Talk:2009 206

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Revision as of 18:24, 3 March 2009 by Michael Murtaugh (talk | contribs) (New page: Future classes can best focus on CGI (as way of linking web and our "python base"). JQuery can best be used in secondary role for pushing browser-specific possibilities. What would be us...)
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Future classes can best focus on CGI (as way of linking web and our "python base").

JQuery can best be used in secondary role for pushing browser-specific possibilities.

What would be useful before this would be a thorough review / extended exercises for differences between lists and dictionaries -- people need to feel more comfortable with switching from a "one-off" to iteration on a list.

The Notion of PerformingScripts seems a good one for stressing earlier understanding of how a script is performed.

Developing an activity along the lines of the Human Adding Machine for, say, Function Calls, or -- in general -- a Python interpreter, would be very useful.

The Human:

  • Function call
  • Loop
    • Nested Loop!
  • String formatting operator
  • Complex expression evaluation (nested expressions, maybe with precedence)
  • Variable substitution