmund Burke, A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful
outline for noise and delusion:
1noise noology
my definition or understanding towards the idea "noise". Pasive way to received information.
Noise being consider as unwanted or polluted sound.“unpleasant”
but i saw :
Noise is often a potent and transcendent negating intensity unstable bend towards collapse
2where my fascination come from. ( why i chose it as the Media object)
3 about noise and void. psychological perspective.
4 visual aesthetic aesthetic of error effects of malfunction, such as bugs, crashes, system errors, hardware noise, skipping and audio distortion,
5 network data overload. about non-communication data
6 cultural noise
some random thoughts about noise, media and delusion..
Why media misdirected public attention.
"In the infancy of mass communications the Columbus and Magetllan of broadcast journalism, William Paley and David Sarnoff went down to Washington to cut a deal with Congress. Congress would allow the fledging networks free use of taxpayer-owned airwaves in exchange for one public service. That public service would be one hour of air time set aside every night for informational broadcasting, or what we now call the evening news. Congress unable to anticipate the enormous capacity television would have to deliver consumers to advertisers, failed to include in its deal the one requirement that would have changed our national discourse immeasurably for the better. Congress forgot to add that under no circumstances could there be paid advertising during informational broadcasting. And, now those network news casts anchored through history by honest- to -God newsmen with names like Murrow and Reasoner and Huntley and Brinkley and Buckley and Cronkite and Rather and Russert they have to compete with some cable anchors who's in the exactly same business as the producers of "Jersey Shore" And that business was good to them. "
_____________<news room>
"Well informed" is one of the most important factors to prevent pubic from being ignorance. In this digital age, there are always too much noise stand in between of facts. We are always saying that network creating some kind of delusion. It does not mean there no real information or facts online. It just drowned by those noises.( The most watched video or read news aways appears first at the searching engine). I start to think maybe we are actually part of the force to create this noise to prevent ourself from "well informed". Mass media have driven by rating, pubic interest and attention; because that's how media platform attract advertising investment. However, part of our human nature prefer to be a passive role hiding behind the screen watch or lessen to innuendo, speculation, hyperbole, and nonsense. Media itself functions to satisfying the most desired thing people want to watch. We even don't remember since when we are so obsessed with this flashing screen. When the most unacceptable or obscene scene showing on the screen, even though people disgusted by it however, most people still staring at it while judging it. We already unconsciously embraced the noise and the delusion we take part to create. Media twisted as a reflection of nowadays public perverted moral standers and mental status. They are creating and feeding each other.