Michael's notes:
Interest in the moment, where the person changes their way of acting
Mano: To be on stage: it's a state of mind,
Everything in you is just focussed on one thing.
Previous Interview work: intimacy with stylists (on youtube)
Feels inhibited by quantity of existing dance films (Billy Elliot, Black Swan, ...)
Maybe an idea to cut together moments from these films (as a means of research?)
Or simply BEGIN with a "test" shoot of your dancer subject (follow for a day, and make a rough edit / collect some material)
Think about "all the stages of Rotterdam" -- places where people perform
Does the stage still exist? (Example of the contemporary theater advertisement that "all our performances are in 3D" to speak to a "new" film audience)
My notes:
Short moment when the way of acting changes.
in behaviour and attitude
stage moment
the short feeling
performer vs. non-performer
ask questions. interview
don't fear just be filming
De Player
Edit Black Swan, Billy Elliot, Fame together. see what I find interesting
(Mano said:) watch Holy Motors
What is the contemporary stage
List stages
Manifesto of Growth
Pauline Boudry
Renate Lowrenz
Ellen de Bruin
Sheroes, fuckyeahsheroes.tumblr.com
Assignment for next time:
Do daily experiments. Quickly
within the domain/topic
try to refine my interests
doing it through practice
try to find a protocol