Talk:2009 206
Revision as of 18:24, 3 March 2009 by Michael Murtaugh (talk | contribs) (New page: Future classes can best focus on CGI (as way of linking web and our "python base"). JQuery can best be used in secondary role for pushing browser-specific possibilities. What would be us...)
Future classes can best focus on CGI (as way of linking web and our "python base").
JQuery can best be used in secondary role for pushing browser-specific possibilities.
What would be useful before this would be a thorough review / extended exercises for differences between lists and dictionaries -- people need to feel more comfortable with switching from a "one-off" to iteration on a list.
The Notion of PerformingScripts seems a good one for stressing earlier understanding of how a script is performed.
Developing an activity along the lines of the Human Adding Machine for, say, Function Calls, or -- in general -- a Python interpreter, would be very useful.
The Human:
- Function call
- Loop
- Nested Loop!
- String formatting operator
- Complex expression evaluation (nested expressions, maybe with precedence)
- Variable substitution