Negotiate Collaboration (Wordhole)

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Revision as of 16:03, 1 November 2023 by Michel W (talk | contribs)

Negotiate Collaboration

There are 5 steps and practices that consistently work. The model presented here identifies the five stages of any negotiation in a simplified framework that helps you to analyze and absorb.

This model was built from diverse client experiences at organizations around the globe since 1993. It is circular because it depicts the fluid movement of all negotiations. Collaborative negotiations are an ongoing process, which build confidence, trust and strong relationships.

Negotiate Collaboration Practices in SI22

  • Discuss how to collaborate practices with others,

sharing the best/worst experiences, personal preference and feelings about it. Also the difficulties of doing collaborations in a large group.

  • How to distribute different tasks to people. Is it possible we could all focus on one project?
  • Small group collaboration practice in Radio Worm.

Learn how to do the team work and make an experimental radio show.

  • Zinecamp group distribution:

Zine/ Radio/ Presentation/ Marketing/ Retails team