Travelling around the city of Rotterdam with my brother, who is in a wheelchair, has made me aware of the architectural, cultural and bureaucratic limits that define our movements. In this Thesis I will reflect upon, (de)construct and criticize Rotterdam. I will use my knowledge and experience in world building with 3D software. I will also reflect on Rotterdam in contrast to the utopian postcard realities that I experience in the city.
The text will be structured by the following themes, each of which represents one of the multiple obstacles to getting around.
Socially - Personal, Affordable, Family, Housing
Accessibly - Disability, Information provision, infrastructures
Bureaucratically - Protocols of local municipal / governments
Architecturally - Buildings, ways, pavements, roads, streets
Virtually - Imagery, impression, media, softwares, simulation, games
Culturally - budget cuts, false iconism, counterculture, grassroots, community, festivals/gigs/events
These issues become invisible. When people do not see them. they does not exist.
In this text [title please] I develop a "counter-mapping" [1] practice in relation to the issue of accessibility in Rotterdam. This will take the form of the transcription of a series of drawings which I made whilst writing [title]. [2]
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Anyway. Let's start with the show>>>>>>>>>>
- ↑ an infrastructure for counter-mapping / anti-campaigning by showing (human) complications?
- ↑ S:This is getting a bit off topic so I put it in a ref note.Remember an outline is all that is needed here; you do not have to justify every decision at the start, this can unfold slowly All these things are blend in with each other, however to narrow it down. These 3 blended topics will have the overhand: * Virtually - Architecturally / Innovation and Virtual Tools as development or demolition of reality
- Bureaucratically - Culturally / Zoning: friction between counter culture and bureaucracy, false iconism vs community
- Socially - Accessibly / (un)Familiar barriers, social thresholds and unmeant ignorance It is crucial to mention that I will not allow myself to fall in a pit of despair but to healthily reflect on the topics, not having an answer but reacting honestly within the complex matters and also to look at the alternatives.